When i was younger i would always watch disney movies all the time i had a huge crush on Belle From Beauty and the Beast. Still one on my all time favorite movies :3,
The first game i ever played was sonic the hedgehog, it was the most awesome thing i had ever played and as i grew older i started playing more of the games part 2, 3, sonic and knuckles, a bunch of them and i started to read the comics they had, if i could find them ha, then they came out with Sonic CD and she appeared Amy rose, little adorable Amy rose and i instantly was like awwwwwwwwwww, and from that day on she is still one of my fave characters and its so funny how she i shot down by sonic so many times its like Friend zoned Friend zoned, they should change it to Amy Zoned that makes so much more sense, ha
Then there was Kairi, i instantly fell in love with her character. Sora was so lucky even though he didn't notice it ha, and Namine in KH:Chain of Memories/KH2 was just awesome loved her character, Now Kairi had a twin though she was a nobody i would prove to her she was somebody , and the blonde her just quickly sealed the deal.
After that i found Sakura Haruno, most people thought she was annoying and a total wiiactch to Naruto for sorely shooting him down everytime he wanted to be with her but i just thought she was badass, to stop at nothing to be with the douche of her dreams (I hate sasuke with a passion ha, what a little drama wiiatch) even though he shoot her down gatcho bad, and then later on tried to kill her but aside from the details, thats about it but then someone stole my heart from under the blue it was none other than...
Bam here came in Temari of the Sand the older sister to Gaara and Kankuro and now she was the ultimate badass just look at that giant fan that she uses on countless times to save shikamaru, who she has stumped in the past only like a women can ha, and the blonde her helps to ^-^
and lastly Pinkie Pie. she is just the most adorable Pony i have ever seen she's supper hilarious, knows how to get stuff done and gots the most unorthodox method of getting things done shes a bonified genius and she doesn't even know it, ha, the way she does her little Peppy le Pew jumping to get to Raimbow Dash is just adorable,
There are more but i think i listed quite a few, so yea these are the fictional characters i have crushes on, :3