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Posts posted by TheAnYPony

  1. Excellent.  I will definitely be subscribing to your channel right away.  Hope to see more reviews from you soon.  After all, you still have a lot of them to go through.


    Jepp - there is quite a lot to cover if I am really going to review every single episode of the first two seasons... I am thinking about maybe grouping some together... Not sure yet. After all I am also going to produce fanfiction reviews and readings after S3 ended, so there is even more work ahead  :lol:


    You have some quite detailed reviews, I also like how you threw in a bit of comedy here and there, I'm always a fan of that type of thing. The extra editing of the OC into your video is always nice aswell, kinda reminds me of Paleo a bit.


    And btw your accent is awesome :D.


    I wish you the best of luck!

    Wow, thanks for the kind words.  :blush:

    Fun fact: I actually discovered Paleo only after I started my own reviews... I even had a show featuring a similar format with a simple smiley-face before. I believe my original inspiration had been Extra Credits


     - - - - - - - - 


    Hey everypony! 

    It took me a while but I finally uploaded my video review of "Just for Sidekicks" And I should have more time from now on for future video ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Hello Everypony!


    A few weeks ago I started in colaboration with a few fellow Brony-Reviewers a Podcast. 


    "Crepuscular Bronies Discuss" airs Sundays at 1 pm EST




    Newest Episode: 

    CBD #10 "MLP & Masculinity" with Brawny Buck (Brony Debates)



    Previous episodes:

    #7 "Games Ponies Play"

    Just updated all the old episodes... Even though I advice not to watch it in order or at least skip the first three - it's only Byter and me and we were still experimenting a lot...

  3. Hello out there!
    Just wanted to give you a heads up that fellow MLP-reviewer Byter (http://byter75.deviantart.com/) and I are going to do a little experiment this saturday: we are want to podcast our weekly discussion on the new episode on me channel.
    We also plan to release an edited version later on.

    Hello outthere and Happy new year everypony!

    Just finished and uploaded my newest review: "Spike at Your Service"

    I hope you enjoy it  :lol:

    Hiatus? No new episodes of My Little Pony Friendship is magic? As if this could stop me from producing new stuff!

    Just uploaded the very first episode of the "My thoughts on..."-series!

    I finally got my "Keep Calm and Flutter On"-Review finished!

    I hope I get the next one produced this weekend as well.

    For now: enjoy this one ^^

  4. I'm curious why they didn't use this ending. My two ideas ( which aren't exclusive) are that they didn't have time left in the episode and that Lightning reforming so quickly would have felt forced.

    Yeah, this would be a surprisingly quick refom. But I'm not sure if I would not have preferred the alternative ending after all - now LD it seems that LD gets all the punishment and no chance to redeem herself...  :huh:

  5. About the CMC, the idea of a support group dedicated to helping young ponies with the loss of confidence and bullying that comes with being a "blank flank" is a good one with potential, seeing it start out from the humble origins of three young fillies bonding over a shared problem and then growing into a fully-fledged organization would be satisfying so it excites me that the show seems to be heading in that direction.

    Nice point of view. So far I never saw the CMC as some kind of support group and rather as just some friends, who do some crazy (and often enough annoying) stuff to find their special talents. But if you think back to their very first meeting in CoC, you are right! AB was in a really bad situation, when the other two appeared and stood up for her. I like this perspective; especially since the CMC are becoming less and less hard to watch (not to say I liked all recent CMC-relted episodes ;) )

    About raising the barn... I actually got the idea behind it. But for me the presentation just didn't work, so I went a bit ignorant in my review to emphasize this point...

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Oh,ok makes much more sense now. You should also add the text you just sayed to the videos description so people will understand why you made a music vid out of a picture.

    I did so on YT but forgot, that this isn't displayed here - so, thx for the hint! It's taken care of


    Pretty darn good for a first PMV.  Next time you should probably use video clips, but I understand why you used the pictures.  Very nice.

    Thanks! Not sure, how many PMV I'll produce in the future, since I usually focus on reviews and stuff, but it was fun, so I guess it won't be my last  ^_^

  7. Well first it didnt have dubstep so that made me ,sad also next time i would recommend using MLP Clips instead of pictures. But still very nice for your first pony music video.

    Well, don't expect to much Dubstep from me - I'm more into Rock, alternative and so on...  ;)

    About the visuals: Usually I would go for MLP clips as well; but the story behind this video was this: I found this Picture on deviantart and in the description it said "Inspired by this song [link]". So I checked out the song and was like "Yes, this picture sure captures the wild chase mood of the song". My idea was to compine picture with the song it had been inspired by and here we are now  :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Happy Holidays, Everpony!


    I just put a little PMV together, just for fun and to lighten up your days  :lol:

    I hope you enjoy it as well as the featured art by Remebrand!




    About the visuals: Usually I would have gone for MLP clips; but the story behind this video was this: I found this picture on deviantart and in the description it said "Inspired by this song [link]". So I checked out the song and was like "Yes, this picture sure captures the wild chase mood of the song". My idea was to compine picture with the song it had been inspired by and here we are now   :lol:

    • Brohoof 1


    Hello Everypony!


    I felt, we all spent far to much time discussion who is best Pony...

    That's why I took it on myself to find the one true answer, everybody can agree on.

    So I spent the last couple of weeks doing my research and what do you know?!


    Don't believe me?!- See for your self:





    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 



    Hello out there - this is TheAnYPony!


    I have been a Youtuber for a while now and Brony for about a year. Quite recently I mangaged to combine this two passions by creating a new channel  and becoming a Brony-Youtuber


    So far I am focusing on reviewing the new episodes. But after season 3 ends my plans are dramatic reading, reviews of fimfictions and the old episodes, as well as some general pony-related "just speaking my mind about stuff"-episodes.




    My review of "Magical Mytsery Cure" is finally here!

    And it is a big one! Enjoy img-1006244-1-wink.png




    Episode Reviews:

     The Chrystal Empire

    - Too Many Pinkie Pies

    - One Bad Apple

    - Magic Duel

    - Sleepless in Ponyville

    - Wonderbold Academy

    - Apple Family Reunion

    - Spike at Your Service

    - Keep Calm and Flutter On

    - Just for Sidekicks

    - Games Ponies Play


    Other videos:

    - PMV: "Running in Equestria" inspired by and featuring art by Remenbrand

    - "Mythoughs on Shipping"

    Let me know, what you think about it  img-1006244-2-laugh.png

    • Brohoof 6
  10. "Seriously?"- something about that line coming from Applebloom is amusing (...)   Nitpicks Stop making ponies sit like humans



    I guess, we are totally on the same page here - I also felt the need to talk about these points ion my video review. 

    And about the "nice little touches" you mentioned - except maybe for your enthusiasm for new crusaders in Manehatten: Coulnd agree more - those were some great scenes ^^

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