My dad is seriously what annoys me most in life honestly both my parents do...
Dad, he constantly talks to the animals like their his kids (it's creepy and weird and frikin annoying at 8am in the morning when im trying to sleep till past noon!). He never cares to listen to me when i talk he never knocks when he comes into my room and he only talks to me when he feels he needs an awnser and just leaves (ex) "hey how is school?" my response "good i guesse -goes half way on a talk about my day but he leaves midsentence-" it irritates me to no end (and also makes me feel unloved T^T) but it's ok i got friends that care about what i have to say but you think your dad would take more then a couple minutes of his time to listen about your day in school...(im refering to highschool but im graduated now and in college ). he also sometimes calls me by puppies name (misty) who is a female and i keep thinking he referring me to somthing there even tho he corrects himself (IDK!). srsly i could rant all day about how on weekends at 7am he chooses to vacuum or his inconsideration of me sleeping and speaks loud as can be to mom in the next room.
yet i still "love" him cuz he my dad =.=....
mom a bit of a different story i love her honestly but she seems to never care about anything i want to talk about and uses the constant excuse the im "ranting" so she never listens to me when im talking because in my opinion she too busy talking to her minecraft server friends to even listen to me (yes both my parents ignore me T^T). Idk but she my mom and doesnt embarass me in public or anything but dad sure does! (i swear he enjoys being annoying!).
....well there is my rant on my parents which i bet isnt much different then anypony elses?