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Everything posted by bunnybuzki

  1. So so so so stressed about this presentation arrrggghhhh heart attack!

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      I know, that sinking feeling when your presenting upfront? Been there, it's nervewrecking.

  2. Wow thats a loooong list of ponies to add!!! My name is bunnybuzki, same as it is everywhere lol. Id like to be added to the list please! And I am glad ponies are still playing. I hope a new cheat is invented soon!
  3. Bunnybuzki Thank you! I need hearts to play that carnival game to win gems. I bought everything you can buy with bits already. Greedy greedy game designers! Btw is anyone looking for a way to hack the most recent update or is interest just lost now?
  4. In a hostel in Ecuador, checking the episode wasn't leaked in time for me to see it before my Amazon adventure begins!

    1. bunnybuzki


      Nope. Looks like I'll see it after

  5. I loved every Donna Episode. Donna could have been any woman off the street by appearances but then we saw she was the most important woman in the universe! Tate and Tennent also have great dynamics together. I really think I would like Matt Smith better if I liked the storyline of his run better. Something about it is just...not as entertaining as before.
  6. I have had the flu and a fever the last two weeks and only just heard about the horrible gang rape in Ohio and watched the leaked Anonymous video. It's sad but I have heard stories exactly like this growing up, girls telling each other these stories as warnings, then in college. The video really got me thinking though, as well as http://feministing.com/2013/01/23/gender-and-empathy-men-shouldnt-need-to-imagine-if-it-were-your-wifedaughtermother/ this article a colleague posted on Facebook. One of the biggest reasons that bronys are made to feel ashamed of themselves is for the same reason this atrocity happened. In the video, one boy begins really trying to get the main kid on camera to stop making jokes about the passed-out drunk girl that is currently being raped outside (although why isn't he doing anything to actually stop the rape? Whatever, another story). The linked article points out that not only did he have NO empathy for the girl, but why should we have to ask questions like, "What if it was your daughter, or your sister?" to begin with? The article states "The idea that a woman would need a reminder on how to empathize with someone–as well as way of mentally replacing the object of empathy with someone else who is more personally valued to them–seems slightly ludicrous. " Yes, it is, isn't it? I hear bronies complain about stereotypes on this board but I'm beginning to think it actually is a really big deal for men to be so ashamed and so hateful of the "feminine" and "girly". Empathy is, in our society, very much directed as a woman's job. But if Bronies can accept that it is a male's responsibility to be empathetic as well, then you do deserve more support. (The sexism still is still against women and you are being punished for being in their territory where segregation is supposed to be upheld, because I guess we are dirty or something). The joking and fear about all that is supposed to be in a women's realm is so much more hateful than the casual observer realizes, because we are all so numbed to our everyday-lives. It's one thing to say, "Ignore what they say, they're just haters, Don't let it bother you, etc" -but when we see these atrocities and wonder why...Well do you still wonder why? These little annoying comments people make about you are really symptoms of a much bigger issue and problem, and it is important to talk about and work through with society. They really hate women. They don't even care about other people in general because empathy is designated a womanly trait. Now I'm too angry to even finish this post because of all the rage suppressed during watching that video!
  7. People will never get what they deserve. I admit I go on Cracked everyday and just know which writers' articles to never read. Some of them literally just rant and rant, there isn't even a joke in there and they get a thousand compliments in the comments section. It's unfortunate but I don't know what else to do besides not read those articles. There are other writers who would never say such hateful awful things(I mean hateful, way worse than the Brony quickfix article in question) and I feel they should not allow it just because they don't hold others to their own standards. Sorry not to pick on you in particular, but people say this about shows like South Park and others all the time. In fact, even Cracked.com has an article about why this isn't a good argument. Doesn't making fun of everyone just make you MORE of a jerk? And there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed, and certain respectfulness that should be upheld. I won't say this article crossed the line but don't blame the offended person for the offense. If someone says something rude about me, I reserve the right to be offended. It's great if you are able not to take it personally and let it slide. I did that with this article, but others, even on my favorite site Cracked, not so much.
  8. I agree, and in the end she did put her hoof down and say "I am not your pal!" or whatever it was she said. Besides, a lot of motivation for DIscord is to push limits, so when there are none there is nothing to push, thus you kinda fall on your face. But she was still there after that happened as well.
  9. I love all the ponies wearing their elements. I'm normally not a Fluttershy girl but she looked so so so especially cute with her necklace, and I was very sad when she took it off. I wish they just wore them all the time. The episode was predictable but I liked it, and it didn't disapoint. Now we may get more Discord!
  10. was hoping for more to be born from 86-88 so I wouldn't feel like that creepy adult on a kid's board but...well I guess we've got enough! So it's okay for me to tell that story about the time I saw Twilight Sparkle Drawings at my favorite bar because enough of us are overage? And I love blue! I only remember one episode of MLP growing up and it was like, the apocolypse or something. I think the current show is so cute and funny!
  11. Actually Daydream is supposed to be a unicorn with a broken horn and thus lame magic, but these wings in the generator were sooo pretty I couldn't resist. That is all. I didn't want her to be a regular earth pony because I wanted something magic. I do think Earth Ponies are super cute though!
  12. awww I love the older ponies! I think they're so much cuter. The new dolls manes aren't fun. I grew up with the old ones and always thought they were adorable. Maybe not G1, I have no clue what Gen it would be, but whatever they made in the early 90's. The second pic in the OP is the worst, in my opinion.
  13. "Things may come to those who wait, but only what's left by those who Hustle" - Abe LIncoln

  14. Well I loved Ponies when I was a little girl. However the only time I remember watching the ponies on tv, it was like, the apocalypse and this voclano, (or metorites, or some other dark awful flames from the sky idea) was killing thousands of ponies and they were all panicking. I remember Rainbow Bright also being pretty surprisingly serious. I loooooooved loved loved the old dolls. This latest cartoon series is far better, but I have to admit I bear no ill-will toward any of the older generations. Actually if anyone has any idea what series or episode I'm talking about, I would LOVE to rewatch it now!
  15. I went to college there, so four years...I totally know what you are talking about which is why I decided not to move there permanently, but when it comes to fandoms, it doesn't do anything. : ) so that is good news!
  16. I have been to Katsucon in DC. It doesn't get political, it's just the same old Anime convention. The location won't change it. I don't know anything about the Cloudsdale thing. I mean, I get the whole DC thing but what I'm saying is, when it comes to conventions don't let the location freak you out.
  17. I get torn up over this. I actually learned that there is a difference between general racism and sexism and Institutionalized racism and sexism. If you only acknowledge the latter, it is impossible for a white male to be discriminated against in either form. But in general it is still the whole idea that being a girl is disgusting so no male should do it, thus offending both the enjoyer of the show and all females. I think the double standard will honestly end soon but it has to be bred out in the next generation or two. I mean, it's totally cool to like TMNT today, so at least we've crossed the little kiddie gap. It's hard to be so mad at people when they really just don't know the show and don't know "any better" (so when I say soon, I mean, in the biiiiiig scheme of things)
  18. Ugg that isn't the point. I don't usually care about her life, it's just that it's going to really overshadow mine during a time I've been looking forward to. See that's what I mean, I wanted to call someone to tell them how I felt, but they would have responded the same way as you, and that is totally fine after the whole shock of the situation because I could be like, "You're right, everything will work out, I will totally have a great and wonderful life" but there is still some time where I am allowed to have some negative feelings about this surprise (especially since I wasn't supposed to know I was getting proposed to in the first place). That's why I love that each pony is so different. I think they all would have tried to reason me out of my feelings except for Rarity, who would let me be dramatic until I calmed down and then helped me make the best of the situation. is that clearer? Edit: I'm actually really happy about it now. Doesn't change the point of my post. and by the way, no matter how illogical, I know people shouldn't feel entitled to anything but people are always entitled to their feelings
  19. Well no I don't expect strangers to care about my feelings. But haven't you ever been upset that someone didn't care about how you felt? At least, when it was someone whose feelings you cared about?
  20. Okay I just found out this girl who is gorgeous, has a career where she regularly hangs out with celebrities and the most expensive venues in NYC is getting proposed to the same day that I am...it's the same family so basically...guess what that entails for the next year and a half! It sounds shallow but someone else (like rarity) would realize this is quite the blow. But that's the beauty of it, if it was some big academic endeavor, Twilight would be my girl and I'd be watching Lesson Zero, or if it was athletic (like when I was literally the slowest person while I was in Military training, which sucked) I could watch Hurricane Fluttershy. I don't complain all the time!!! No my point is that AppleJack is a great friend, but since each pony is different there is room for every kind of friend you need; whereas I feel like I have mainly one type of friend in my life. I am sure everyone feels different. This is actually a once in a lifetime kind of event but I hate when I am upset and someone just dismisses my feelings by calling me a dramaqueen. I feel like that's just...not listening. See my answer to the quote just before this one lol.
  21. I forget that when I first saw this show, I got into a huge fight with my BF and just marathoned all the episodes in a two-day girlie sobfest. Now another "This is the WORST POSSIBLE THING" has happened...and as usual my friends are lame and don't understand me. I feel like Rarity is the only one who understands me sometimes! No in real life I love my friends and family but there is always some occasion where my friends don't understand my feelings because I tend to surround myself with pretty level-headed people, but they don't necessarily understand how some people can get hurt by different things. That's why I love watching the episodes, I feel so much more leveled out after watching whatever pony I'm sympathizing with at the time. I named Rarity for this post because that's how I am feeling today, but as another example, during Military training I was literally the slowest runner ever and only Fluttershy would understand how embarassing that is. : ) Ever have one of those "No one understands me! OOo...this pony gets it" days?
  22. Of all the worst things that could happen, this weekend literally was the worst possible weekend - and only Rarity would understand which why I'm watching Dressed for Success

  23. Lol well as for the human i was only friends with six males who had hopeless crushes on her. I dont know how many other hearts she broke. ;-) Lol well as for the human i was only friends with six males who had hopeless crushes on her. I dont know how many other hearts she broke. ;-) thanks! I see your point. I brought it up because even in real life we get crushes on fictional charactets. So is it wrong to get a crush on a cartoon pony? Only if it is a habit that does in fact hurt your real life relationship loke the one you described. Yes, the girl dumps him and is better off, but does the guy dumped understand what he did wrong? I once dated a guy who made this mistake many times before and after me. Lol. Just about everyone had a consenting opinion in this thread so I wanted to throw a monkey wrench in it to spark some deeper thought or conversation. Mission accomplished, I appreciated your response.
  24. I think she's too generous to accept, even if they tried to pay her for it. I can't see her accepting any payments, especially when they convinced Hoity Toity to stay for a second viewing.
  25. Woah I'm not saying that, I'm saying you ignore their flaws and their REAL personality because you favor the one you subconsciously made up for them. Which means you ignore things that may not even be flaws but just things that don't fit with their idea of them. Like this one girl I have in mind, on the outside and in first impressions, she basically is Fluttershy, and guys just fall in love with her, but then they completely don't get why she doesn't just love them because they aren't giving her things she really wants. This girl in reality is cutthroat and very ambitious but they imagine her as just giving up her career to cuddle. Being cutthroat (in her manner) is not wrong, but it doesn't fit in with their idea of a sweet, quiet nice sweetheart. She can be both things, but they ignore half of what makes her, herself, preferring a fiction or the "idea" of her instead. Actually, a cracked.com article states it better if I'm allowed to link- http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-girls-dont-seem-to-understand-about-nice-guys/ Check out #3 about Nice GUys and putting girls on pedestals. That being said, I believe If you love someone you acknowledge their flaws and you work together to improve upon them.
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