Pipspeak definetly! He's too cute and an awesome pirate! I mean, he's the bestest pirate ever! (yes, I know bestest is not a word)
"Pipsqueak the Pirate at your service!"
Fluttershy, Derpy, Pinkie, and CMC they are all adorable and my personality is a mix between Derpy, Pinkie, and Scoots! Somewhat odd mixture but whatever.
You say you like Angel Beats!, huh? Well I recently posted a drawing of Yui that I did! you should check it out! and the reat of the remaining characters
TACOS IS THE BESTEST FOOD IN DA WHOLE UNIVERSE, I like Thai, Chinese, Sushi, Italian and that stuff too.
I. LOVE. TACOS. My OC's cutie mark is even a taco!
But... I could live off of ramen, too. That stuff is good!