My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Fluttershy How did you find MLP Forums?: I googled "My Little Pony forum".
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: One of the people I watch on Youtube, Presshearttocontinue, said that she recently watched it, and people should give it a go. And so I did, and I immediately fell in love.
Hey! I'm Philip. I'm 19, in college, and I like in Kentucky.
I haven't been a fan of My Little Pony for long; season two was already over by the time I got into it. But although I got into it late, I have just as much love for it as someone who was there at the beginning.
But, enough about ponies for now; there will be time for that in the future!
I'm a pretty laid back guy; nothing really tips me off. I enjoy having chats about pretty much anything; I'm into a lot of different things. Above all things though, I'm a super geek.
I'm in love with MLP, obviously, and by my username, you can assume correct in saying that I love Star Wars as well. Lord of the Rings are a large part of my life, and I also play and DM Dungeons and Dragons tabletops.
If you're looking to make some new friends, or just someone to talk to, feel free to message me whenever
Looking forward to making some new friends and having a good time!
- Philip