"Go Go GO!" yelled an officer, as multiple covered troops ran through the rain and into the building. They quickly found the kids in the other building, and used tarps to get them temporary passas under the rain to the armored vehicles. However, more electric poles were falling, and the roofes of all the building were falling apart, and the hazmat guys and soldiers couldn't stan long int the puddles of acid a goop.
"You heard the authorities!" yelled Mr Cultrou, "Everyone line up! We're getting out of this hellish downpour!"
Arti helped the nurse carry a few more wounded students onto stretchers and carry them up, as the solders handed out face masks to help them not to suffocate.
As students packed into the trucks, some began to head out of the city. However, they were already showing signs of corrosion damage, only a few tank doing recon down the city where mostly unaffected, and even their treads were weakening by the minute.
As the truck carrying Arti, mr. Cultrou, and the other students drove for the gate, a deeply corroded tree fell, and knocked down the gate to the street. The truck tried to revers, but with melting tread and acid mud, it was unable to move. Other solder armor was already corroding far, so only a few came to help try and push it, as the storm seemed to spit more rain in response.