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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Saeda

  1. Also, are there any mayors from the UK who would like to trade friend codes around? It'd be nice if we were in the same time zone.
  2. I only got New Leaf about a week ago, it was worth saving up for! The New Leaf 3ds is really cute My friend code is 2895-7243-8389! It'd be great to have a fellow brony visit my town edit: It keeps telling me that your code is incorrect
  3. I honestly have no idea... I think the first game I ever got really obsessed with was Spyro the Dragon! Haven't played it in a long time, would really like to play it again... There was this extra level at the end where if you collected every gem and statue you could get in... My disk was scratched in such away that one level would never work, and on my main save I was down one gem in the entire game, and I knew exactly where in the glitched level it was. I never got to see that level
  4. As far as I can remember, Cadance has had no link to the elements, and yet she has 'ascended'. I reckon originally Alicorns were just another type of pony (like earth or unicorn) but Hasbro wanted to sell Twilight alicorn toys.
  5. I both like and dislike the idea of Twilight becoming a princess/alicorn. I like it because I have my own little theory of unicorn elitism in Equestria, and it supports that. The only rulers who are shown to actually do any ruling have all been alicorns (Celestia, Luna and Cadence), and according to the summary the way to become an alicorn is to devise your own type of magic, which only unicorns can do. So if you're an earth pony or a pegasus? Tough luck. On the other hand, I really hate that Twilight will become a princess. It just feels like such a let down after how great the series has been to suddenly turn around and go back to the 'all girls want to be a princess, that will make them happy' idea. I don't know what it is about season three and this, they seem to have thrown their hands in the air and gone "slightly more complex morals for our audience where things are a little more grey? Nah!" The season 3 Discord episode suffered with this, too.
  6. I tried to give him a bowl-cut hair do... didn't turn out that great, unfortunately. No excuse for his eye though, colour or shape. I think it was a case of couldn't-see-the-forest-for-the-trees.
  7. I really shouldn't leave such long gaps in between drawing :s But I still think my third one is much better than my second one was, so I am slowly improving, yay! The stallion look a little odd in the face, but I can't put my finger on it... Edit: Changed the stallion slightly when things were pointed out to me, I think he looks better now.
  8. 1. Yeah, I know how to use one, and the last time I used one was about two years ago when I was staying at a B&B in wales. 2. The family didn't get our first computer until I was in year 5 or 6 (about 9 or 10) and we didn't get internet until a few years later when I was in high school. 3. The very earliest one I can remember was princess Diana dying, but I was only just old enough to understand what was happening. 4. No. 5. (I'm in England) We only briefly past over the reunification in history class at the end of learning about WWII and the Berlin wall. Never studied any of the others in my life time. 6. My father only got one recently, but he doesn't even charge it.. 7. I remember playing with them when I visited my uncle's and one of my cousins letting me play a game on one, but I don't remember the game. 8. A few months ago just after we moved and didn't have our internet set up. 9. Noah and Nelly in.. the Skylark! It wasn't a proper series, just a couple of animated shorts but I fell in love with it and watched it again and again on VHS. First proper cartoon series was probably the Simpsons, my dad and I watched it together a lot. 10. A little. I will admit I have been spoiled by the visual and audio quality of my generation,
  9. Did anypony else think that this was just a mediocre episode in general? I didn't expect them to have him in the finale or anything like that but I expected them to treat Discord with a little more... respect. To start with, Discord wasn't need in this episode. They could have used this plot on almost anypony (even with a completely new character!) and nothing of value would have been lost from the episode. It's actually worse for having Discord in it because its very premise doesn't make sense .Discord isn't evil or malevolent he is an avatar of chaos and by its nature chaos cannot really be influenced by morality, he just wants to have fun with whatever he does. The only evil thing about him is that he does try to remove order and things that support order. There is nothing (or at least, very little) to be reformed. MLP:FIM does so well in not going with simple aesops that have been dumbed down for children, and I was hoping they would have a similar message here to how they treat Trixie; some ponies are just like that. Note I said he couldn't be reformed, not contained or controlled. I would have liked them to have had the characters spend the the episode trying to find a way to control Discord's magic, and have them stumble on the issue of whether or not it would be kinder to keep Discord trapped in the statue rather than force him to go against his very nature. It would have been far more interesting for the story to have been a discussion about a person's desires in life vs. their duty others. And despite how it sounds that isn't too heavy a message for children, every child will be told that they have to put off playing to do chores or something similar, wants vs. responsibilities is something we encounter from an extremely young age and it isn't often addressed in children's media. This episode could have pulled that off. As much as I love Discord, I kinda wish they hadn't brought him back, this episode wasn't good enough for a fan favourite and he is lessened as a character for it's creation.
  10. Yeah, I suck majorly at proportions, but it's all about learning, right? I'm using GIMP, don't know much about art but it was the first one that was suggested to me.
  11. I decided I wanted to get better at artwork, but then got really lazy and put it off for a while But I kicked myself up the backside this morning and just finished my second ever pony picture, and I must say it's looking a lot better than my first! Edit: I forgot to mention who they were, it's my oc Script (when she was a filly) with her older brother Gloss.
  12. I'm not going to pretend to be an artist because I only doodle, but this is my first picture of what I hope will be many pony-related pictures. Browsing through this forum I got kinda jealous of the talent some of you have, and decided to try to get as good as some of you lot ^.^ I could do with some criticism and maybe a few tips (such as how to make the snout not look so... weird).
  13. I'd suggest Part of One (or maybe lesson zero) to show him. It was the first episode I ever saw and it made me realise that MLP isn't what I would expect a little girl's cartoon to be.
  14. Is it too late to ask to be able to join in? This sounds interesting to me and I'd like it to be my first roleplay If it is okay for me to join in my OC is here: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/typer-r2109
  15. You can use Typer if you like. She's nothing special and I can't draw so it's a dull pony-maker picture, but if you can make use of her I completely allow it
  16. At the top of the page you'll see your name, click on it and select 'my settings' from the drop-down menu. Changing your picture is at the top of that page
  17. I've had a very detailed dream set in Equestria. However the point that I was surrounded by ponies was never raised in-dream and the events had nothing to do with it, either.
  18. This episode has a special place in my heart, being the first episode of my little pony that I ever saw. It really showed my that my little pony wasn't the average little girl's cartoon, and would actually have something to offer me.
  19. I suppose... I really hope they revisit what caused Luna to change, what we were told was the myth that resulted of the true event. It would be nice to see exactly what happened.
  20. Saeda

    Hello there!

    Ah.. I don't really have a genre I like, so long as it is well written I can enjoy it. Like J R R Tolkien's work, I love his fantasy, but I dislike his writing style so I just can't get through any of his books. Don't laugh, but I didn't have enough friends for tabletop role play. That girl i did the pen-and-paper was my only friend through high school. It does sound like something I'd be interested in, though. Unfortunately I cannot speak around strangers so it would be a little bit difficult.
  21. Saeda

    Hello there!

    I have pretty normal hobbies, I like western role play games although I can play just about anything. I also like books. My favourite is Dead Man's Dust and I'm currently reading through The Elenium.
  22. Something bothering me ever so slightly about this episode. Princess Luna was supposed to be jealous because everypony slept through the night.. but she spends her nights in their dreams anyway?
  23. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: Through the power of Google! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Someone posted a link the (then) most recent episode and I enjoyed it enough to watch it from the beginning. By the time I had caught up the first season had finished. Hello there! I've been meaning to network with more bronies for a while now, and I figured you guys seemed nice enough and not at all like you will eat me :3 I've been a fan since the first season, but by the time I had caught up, the season had ended... The only real experience I've had with role play is when I was in school and we would role play stories through passed notes, but I'm getting into my little pony role play and will hopefully improve soon enough. Oh! My favourite of the mane six is Rarity because she defied my expectations for her type of character.
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