Thanks guys!
Well, ever since I was little I've been fascinated by weather. I'll closely follow any storm or system in the area, and I'm a skywarn spotter. When I have more money, I'll probably go for an amateur radio licensce.
I've been an anime fan for quite a while too. The first series I watched knowing what it was would probably be Digimon. Like I said, I wrote a couple fanfics a long time ago but I don't think they're still around. I can get into almost any anime, even terrible stuff if it's unintentionally funny (MD Geist, Sword for Truth, there's plenty of funny/bad anime, movies, etc out there ) Probably my favorite series are Baccano, Ouran, FMA (I like Brotherhood better), and Gundam (Gundam Wing and G Gundam are the best!).
I got into Doctor Who back when the Sci-fi Channel was showing the 9th and some of the 10th doctor episodes. I looked up the show online and found out how long it's been around and started talking to other fans. I'm not too heavily involved with the fandom, since I've seen things get nasty and/or stupid a few times too many though I'm thinking of giving things another chance <_< So far, my favorite doctor is either the 11th (Matt Smith), 7th (Sylvester McCoy), or 4th (Tom Baker).
I don't think I could give Homestuck an explanation that does it justice, but I was brainwashed brought into the fandom by the same friend that was initially begging me to watch MLP with them, so I guess that's two awesome things I can thank them for Any other Homestucks here will know what I mean when I say I had the misfortune of getting caught up with the archives in the middle of Doc Scratch's Ancestor Fanfic Time -_-
Outside the intertubes and movies and stuff, I like to go biking and swimming, as long as it's warm enough out. Probably the longest ride I've done was about 26 miles. That's about it