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Curry Pinch

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Posts posted by Curry Pinch

  1. First reaction was YES! Something useful I can do with all the excess paint that I haven't got any room on paper left for.


    ..then I looked at the price...how big are these things, exactly? 


    Amm it says ''9.5cm tall, 6cm in length, 3.75 cm wide''' or earth pony, so roughly like g4 brushies.


    Well, it's not too expensive for BJD. This tinie At lest for ponies you do not have to spend the same amount of cash for suitable wardrobe :D (I'f you don't want to)

  2. this gal on etsy has really show accurate PDF patterns for plushies, the best ones I have ever seen, but they are a bit pricey. If you already own a decent sewing machine and have access to a good fabric store that has a nice scrap bin, pattern +materials might come out under 30$ https://www.etsy.com/shop/valleyviolet


    dunno if it works, but my parents were always really supportive if I was trying to make something myself (still are) so if yours are even a bit alike, they might be more ok with you spending a bit more on materials if you present it as a crafts project, not ''I need zis ponee!!!''

  3. When I think about cosplay, half of the fun for me is the DIY part!

    Might not look all glossy finish at first, but heck, you will have fun and learn new stuff!


    Starting off with a full fursuit might be a bit ambitious, but there are heaps of other things you can do! I would love to help with ideas! Just name  how you imagine it!


    Other option!If you have a friend or relative handy with sewing machine, making a onesie is not that difficult (I'm planning a catbug onesie for my special somepony at some stage)


    Also, if you are brave enough, dyeing your real hair into RD's colors would grant you a lot of attention! http://haircrazy.com/ has a friendly forum with a lot of pegasisters who would be happy to help with planning and carrying out a dye job!

  4. Heh, I'm 23, in uni, about to start my thesis and I really want an MLP folder to keep my papers in, sadly can't get any with G4 chars at the moment (frickin Monster High and Angry Birds everywhere, but no ponies).


    But well, my hair is blue at the moment, one of my uni friends always has some Hello Kitty accesories with her and the other one wears a Cthulhu beanie on regular basis, I'm not a known giver of F-words regarding being adult!

  5. Have you ever wanted a poseable pony? Are articulated models offered by Hasbro a little, let's say honestly, lame?


    Heck, I sound like an advertiser, but what this guy on etsy is doing is downright awesome!


    He has combined two awesome things- ball jointed dolls :catface:  and ponies :wub:  and the result is..... Tadadadamm!


    BJP's or Ball Jointed Ponies









    You can even get an alicorn!




    Of course, later comes all the fun with painting, wigs, and creating your very own perfect OC, everything that ball jointed dolls are all about!


    click here, this guy deserves appriciation https://img0.etsystatic.com/003/0/5805685/il_570xN.470961292_3d56.jpg


    EDIT: the actual link to store https://www.etsy.com/shop/Silverbeam

    • Brohoof 3
  6. U\you know, I think the problems here arise of the ''Every sentient being is created equal and  therefore they all should be treated THE SAME''


    First statement is questionable, the second is plain lie.


    The first comes from our own experience. On Earth, the only flesh and blood sentient beings we have met in most cases are humans (I don't wanna start a flame about other sentient beings, it's a whole new topic) and humans all are relatively on the same level of sentience.

    However if we look at other well established fictional universes, for example Star Wars or Harry Potter universe, we see degrees of sentience existing.

    You can't expect the same from R2-D2 as you expect from Leia or from gnome the same as from Dumbledore


    My pony headcannon says that many other animal species are sentient to some level, but, let's say, they have simpler minds. Let's say, let cows be capable of speech, feelings and free will, but uncapable to master using tools and having somewhat poor intellectual skills. It's NOT a disability, cows are just made that way. Therefore they let ponies take care of them, and offer milk in exchange. Sheep are kinda the same, pigs, well they do not have much to offer but ponies are kind folk, sure they take care of them.


    Of course, as livestock have free will, there might be individuals who get upset in certain everyday situations, and this is not an allways perfect relationship, but generally that's how it works!

  7. I think its another guy on the internet, who doesn't understand who creating a thesis works.

    Couple of faulty exaamples:

    -Twilight can hardly be considered as a standard for unicorns

    -Gilda attacked Pinkie, because she was intruding on her and Dash, not because she couldn't stand an earth pony flying

    -There are several earthponies shown in governmental positions (Mayor Mare, Silverstar...)

    -Printing and typing machines exists, so no information monopoly for unicorns

    -electricity clearly exists (Cider Squeezer), so tere is an alternative to magic for industry

    Well, Super Speedy Cider Squeezy was run by Flims and Flams magic (In the deal they tried to make with the Apples, they clearly said ''And we will throw in magic to operate the machine'') just to be particulary picky.


    Didn't read the article though, have been procrasinurbating for way too long! Gotta hand in reports tomorrow...

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Goodness, I know it's totally offtopic, but have exoskeletons really gone so far in their development?

     I have a bit of personal interest in that, from a totally different point of wiev.

    I have a progressive and uncurable arthrosis of my knee joints. Classical surgery can't fix it, and even though I'm still pretty functional at the moment, doctors have no idea how long would it last. maybe 15 years, maybe five, maybe  less. After that they offer me knee joint replacements, but the trick is that they don't last that well, after 10-15 years the connection with bone wears out and they are no longer neither functional nor replacable.

    A friend of mine suggested exoskeleton as a good alternative, but that was on a level of joke, and as I checked some exoskeletons on youtube, most looked fake in one way or another (you know, hardcore shiny metal ass, but in the point where most stress would be there is a plastic belt buckle, or attached to body with straps that deffinately seem to cut circulation if worn for more than 5 minutes, such things.


    But if you are talking about building a functional foll body support system, there might be ways that would allow to build a leg support system (of course, it would be a bit more complex)


    If you could tell me a tad more about the current limitations of this tech, I would be so happy. It really means heaps to me if there is a way I could awoid wheelchair

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Hmm, I find this a hard dilemma. Tap water where I live is not the best, lots of iron from the pipes and chlorinated a bit, but not unbearably bad. I really hate producing waste in the form of plastic bottles, but when I am on the go, I always forget to refill a bottle at home and end up buying bottled water. I tend to buy local brands that are obtained from artesian bores, taste is ok...


    What I really love though is drinking water stright from natural springs. The wilder the better. I actually like a little taste of leaf litter or soil in my water, a certain earthiness, just makes it taste so real. I'm not afraid of bugs :D

  10. those are some nice ones in that lot! I think I see a firefly and blue bell in there! most of them are not baits, they look pretty good! and I would advice against customizing them, they still have there tails , they realy don't look like bait ponies


    Sadly I got out bidded :( no pretty G1 ponies for me...

  11. I brought my first brushie today. My Gramps-friend gave me a bit of money to spend on directly things that make me happy, soo I decided to get a brushie to customize. Got a Crystal empire Fluttershy with  this horrible tinsel in mane, as no other brushies were in the store, just mane six with tinsely hair. Picked all the tinsel out strand by strand, as it was horrid, and decided not to dehead her yet and style her mane and do a photoshoot before my hair from dollyhair.com arrives and I can repaint and reroot her.

  12. Hey there, I Just have  a quick question as to the design of your pony, What Color is your hair naturally? Aside from the dyed tips? 

    My hair is naturally medium blonde, just very generic medium blonde. Im so happy you are trying this thing, we both will really appreciate any results

  13. I will admit. For a crayon that is actually a good drawing and all. Though I don't mean for you to take it in a bad way or anything but: That is one gigantic ass flank.

     Yea, she indeed is ''a bit'' rear end heavy, I doubt she can even fly properly (just had a mental image of her howering  and flapping her wings furiously while her bum dangles a few inches above ground)


    Pony proportions are one hard thing, they seem to be really, emmm, compact, being skinny and rounded at the same time.

  14. I used to have a problem with my ponies being too horse like and not enough cartoonish, but I guesss I'm getting better... Can't say I nailed it, but this time it's a cartoon pony for sure.


    I just colored her with crayons as I didn't feel like digitalizing her completely, I know the colouring is slopppy, but I like the freshness. And yes, she is meant to be a fat pony :D


    Questions? Comments? Criticism?


    • Brohoof 2
  15. Goodness, they are perfect! Who said brushables can't be show like? (I actually so wanna try brushable styling that I even have a reoccouring dream about it) (but I do not have any brushablessad.png )

    • Brohoof 3
  16. As some ponies here know, I'm in a brony-pegasister relationship, and would like to gave some pics of us together. IRL pics would be nice, but my muffin is really camera shy, so I thought it would be nice if someone ponified us. Sadly I can't provide reference pics, as pics of him are nonexsistant.


    Instead I challenge you to create us from our IRL ''char profiles'' and backstories.




    age: 23

    favorite MLP pony: Applejack

    appearance: 170cm, average built, a bit clumsy and long limbed, fair skin, greyish blue eyes, short mid neck at longest), very straight hair with a thick straight cut fringe and layered rest of the hair, tips and fringe usually dyed unnatural colors, but roots always showing.

    style and clothing: always black rimmed rectangular glasses, chucks/doc martens, soccer mum fit trousers or knee or mid calf length skirts of rough fabrics, colorful tees, hoodies, jackets with cargo pockets, printed or checked blouses, rough knits, comfy printed knee length strechy fabric dresses, hippie scarves, no make up or just lipstick

    occupation: biology student and a plush toy maker

    personality: Extremely emotional, can laugh and cry with just minutes apart, in the happy moments silly and playful, likes being childish, butt jokes, helping people out, has strong motherly feelings towards young adult men, in the sad moments a bit of a drama queen, sees only doom and gloom until someone hugs and comforts her to calm her down.

    talent: crafty hands, can cook and sew and do all things around the house




    age: 22

    favorite MLP pony: Rainbow Dash

    appearance: 170cm, stout and stocky, a bit on the heavy side, fair skin, murky green eyes, dark brown hair down to his shoulders, loose curls

    style and clothing: extremely casual, comfy black jeans and a plain tee, generic sporty anorack, a sweater knitted by grandma, if it gets really cold, couldn't care less about appearance

    occupation: IT student and a programmer

    personality: very well balanced, nothing can shock him, career oriented and extremely diligent in his work, barely ever shows signs of stress, likes a good laugh, gets really absorbed in books and videogames but never mixes them with reality, shows love in a subtle way, but really likes hugs and cuddles, good with animals, not a typical gentleman, but really caring

    talent: computer whizz


    How we got together?

    We met in the trolly-bus (electric bus) nr 18 when I was on my way home from university and he was on his way from uni to his job. We were sitting on the opposite seats, I was just looking around, he was reading the second book of the ''Eragon'' series. I really felt like starting a conversation with him, so I stood up and said ''Hi, is this the second book from Eragon?'' We started talking about Eragon, than Harry Potter, than Warhammer, than it turned out that we study in the same uni, just different programmes and buildings and we both play Settlers of Catan, so we exchanged emails to meet up for a few games of Settelers.

    We started having skype conversations regulary and playing Settlers every second Thursday or so. One night I asked him if his girlfriend wasn't mad that he spends time with me, and he answered that he's an engineer-forever alone. I asked him if he wanted to change that and he said we could try.

    Some of our special moments include watching  the Hobbit in the cinema, going to the zoo, hanging out on the old couch in the basement of my university, eating muffins, watching Doctor Who, and eating donner-kebab in a shady little greasy-spoons.



    Feel free to take any aspect of us you find inspiring and using it in your work, ask more questions if you wish!


    I would be very thankful for any kind of art, pencil, digital, chalk on a pavement, you pick!


  17. . I could imagine Twilight liking some stallion and asking Cadence for some advice on how to talk to him


    I would really love to see tome good married family role models to be more prominent in show actually.


    I know it's fandom and stuff, but I'm seriously sick of free ''love'' becoming fannon. Sick of filly fooling, to be honest. And Bratzy relationships. That's not what we wanna teach little girls. We wanna teach family being a value.


    Cadence being the ruler of love and being a newlywed actually could make a lot of good lessons. Or any other married pony couple for goodness sake.


    For example Twilight getting obsessed with some colt, trying to rush it and Cadence appearing as a mentor, explaining what is important in making a relationship last (maybe with flashbacks from the time she and Shining Armor got to know each other) and that a successful relationship is a one that results in marriage, but it's ok to make mistakes and not always the first colt who shows a little attention is the one and only.


    Or Applejack dealing with Big Mac starting a serious relationship and being jealous to his special somepony, and after her trying to sabotage this relationship in the end her and Big Mac having a heart to heart talk about how their parents loved each other so much, and now it's time for Big Mac to start his own family to carry on the Apple family tradition.


    Or Pinkie Pie becoming an annoyance for Cake family, messing into the way they are rising their twins, giving counterproductive advice, disturbing their privacy, and in the end learning that family is a unit that an outsider shouldn't be messing with, that she can be a close friend, but she shouldn't get between family members.


    Or Rainbow Dash developing a boastful attitude that she will never have family, and that's for sissies and taking time to understand that she is a product of a happy union of two ponies (And get more of Rainbow Dad wub.png  in the episode)

    Or Fluttershy being intimidated as some stallion shows her attention and panicking and learning to deal with the fact that someone can have romantic interest in her


    OR Rarity finally dealing with the Spike thing (goodness, he's a baby dragon, they are a different age, different maturity level and different species, Sparity is not going to work!)


    Ok, I'm ready for the ''an adult mare and an adult stallion in wedlock is a narrow understanding of family'' argument, and here my only defense is ''It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, and it should stay that way!'' and my faith in what is right and wrong. Let's not start the argument here on thread, but if someone wants to discuss it, I can say I have been in both camps and anywhere in between, currently have close homosexual friends, and I'm ready to discuss it on PM's

  18. The problem is I barely see any details in that tiny pic, but really there seems to be no such thing as newborn yellow pegasus with white mane. She looks very hasbroish though. The mold is the same as Dibbles from newborn twins, but the mane should be pink. Maybe it's a horrendous fade...


    The whitie still looks genuinely weird to me, nothing like her so far. who would put a dirty peach tail on a white pony with highlighter colored mane....


    EDIT: the yellow one is indeed Dibbles, there is a version of her with white mane too! ok, actually the pink used in it is the fading pink, and ths one is indeed a horrid fade.


    UPDATE: contacted seller, the whitre one is indeed a fakie

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