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Everything posted by GroggyPony

  1. I have been sick for like a month >x< feeling a lot better now.

  2. so sorry i've been gone ever a long time becuase I was sick. Sadly I have not given much thought to where Groggy come from. ummm Groggy is found of wandering around so comeing from across the sea may be a good idea ^^
  3. yha! Groggy's design is base off of old English unicorns, and some depictions of then seems mule like along with goat characteristics. ^-^
  4. Well I doodle a pic of Groggy. I’m still working out what style I want to work towered. There is also this pic http://mlpforums.com/topic/47149-my-oc-groggycritique/ Groggy is a pony that spends most of the time worried about life, but trying to be at peace with it and thus be calmer. Groggy wants to be helpful to others but is so shy that making strong friendships are kind of hard to do. Groggy has a shifty sleeping schedule that usually is being awake at night and thus alone (alone but not lonely) being kind of nervous a lot of the time also adds to having a bit of an odd sleeping schedule but that’s ok, Groggy believes in “sleep whenever you feel like it”. So there are purple-reddish coloring under the eyes. I used gray for the body as it’s a mid-color from white to black, this is because of the indecisive way Groggy tends to phrase things and think about things, hardly being on one side of the fence. But black and white are also there. White for a tad of interest by being “freckles”. Black, for the main and hair to stand out from the body. The hair/feathering is also to help make a slightly memorable look but not over welling in anyway. Groggy lives in an old boarding house and if anpony ever comes around then there bound to be offered some sort of tea, or if anypony ever comes across Groggy they are bound to be offered tea. and thats what I have so far for my oc. Does Oracle what some tea?
  5. Groggy is more mule like :3 the design comes from old English unicorns. Groggy has a beard when a tad older too, but I guess maybe I need to change that to having the beard around at all stages of life (that’s another confusing aspect now that I think about it) umm I will try and get the values better next time, thank you ^-^ yha his horn can be a bit hard at times, its meant to be ivory and shade on ivory tents to look more muted and kind of yellowed and high lights tend to not really effect ivory (unless it is glossed with something). Due to this going over board is kind of easy to do so I was too scared of going overboard with it so that instead, it didn’t get the tender love and care it needed v-v As for the neck that’s kind of funny that you say to not be afraid to make it thicker XD cuz I had it thicker but then was worried that it looked wrong so a chickened out and made it thinner. I will stick more to what I had originally next time and see if that works more ^-^ “Besides that, Groggy looks like he's sitting on hair, because his mane is the same color as the shadow under him. Changing the color of either one would fix that.” It is hair. It’s trimmed more straightly than originally (where it’s scruffy from never being brushed) but it is hair. Old English unicorns often have feathering behind their legs, and that is where the design is based on. And apart from that yha Groggy is sitting on air as there was no plan for a background. “The face expression and colors emphasize sadness and loneliness to me” yes! That is what I wanted ^-^ yay. As for the cutie mark, I intend it to be a lantern. Groggy carries a lantern around, it’s meant to be the lantern from Amnesia but I need to get better at drawing lanterns v.v It’s meant to be more of a symbolic cutie mark and I’m working on making the short story for when Groggy received it when walking home.
  6. Another style I’ve tryed. It’s the only way I kind of know to do line less art >w< I’m looking more to improve my drawings. I’m also trying to use a few different styles of drawing and this is one of them though I don't think I will use it often. There background/personality is still in the works but I have it posted it on my profile page. (In short, the background of Groggy is under construction) If you’d like to help me with it though that would be great >w< but it will be pretty hard as I’m bad with story, background etc. I’m starting to want a character who is trying to be more at peace with the world around them ^-^ There were some doodles made with this as well and I have no real reason for them just something to post I guess.
  7. I like it ^.^ It has this strange vibe I can't exsplain and that stuff is always cool to me. His eyes also look cool and help him stand out. Im still trying to work out a way to draw my oc to stand out >w< so...I'm not an expert on standing out but I still feel as tho this pony stands out and his cutie mark communicates the idea of his talent well.
  8. working on geting 20 posts, but I don't have anything to say.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      I do both. because more people are more likely to see the blog, but there are art fanatics that like to stay in the art thread and bro hoof everything.

    3. GroggyPony


      Well then I shall try to make my own thread, thanks :3

    4. VladmireV.S.(Crank)
  9. Hello there ^-^ (My grammar and spelling are not vary good, just as a warning to anyone that gets really upset by that, I'm vary prone to it. Just in case you want to tarn back and all that.) Do pardon me I have vary bad communication skills >w< so If I don't say much It mite just be, because I'm not sure how to phrase something....or something like that XD It takes me a long time it seems to warm up to people. I have been around for a little bit now stated one tread (though now closed, It was for requests) and a blog http://mlpforums.com/blog/450-groggyponys-art-blog/ for posting art and getting feed back. So yha...done some stuff. I love animations, and maybe one day I will animate something that people will like I'm a fan of Jamie Hewlett, lead animator of the Gorillaz drawing style, along with Pendleton ward and a bit of Jhonen Vasquez. My Oc as of now is Groggy Pony Not sure If its a good name or not for a pony but yha...that it ^-^ He likes to give out tea's to pony's that stop by the old boarding house (as in it's not longer really a boarding house/not in operation) he lives in. umm yha (*Groggy clips hoofs together) that's about it...I guess....for now. I do hope to get to know you guys
  10. and another there may be more of this pony later on. I have been drawing a lot of other works for people as my mum keeps taking me to like theses lil... fairs, I guess is a good word for it, to draw kids some stuff so I've been on in sort burst's lately and not posting all of my pony art like I meant to. v-v
  11. yep. I'm just not sure what to do with this pony XD
  12. I was sewing some plush props for a friends cosplay, and making some other small props ^-^ I was up in my mums room with her and my sis to see the ball fall, after that I wished everyone on my swapnote and cell a happy new year. Finished a drawing.
  13. Finely after losing it about 3 times -_-
  14. yep. Let me know what you think of it :3 (he can't see the ghosts)
  15. Happy New Year Every Pony :D And too all ponys with a B-day today happy B-day ^_^

  16. Well uumm this is kinda how I draw most of the time, I'd like too maybe make it more grungy looking one day (as in the style not just this pic). Also I need to work on making that lamp on the left look less...obnoxious looking? I'm not sure what to call it but it just feels like it doesn't belong in the picture. It is also only a part of the larger image due to the fact it was draw on the paper from my Design class and the sketchbooks we needed where on the lager size ( I removed the sticker that had the sizing on it).
  17. Yep. I hope Red likes it. Also that's his tongue not his teeth >w< the light pink wash is hard for the scanner to pick up. His hair was colored using a lower quality set. Red was done first as the other the pics where being done in a computer program that I need to re-buy for my new computer. I think I will just re-make all the pics like this but I'm not sure. Do you think that watercolors, are an OK media for scanning or looks good? Also, I'm sure you now know my grammar is horrid, I am vary sorry about that >w<.
  18. GroggyPony


    Yep....Not so sure If It looks like Joan tho.
  19. Working on Oc drawings

  20. working on drawing

  21. I tried making it look like a vector pic in the background.
  22. What kind of book's? Maybe I will just use some made up runes for the spines of the books. Also what is her cutie mark? If she has one. Her basic pic is almost done,but I'm stuck on how her wings will look folded.
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