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Everything posted by PolkaShade

  1. When i was younger i would always watch disney movies all the time i had a huge crush on Belle From Beauty and the Beast. Still one on my all time favorite movies :3, The first game i ever played was sonic the hedgehog, it was the most awesome thing i had ever played and as i grew older i started playing more of the games part 2, 3, sonic and knuckles, a bunch of them and i started to read the comics they had, if i could find them ha, then they came out with Sonic CD and she appeared Amy rose, little adorable Amy rose and i instantly was like awwwwwwwwwww, and from that day on she is still one of my fave characters and its so funny how she i shot down by sonic so many times its like Friend zoned Friend zoned, they should change it to Amy Zoned that makes so much more sense, ha Then there was Kairi, i instantly fell in love with her character. Sora was so lucky even though he didn't notice it ha, and Namine in KH:Chain of Memories/KH2 was just awesome loved her character, Now Kairi had a twin though she was a nobody i would prove to her she was somebody , and the blonde her just quickly sealed the deal. After that i found Sakura Haruno, most people thought she was annoying and a total wiiactch to Naruto for sorely shooting him down everytime he wanted to be with her but i just thought she was badass, to stop at nothing to be with the douche of her dreams (I hate sasuke with a passion ha, what a little drama wiiatch) even though he shoot her down gatcho bad, and then later on tried to kill her but aside from the details, thats about it but then someone stole my heart from under the blue it was none other than... Bam here came in Temari of the Sand the older sister to Gaara and Kankuro and now she was the ultimate badass just look at that giant fan that she uses on countless times to save shikamaru, who she has stumped in the past only like a women can ha, and the blonde her helps to ^-^ and lastly Pinkie Pie. she is just the most adorable Pony i have ever seen she's supper hilarious, knows how to get stuff done and gots the most unorthodox method of getting things done shes a bonified genius and she doesn't even know it, ha, the way she does her little Peppy le Pew jumping to get to Raimbow Dash is just adorable, There are more but i think i listed quite a few, so yea these are the fictional characters i have crushes on, :3
  2. Rartiy would be my second ha, but pinkie all the way :3, If it makes you feel better i have Pepper Clark as my Profile Pic and she is voice by Tabitha St. Germain same as rarity :3
  3. Pikie pie would be my choice she such a positive pony and making everybody smile thats what i love doin everyday, a smile a day keeps the hate away. Come on guys with eternal chaos comes chocolate rain, CHOCOLATE RAIN. Breaking the 4th wall would be an awesome power to have. Also being a gypsy what else would you want, she is just one of the most adorable ponies out there :3, one of my faves
  4. Ha i've made these connections before i used to watch gen 1,2, and even 3 and still love them to this day, without them we wouldn't have gen 4. the changelings and flutter ponies do have so many similarities, its crazy how they can rehash most of this and sell it as something new and something better i love all the old references the have on the show, its real nestalgic. oh and the Pointy thing in the crystal empire is a castle there is a throne room and everything, thats where King Sombra ruled,
  5. Yea they could've done it another way but they got the job done, and from what i can see you are like one in a million dash fans, alot of them are hostile, its good to see a different set of views from a dashie fan. :3
  6. Well as the poll goes its like Pitting a lv 2 pigey with a lv 100 Zapdos, its really is one sided, well even at the end of the episode dash did say that didn't they want her to be a hero, and they all said yes but not to be so boastful, to be more modest. Have you seen most dash fans when you bring up this episode, they go ape ship, and its like why do you have to be so angry. i think that the episode made very well, it did teach a lesson that alot of people sould take into consideration. Other than that, The Mystereous Mare Do Well should've been put up against Boast Busters, than at least it would've been a fair fight, and The Canterlot Wedding should've been put up against The Return of Harmony.
  7. True the only reason i didn't put it on Twinkleshine was because i would be repeating myself, which really is a waste of time when i can put both of them together and post it once, also Think about the episodes and how they are be put against each other, Ones a two parter and the other is a Single ep on showing RBD not to toot her own horn so much, and you said Worst ep in the series, i have to disagree with you on that, it this was true then the episod boast busters would have to be in the same boat as it since it was basically showing the same thing just a different character, saying its the worst is thinking it one side just because of the characters, my fave character is The Great and Powerful Trixie and in both eps she comes in they attack her and take her down but i still love those eps because they show her the right way to handle it, granted it took 2 eps but hey it worked, and they did it stunningly The majority of ponies that hate the ep is because of rainbow dash, and how they take her down from her high horse, and its like okay fine so where is this kinda biased view when the exact thing happened to The Great and Powerful Trixie?? Grated they are different characters and set a little different but they're personallities are kinda the same. Try telling that to an RBD fan and they'll flip Slip, its crazy. But hey not much we can do. To each their own.
  8. I see that most people chose The Canterlot Wedding because in The Mysterious Mare Do Well they tried teaching Rainbow Dash a lesson on not boastin to much, Hm where have i seen this before and everyone was okay with the mane 6 attacking that character, oh yea, The Great and Powerful Trixie, ha its okay to cheer for your fave character but when she/he does something wrong don't bash whats showing her whats right by calling it a "turd-covered wet cardboard..." or calling it the worst ep in the series, that seems way to one sided
  9. Omg i completly Adore the little filly, her voice is so adorable, i just love the way she says The Cutie Mark Crusaders. My heart melted right there and i laughed ha.
  10. All gotta say is Skyrim, ha most of the epic things that have happened to me was on that game, from dragons flying backwards, goats break dancing on the ground after they were dead, Farkas Walking on his head all over the map, Lydia Goin through the back door in the shop when i go through the front door, Walking out of a cave and watching a frost dragon falling to the ground then another dragon an elder dragon swooping down to attack, you know the basics and so much more has happened, You know that Meme Do you even Lift well a friend of my was playing Skyrim and fighting a dragon, and he tells it Do you even Lift, then after killing it he searches it and the dragon had Hide boots of Heavy Lifting, that was so funny we died laughing, its the little things like that make skyrim a classic ha,
  11. oooooooo Creepypasta, X3 good choice, well if your into creepy stuff try watching Jappanesse Horror Movies those are aways interesting to watch, um well what i usually do depends on what i'm sick with, and since i only get sick once a year, its not much, when i have a soar throat i eat ice, it ususally helps, i also like just jamming out to my favorite bands and munching out, gaming, reading stories, mostly creepy ones, and Drawing,
  12. I always use my Starter, I always take it to the pokemon league, They are always helpful in a tight pinch, in my recent playthrough of Pokemon Black 2, I have a Serperior which i named Shade, and he actually helped out alot, granted he was the weakest out of my team, only at 62 but hey he got the job done, my Golurk did most of the work and Azumarill which i named Polka, my Mandibuzz demolished Caitlin on its own ha, Lucario and Magnizone where my Wildcards ha, but yea starters do ususally help,
  13. Thats a hard question to answer, Fluttershy was the pony who i thought and still think is the most adorable pony alive ha, but then The Great and Powerful Trixie came into my life and i was like this mare is super Hilarious ha, and such a smartflank, Then Pinkie Pie and her braking the Fourth Wall and Punny Funs, always made me laugh, and Now Babs Seed, Her voice is just the most funniest, cutest thing ever. So i wouldn't know how to answer this question ha,
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