My story is about how Food (until I come up with another name) got her cutie mark.
it all started when Food got bored one day and decided to make some tacos, she ate those tacos and then she realized that her cutie mark had appeared! "YAY! LALALALALALALA I HAVE MY CUTIE MARK! YAY!" It was a taco!
This topic has bothered me for so long because I LOVE Derpy (if you couldn't tell by my avatar/username) and her voice was just so adorable! And she is probably one of the most adorable ponies (other than Flutters and CMC) And now stupid Hasbro doesn't want her in the show, but she's so much fun to look for! I miss her.
Well, I'd have to say that Rarity's Sofa would have to get my vote on this one! Not only is it a piece of furniture, but Rarity's savior during her dramatic moments! That sofa is a hero!
Due to recent episdodes, Dashie has begun to lose my love, don't hurt me all you Dashie fans, please! Mainly because of this season, she's kinda been a jerk. (except Wonderbolt Academy) Sorry if you don't agree, I'm just stating my opinion.
*sarcastic tone* I wonder who will win this match, it seems very close and vinyl scratch doesn't seem to have a very large lead or anything.
"What? Ah'm not lying!"