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Everything posted by MulberrySprig

  1. Warning: mini rant at Rainbow Dash but mostly the infuriating writing ahead:
  2. Hey Violet! Thanks for your response! I'm always game for some self insight, any chance you still have the link to the personality quiz you mentioned?
  3. I saw another post on this topic, but I wanted to go a step further. I want to hear peoples stories as to WHY they would have the cutie mark they think they'd have. For me, I think it would either be a compass, a map scroll, flags, or suns with happy faces (similar to Sunny Ray's CM) See, but here is my delemia. A cutie mark is something you develop when you're young, it doesn't per say identify your job or talents (E.g Pinkie pie bakes but her specialty is parties and fun, Rarity is a fashion designer but her CM is gems, making things shine?) The CMCs are going about their Cutie quest way wrong if you ask me lol. I have never been very passionate about many things. And I didn't come into myself until mid highschool (think a pinkie pie sonic rainboom clarity moment). Actually it was when I started making friends, and even later, healthy friendships. My friends now are my ultimate happiness, a very very Smile Song lifestyle, which is where I imagine the Smiling Suns CM for the warm glow my friendships give me. It took even longer for me to figure out what I wanted to do as a career, and now I'm very passionate about my goals as a cartographer. I love to see and learn about the world; I travel when ever I can, and even get stir crazy if I don't go often enough. That's where the compass/map/flags mentality comes from. Now my kafuzzle comes in the timing: these passions came very late by CM standards. As I think it does work in the real world. People need time to sort themselves out to find their passion, and it can take awhile. Regardless though: they're the things I'm passionate about, and if I could pick the things that make me special, my CM, it would be how much I care and am impacted by my friends, and my love of the world and map making. what's your story? -Mulb SIDE NOTE: I was kind of scared by Cupcakes in my early Bronydom, but have recovered, and now relate to Pinkie way too much, can you tell?
  4. Super open. Shirts, swag, attempting to share with each of my non brony friends, very very very open. I also work in a toy store and attempt to talk about and educate customers on the phenomena!
  5. I definitely think sexism plays a hefty role in this matter. A friend (guy) of mine is a big transformers fan, and I'm (girl) a brony. He squeals (yes.) in resistance when I try to get him to try the series, because it's a girls show. I work at a toy store, and had a very depressing moment when I was talking to a customer about our pony merc. and she said that her husband's coworker is into the show, and consiquently said coworker is not allowed to spend time around her daughter. It blew me away that without any other reason, and despite my avocation for the show, she refused to see this man as anything other than a pedophile because he likes MLP. It broke my heart. I try to love and tolerate, but I'm a fighter of a pony, and things like this get me riled and hurt. It's unjust, unfair, and untrue. YES there are exceptions to every rule, but pedophiles and rule 34s exist for every series, not just MLP. The only other thing I can think of to blame is hefty sexism. This is the difference: A woman watching transformers, few would bat an eye. But a man watching ponies? Something is sick, twisted, and wrong with him. Oh yeaaah. No sexism there....T_T
  6. Yo everypony, I don't think I'm alone on this, but I wanted to rant and get some other's feedback too.. I know, I know: Love and Tollerate. But I'm a righteous pony, and the douchebaggery of Gameloft is driving me crazy. It's a good game, yes filled with a cart load of glitches, but those I can live past. What I'm struggling with is the cost of advancing in the game. Literally. I've heard absurd calculations where you'd have to play ever day just to save up enough gems for a single character. That's absurd. I don't mind a freemium game, but if you can't afford to buy things (specifically: crystals) that will get you ahead, I don't care if it's slower, just let the player have a chance to advance else wise! Based on my research, I'm not alone in this, and there's a lot of frustration: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20629245 In this article alone it feels a lot as if Gameloft is discrediting the adult fan base. That seems like an absurdly stupid marketing move, Adults are the ones who are going to be able to buy the premiums that let you advance faster, but the prices are waaay too steep! I say to Gameloft: be reasonable! You get more bronies with honey than you do vinegar. As a student, I straight up don't have a choice, there's no way I would ever pay the Gameloft prices for more gems. But even if I were working with good money, I still know a scam when I see one. I don't approve of gouging, especially when I am a user and fan of this game otherwise. Charge for the app, make the prices more reasonable, do SOMETHING OTHER THAN WRITE OFF YOUR USERS. *sigh* I guess I'll just play until I run out of ability to advance. Thoughts on the matter? Rants? -Mulb PS if You're interested in chest trades or gifts my GL ID is: MulberrySprig
  7. Hey everypony! I'd love to trade gifts and chests, and am always willing! so let's connect! Yeah! ID: MulberrySprig :3 Happy playing!
  8. Hay (aha), AegisMora, my ID is MulberrySprig for gameloft! Let's friend it up!
  9. Can someone post a link to, or a screen capture of a treasure chest? I'm either a) not getting any despite friending people for the sake of trades, b ) can't find them or c) glitchy Gameloft, who woulda guessed? So going with option b ), I don't even know what it is I'm looking for. Are they something you have to find? Are they just automattically counted towards your account? Help please! I'm stuck on a early level friend quest cause I can't find these stupid things...XP spiiiiite!
  10. What what what!? This is fantastic! I loved that game and have been meaning to go back to it! A new ios game is just the incentive I need! *EDIT* aw, sad face, it's 17.99 and I'm just not paying that for a game I already own on DS
  11. Hi All! my ID is MulberrySprig and even though my iphone is glitching, either I'm not getting chests or I can't find them :S, I'd love to make some new friends and trade for chests! BTW If anyone knows why I might be having such a hard time on the Gameloft game getting chests or seeing my friends, please let me know?
  12. I find CMC episodes kind of meh... and I don't this one was really any exception. I think the lesson in this episode was wrong too. "She was bullied, then bullied us, and now we're the bullies" isn't right... they should have gone to an adult, but they weren't bullying, as much as standing up for themselves. And even though I'm not much of a CMC fan, I did kind of fangasim when I saw Scootaloo fluttering off the ground!
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