Groggy is more mule like :3 the design comes from old English unicorns. Groggy has a beard when a tad older too, but I guess maybe I need to change that to having the beard around at all stages of life
(that’s another confusing aspect now that I think about it)
umm I will try and get the values better next time, thank you ^-^
yha his horn can be a bit hard at times, its meant to be ivory and shade on
ivory tents to look more muted and kind of yellowed and high lights tend to not
really effect ivory (unless it is glossed with something).
Due to this going over board is kind of easy to do so I was too scared of
going overboard with it so that instead, it didn’t get the tender love and care
it needed v-v
As for the neck that’s kind of funny that you say to not be afraid to make
it thicker XD cuz I had it thicker but then was worried that it looked wrong so
a chickened out and made it thinner. I will stick more to what I had originally
next time and see if that works more ^-^
“Besides that, Groggy looks like he's sitting on hair, because his mane is
the same color as the shadow under him. Changing the color of either one would
fix that.”
It is hair. It’s trimmed more straightly than originally (where it’s scruffy
from never being brushed) but it is hair. Old English unicorns often have feathering
behind their legs, and that is where the design is based on. And apart from
that yha Groggy is sitting on air as there was no plan for a background.
“The face expression and colors emphasize sadness and loneliness to me” yes!
That is what I wanted ^-^ yay.
As for the cutie mark, I intend it to be a lantern. Groggy carries a lantern
around, it’s meant to be the lantern from Amnesia but I need to get better at
drawing lanterns v.v
It’s meant to be more of a symbolic cutie mark and I’m working on making the
short story for when Groggy received it when walking home.