Princess Celestia
12 -
Last visited
Alicorn Pony -
1129 -
Female -
Canterlot -
Princess of Equestria -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
Multi-colored and constantly flowing mane and tail, magenta eyes, white/white pink fur, tall and slim stature
I ruled Equestria with my sister, Luna and we brought peace and harmony to all ponies. This harmony was broken unfortunately when Luna started becoming resentful of me and how she was “in my shadow”.
Such aggression and anger eventually transformed her into Nightmare Moon and I had no choice but to banish my one and only sister to the Moon and rule Equestria by my lonesome.
1000 years later, however, my faithful student Twilight Sparkle was hot on the trail of Nightmare Moon’s return and she and her friends managed to defeat her and return her to her proper state: My long lost sister, Princess Luna.
From that point on, me and Luna vowed that we would be sisters forever and we would never look at each with anger or hatred ever again.
Key Moments
Becoming princess, defeating Discord, ruling Equestria with Luna, banishing Luna to the Moon, discovering my faithful student Twilight Sparkle. reuniting with Luna 1000 years later.
I am an all loving pony who cares for all of my subjects. Threatening said subjects or Luna or me is one way to get on my bad side however...
Luna, Cake, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, helping ponies. -
Nightmare Moon, Villains of Equestria, seeing ponies threatened. -
Magic Spells
Light spells, Levitation spells -
Controls sun, Knowledge and wisdom, super strong -
Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Discord?, Princess Cadence
Other Characters by this Player
Tempest Shadow
- Inactive
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