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Posts posted by AutisticBrony

  1. I really tried, but this stuff does not work on me at all. It relaxed me, but it left me feeling weird the rest of the night. Do these recordings really make people think they have hooves and stuff? Seems like an elaborate prank to me. <_<

    Worked for me! :) Being RD is fun. :P

    I listened to it, got interrupted once though.. In the end it worked and it feels awesome! You should try again. :) And yes, it does make you feel like you have hooves and wings and stuff like that. Did for me. :D

  2. ahhh not one vote for Granny Smith! Someone vote for her :o


    Come on! Let's help her beat Dashy that 'young whipper snapper!'


    she's also named after one of the best kinds of apple!

    NOPONY. I repeat. NO. PONY. Shall beat my Dashie. xD Haha ButSrsly. You should vote for Granny then! You CAN choose more than one. :)

    Edit: ARGH the above got me to 99 chars. o-o

  3. I can has Octavia???  That's my other vote.


    There is one person who I've told that I'm a brony, and they have told several other people.  Other than that, I try to keep it a secret.  I suppose if someone outright asked me out of the blue, I wouldn't lie to them, but I highly doubt that people go around asking random strangers if they're bronies.

    Asking random people if they are bronies? Omigoshomigoshomigosh :wub:  FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN  :lol:  I just have to try that, Oh god, I can't wait for an opportunity. :3 Wow, Seriously I gotta do dat sometime. But... when...  :huh:  :mellow:  ;)  :)  :huh:  :unsure:  :wacko:  :wub:  -_-  :unsure:  :wacko:  :D  :D  :blink:  :(  :huh:  Hahaha pony overloaddddd


    And YAY! Nopony has no brony friends! That is so awesome! Life: 20% cooler. That should be a movie. GOTTA MAKE A NEW POST. Hahaha Rainbow Dash movie mode has been ACTIVATED.

  4. Only one Lyra vote!?? And it's my vote?  Heresy!  Heresy, I say!  Her Mintiness must not go unacknowledged!


    Also, where do I stand if no-one outside of my family knows, but I still own (very well-hidden) merchandise?  I'm still building up the courage to tell my best friend, who is very much against furries.  I'm not a furry, but hopefully he doesn't know about bronies, which he will likely also hate if he doesn't know that I'm one.

    Hmm. Hard to say........ Just.... Idk about where you would be on that question. Just go with the T-Shirts one, it'll do for now. Ya know? I mean, you got merch. So it fits.



    1st. RD

    2st (YOLO). Luna?! Wow, cool!

    3st. Twilight and OTHER.


    Kinda funny if you ask me, not very expected (In my eyes) But anyways cools!

  5. What is this thing you call a BRONIE IT SOWNDZ STOOPED :V


    Nah I kid :P



    I'm obviously a brony and my favorite ponies include Princess Luna (obvs), Derpy, Rainbow Dash, and others... including Octavia, Vinyl Scratch and Berry Punch.


    I don't really have any friends outside of the internet unfortunately (i'd say I need to get out more :( )


    I'm unfortunately I'm not really open about it (at least until I find a rally deccent brony shirt featuring either Princess Luna or Vinyl Scratch :3)

    :) Cool! I am going to make a new poll for just favorite pony. You know, a list of ALL ponies in MLP as of yet. And VOTE for the best! Maybe ask for why. Stay posted >:D

  6. RAINBOW IS IN THE LEAD! 4 votes for her! :D *squee* My favorite pony is in the lead! Awww yeaa! So.. ON WITH THE VOTING! Wait. Before I let you all loose, make sure to leave comments too :D

    The lack of Doctor Whooves in this poll disappoints me greatly! 

    As for the other questions, I won't start a discussion about being a brony but if someone asks me about it then I'll talk about it. Although it would be nice to meet a few more fans who live locally.

    Ah yea, forgot the Doctor. Sorry bout that! :P I was just naming em off the top of my head. Kinda why I had the OTHER option :D Just for that scenario.

  7. So far Luna, RD, And Derpy are winning. Hehe, I posted this like 5 mins ago! Wow this forum is awesome. Hahaha, I would laugh if somepony said NOPE NOPE NOPE for the first question.

  8. I guess you could call this a sensus thingy. Well, more to just see what everypony thinks. Go ahead and take the poll. I want to see how many bronies are here, and their opinions.


       See you soon guys!


  9. I had this idea while I was in the shower today. What if there was a special tv channel, just for bronies? It'd play brony music, My Little Pony'd be on it, art stuff, you know. Maybe bronycon tapes? Just an idea, it would be pretty cool. Even though MLP is owned by Hasbro, they might let MLP air on it. You never know. I'm sure Lauren Faust would let it :P

       Anyways brohoof, seeya later guys!

    P.S. - I got a pony shirt! It is Trixie. You know, the Great and Powerful thereof. Haha, wore it to school. Some kid came up to me and said PINKIE PIE! BEGONE! While his fingers were crossed. I was soooo confused. Anyways bye.



    • Brohoof 4
  10. WOOHOO! Almost 1000 views! This is awesome! :D

    I never expected my post to be so popular! Anyways, I bought me a Trixie T-Shirt! Awwww yeaa! So, I wore it to school and this one guy sees it. At the end of class he comes up to me with his two index fingers crossed and says, "Pinkie Pie! Begone!" And walks away. I am soooo confused. Hahahaha

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Well, yeah actually. But here's the funny thing: I've been kind of judging myself. 

    I love the brony fandom. If it hadn't been for ponies I wouldn't have any friends. I used to be really closed off and did nothing but read. But recently I've been much more open and I've discovered that I'm the life of a party. But it seriously took a TV show to teach me that? Oh well.

    Also I got my brother in the fandom. I know he loves being a brony, but I'm worried about what others will think of him. He's really sweet, and I love him to pieces and I don't want him to get hurt. Maybe I'm just overprotective.

    And there was one time I told a friend and he gave me this weird look and I could tell he was thinking of the cloppers :/ They give us all a bad name.

    And a guy on memebase, but he's fun to mess with.

    That first part sounds alot like Twilight Sparkle. You know, nothing but read, then she is the life of the party. Except maybe in her case the death of the party. o.O

  12. I haven't really admitted it to anyone other than my own brother; what I used to do was give myself the name "Rainbow Dash" when someone put Counter Strike on the school computers. Other people on the LAN game would see my name, and I eventually found another brony who recognised the name. It was cool.


    If I ever do admit to a widespread audience that I'm a brony, it would be online, probably as a Facebook status where all my friends can see it. This gives people a chance to look it up, and should they choose to respond you can mull over a justified response - it's much easier than real life. (Do you get this too? I noticed your name was AutisticBrony, and I'm also autistic - so it's easier for me to talk to people online than in real life).

    Eyyyup. Did the same thing. Set my prof pic to Rainbow's face. Then I posted lots of pony pics. Awwwww yeaaaaa. Now I think one of my other friends is a brony.

  13. Hey guys! ^^

    So lately I've been telling my friends+family that I watch MLP. Now, at first, you might be afraid of people judging you, or losing respect. Well, that was true in my case.

    Once you tell the first few people, it gets much easier. And another bonus is that barely anyone will be judgmental! (wow dgm is in there. DGM! Back to topic...) One friend said to me, "Really? You're a My Little Pony fan? (You lose all my respect.)" and, turns out he was just trollin'! He IS the trolling type of guy. Anyways, I haven't been judged. Not once.

    And now I ask you:

    Have you ever been judged for being a brony?

    And how did it turn out?

    Thanks for reading!


    • Brohoof 2
  14. A funny way to tell someone you're a brony?


    Go to a very busy place, and climb up to the highest point.


    Get everyone's attention, Then scream into a megaphone:

    "I LIKE MY LITTLE PONY AND I'M PROUD!!!!!!!!!1111one"

    while ripping off your shirt then jumping off the thing you are on.


    That is soooo cool! 




    My kind sir, I do believe that being a brony is something akin to the experience of BRONYYYY LOLOLOLO

    Wow. I think that just burned about 200 calories.

    Sorry... I had a carbonated beverage... o.O Thanks alot Dr. Pepper.  <_<

  15. I'm bi. It's very easy for someone to only judge your homosexual side and then call you a faggot. You defended yourself and that's good.


    I don't see how being bisexual determines whether or not you are a bundle of sticks. On that note, a bi faggot is an oximoron... Stick bundles have no gender. So it's impossible for faggots to really have any sexuality at all. Here, I'll put it into an indirect proof (thank you geometry class):

    Assume temporarily that being bisexual makes you a faggot. It is a given fact that being bisexual means that you are attracted to BOTH genders of your species; and that a faggot is a bundle of twigs. This contradicts the statement that bisexuals are faggots, as twigs have no gender to be attracted to: disproving sed statement. Therefore, bisexuals CANNOT physically, psychologically, or in any other way be faggots.

    Furthermore, being a brony does NOT make you gay by any means. Maybe the person is gay AND a brony, but not all bronies are gay. It's similar to this scenario:

    'A square IS a rectangle (it has 4 sides and is equiangular), yet a rectangle COULD BE a square (it will have 4 sides, be equiangular, but MIGHT be equilateral).'

    Just think of the bronies as the rectangles, and the gays/bis as the squares (sounds weird, just roll with it) and it matches perfectly.

    Now. The part where you stood up for yourself. That sounds AWESOME. But. Did you exactly 'love and tolerate' him? Not trying to be a downer, but there might've been some other way. Maybe... Troll him. Rustle his jimmies to beyond repair. Then, he'd be forced to buy new ones (they are VERY expensive). His wallet would be empty, and he wouldn't have enough money to buy them again. He'd know to stay away if he wants to go home with his jimmies intact.

    Finally I just want to say that I typed all this on my iPod. Wow. This has truly been excruciating (thanks a lot autocorrect)... Anyways good luck with your life, hope people start being less ignorant and more accepting.


    Sincerely, AB

    • Brohoof 3
  16. I already know there's a decent amount of bronies at my school- know it from T-shirts and seeing people talk about it/watch it at school. Someone asked online a few days ago if I was a brony and I said yes, so everyone at the school practically knows. Plus with things like iMessage, gossip spreads faster than wildfire.

    I wish anyone at my school besides me wore anything besides sports clothes. At the time of writing, I am wearing a My Neighbor Totoro shirt. Once everyone knows I'm a brony, I might get some pony shirts. Also I'm broke so I couldn't get one today if I wanted to...

  17. For one of my friends when he was away I replaced his computer background with a pony background and other pony related things then I left a file saying that I did it and explaining bronys too him.

    Hahaha, nice... Just my friends never leave their computers. That or they never go on. :/ Anyways I told my friend I am a brony, worked pretty well.

  18. Looks better then any pixel art I can make I really love it and would you mind if I try to do the same thing for a server I'm co-owner on?

    Not a problem! Just remember, the yellow is sand... The outline is cyan, inside light blue. Send me a pic of your result! :) I'd love to see how it turns out!

  19. I came from a forum called everypony.com. It's a nice small community. I wanted to extend my friend search, so I also joined this place. ^^ Are you the actual Acoustic Brony on youtube by the way?

    1. My username here is Autistic, not Acoustic...

    2. Nope, Chuck Testa




    Okay. Welcome. And things, I guess.


    But one thing to let us get to know each other better.


    i don't want that

    I have actually seen that game before... Kinda sad, isn't it? It's more girly than MLP. :P

    "I want small fries."

    *Gives medium*

    *Throws to floor*


  20. Well, the show is intended for little girls, and specially the toys.

    You are a 22 year old male who are complaining about toys that are meant for 3+ year old girls. 

    Just because a few older males are watching the show does not mean the toys should be changed just to suit your needs.


    And if you ask me, a male over 15 years old brushing a pony toy is a little creepy.

    Did you... Just say.... A few?! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha A little more than a few, don't you think? On this forums alone there are what, 8,000 of us? And most bronies don't know about mlpforums.com anyways. I'm gonna take a guess and say its around 20k? 50? Idk.

    • Brohoof 1
  21. maan ive told like all my friends, but they dnt wanna watch the show xD (hence why i have no brony friendsthey took it pretty easily though, i just toldem straight up i am a brony, and MLP is a great show. they laughed it off XDD


    my Family on the other hand, my dad accused my of being gay >.< my mother wasnt surprised, me nd my lil sis are united bronies^^

    Yay! I just told my brother and he watched an episode, said it was good, yet denied being a brony. He put air quotes around brony. -_- Anyways I sense that he is a closet brony. :P In my days, successfully converted to brony/closet brony: 2.

    • Brohoof 1
  22. img-1013262-1-67717_10151399974768132_20


    MLP car paintjobs seems pretty funny, I would've gone all the way with the interior and maybe get pink colored wheels with custom pony art on it.

    That is the most win I have ever seen in one place at one time ever. EVER. Dear god, when I get my t-shirt it's gonna be cool, but this is just 20% cooler...

    • Brohoof 4
  23.    Me and another closet brony friend of mine plan to reveal to my brother... My Little Pony. Everypony, please, hold your applause. We are gonna bombard him with skype messages referencing to the show and use words like everypony somepony and nopony, until he catches on. Or doesn't. By that point we will explain what the heck we were doing. xD This is going to be REALLY fun. Good part is, my brony friend (only one, may I add) is my brother's best friend! Talk about shocking! Anyways, share your funny reveal stories belowwww!

       I mean, if you want to... -Fluttershy

    Meh, I wanted to write a bit more. So after my family knows, I am going to get Rainbow Dash's cutie mark on a shirt >u< It's going to be awesome... But then, I'll wear it to school, and get random brohooves all day. Heck to the yes. :D Ok story time! BELOWWWW!



    Ok guys! A day later and I told my brother! Me and a friend did reference the show quite alot... And then he left. I got him back on, and then right before the brony ensued, he left. Got him back on. Then the typical 'Omigoshomigoshomigosh a brony is someone who likes my little pony music *swag*' from him. I corrected him saying that it's that we like the show AND music, and bronies make music. He was all, 'Why would you like a show for little girls?' And I said that the creator said that it was for the whole family. Twice. After all that, he didn't hate much, and I even got him to try an episode! He told me it was pretty entertaining. Isn't that great? A (possible!) new brony! :D

       See ya later guys!


    • Brohoof 14
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