Mortimer awoke from his slumber. He had an excellent night, he had never slept so comfortable.
He rubbed his eyes and started to comb his mane then he slowly walked into the kitchen.
"Hello Shadow!" he said with joy, "today we are moving to a new city. Aiicornia. The name sounds good and i'm going to be it's guardian. Here, eat this." Mortimer said as he poured bird food for Shadow on his bowl.
He started to make a sandwhich and in the meanwhile he thought "Where did i put that elusive invitation?".
He erased the worrying feeling out of his mind and started to eat his sandwhich.
When he finished, he went to his room and started packing the clothes. He saw the invitation in a corner, he grabbed it and put it under his wings.
When he finished packing he took the luggage to the main gate and he thought "One thing remaining".
He trotted back inside, grabbed a bird cage and told Shadow "come on, get inside, our new house will be much bigger and better." He closed the main door and the gate.
With the cage on one hand and the luggage on other he started to fly towards the indicated point in the invitation.
Once there, a man who looked like the pilot greeted him "Hello there Alicorn, you must be the guardian of Aiicorn, may i take a look at your invitation?" "Of course gentleman, here you are" said Mortimer smiling.
After the pilot checked the invitation, he told Mortimer to choose a blimp. He chose the green one.
As soon as he entered he saw two ponies and tried to say hello, but he was scared of what they may think of the alicorn and just sat down.