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Everything posted by cjr88

  1. I did, me and a few friends went around town blasting winter wrap up on my portable speaker and singing. XD It was a whole lot of fun. We kind of harassed some random guy at the library 'cause he wasn't out helping change the seasons. We where going to play the chorus on the Walmart loud speaker but the changed the location of the phone that was connected to the loud speaker and we found another one but there was an employ near so we didn't but it was a fun day. So, what did you guys do?
  2. I'd rater have a ton snow to shovel up, 'cause then it really feels like wrapping up winter rather then having just a few spots of snow here and there Sounds like fun, But I would Absolutely hate the time limit. I love to just screw around on games. So time limits are a pet peeve for me. Unless the time limit is an optional challenge. Cause then I can just derp around the first time through then come back a take the challenge
  3. Is monster hunter kind of like shadow of the colossus, or is it like Final Fantasy? I saw some screen shots but I know nothing of the game. And good luck with getting the new job.
  4. It's WINTER WRAP UP! I siked about this! It was sowing hard today and I hoped it would build up. But, we only got about an inch then the sun came out and melted most of it. So, I was bummed 'cause some of my friends and I were going to go out and shovel any sidewalks and driveways that needed it, singing Winter Wrap Up. And we probably would have made the news paper if we told them why we were doing it cause we live in a small enough town silly things like that get in the news paper. Anyone else have plans for the holiday?
  5. Well, I don't much experience writing. But, I always get praised my english teacher on how well I write (though I'm not as confident in my writing skills as they are). And I've been thinking of getting into writing stories just for the heck of it. though I simply write the way I talk, so punctuation and grammer isn't always 100% accurate but it's almost all correct. And I have the time to write most days.
  6. Wow, 20 hours!? For me sleeping till 9AM is sleeping in. I can't even comprehend how you can sleep for that long. maybe you were weak cause you hadn't eaten all day. Haha at your funeral if you died of sleeping too long At least he died doing something he loved But he died in his sleep exactly
  7. I'm about to crawl under a pile of covers an watch the original Digimon series and I will refuse to get out from under my covers until I have watched at least 5 episodes and ya know what? Later today I'm going to go full nerd and play Dungeons and Dragons
  8. So I recently remembered this silly but really fun MMO that I last played years ago. It's called puzzle pirates. At first look it looks like a crappy kids MMO, But after playing for a while it turns into a great game with so many unique qualities. So I when to go play it again and I realize the changed something in the game. I went to buy stuff for my house and I find out in order to buy anything you have to pay both in game money and real money or have a 10 USD a month membership. That is the single worst game mechanic I have ever seen! I was so pissed! Really I'm fine with putting inconveniences to make you want to buy there real money currency. But really, you can't buy ANYTHING! I really liked that game too .
  9. I'm sort of lucky in that in my school people really tend not to care when people are odd. I wear my Rainbow Dash sweat shirt to school sometimes and I have yet to get picked on about it. And the shirt as really as girly as a Rainbow Dash sweat shirt can get. Actually the worst remark I ever got from wearing pony merch to school was once a guy said "ew a brony." there actually is a hand full of people in my school who wear pony merch pretty regularly. the odd thing is I have more bony friends in real life then I have on the internet. But that's because I've been real shy in the internet until recently. We really are all friends here. This fandom is really a safe place to be. It's an Ideal community that simply doesn't tolerate people harassing on another. It really is a great community to be in
  10. Ya know what one of my best friends and I wouldn't even be friends if not for ponies! Ya see, after I started watching the show and found out what a brony was, (in that order) I decided "ya know what If I'm going crazy I'm going to drag some people down with me." So, I made a mental list of people I knew that one, I had enough influence over to make watch something they didn't want to watch and two, were strange enough to like the show. All the people I showed the show liked it and most of them continued to watch it. But, one of the people on my mental list was an acquaintance that was a reel silly guy. So, every once in a while for about a two weeks I told him that he was going to be a brony. This confused him and when he asked what a brony was I just laughed. and eventually invited him to my house telling him that I was going to make him a brony, and he accepted my invitation, happy that he was finally going to find out what I was taking about. So when he came over after talking and hanging out for a bit we sat down I opened my laptop click into my "MLP" folder and told him that he was being forced to watch my Little Pony. He was totally apposed to it but I was bigger than him so accepted he didn't have a chose and we watched an episode he just made fun of every thing he could. after the episode was over we when on a walk and he continued to poke fun at the show (never making fun of me for watching the show though). Eventually realizing that he wanted to see another episode, he had a little mental breakdown. After about 15 min he regained his sanity, and accepted that fact that he liked the show and I welcomed him to the herd. now he is one of my best friend, and we never would have become friends if not for ponies. This is the best fandom I've ever seen!
  11. [link] <- 30 Day Pony Challenge Facebook page Today your favorite mane six ponies: FLUTTERSHY! Tomorrow your least favorite of the mane six- I kinda half assed the BG The outfit she is wearing is from EP 20 Green isn't your color
  12. I's fun A couple of my friends forced me to get it and I really like it. when I'm bored Tuber can always make me laugh
  13. Does anyone gotz a tuber? Tell my yours so I can come check it out! my tuber is pieflav0r.tumblr.com come check it out see if you think I'm worth watching BTW if you didn't catch on Tuber is what I call Tumblr
  14. Uh... Rainbow Dash's cutie mark is backwards
  15. "Ignore this..." *instantly clicks on it*
  16. This is very entertaining song and I like it. But, I think what this song needed to is slowly though out the song get darker. Then just as the song is getting to be sad perhaps frighting, it should fairly quickly rise to a climax of a hopeful rhythm, something that says the dawn has come. Then end it with something a little more light hearted than the song began but, obviously lower than the climax and more instruments would help.
  17. Hey, what are all the meet-ups you know of this year? I'm just curious
  18. About 10 people know I am a brony. A lot more people would know but when I walk around wearing my RD hoodie only people how watch the show know what it is
  19. I'm very open about it! all my friends know and I wear my RD hoodie all the time. the only place I done wear anything MLP is at school just because I think that crosses the line between "I don't what you think" and asking to get made fun of
  20. How I saw my first episode is I fell asleep watching Batman on the Hub and when I woke up MLP was on (it was episode one of season two). I was too tired to get up and do something else or to even find the remote. So, I ended up watching the episode and I realized the show wasn't bad. After the initial shock which lasted about two weeks, I stared watching just to freak out my friends. About ten episodes in I had an epiphany, I was really liked the the show, and I was hooked from then on. XD
  21. Hi my name id Carter. I'm 17 years old and just stared watching the show last month. How I saw my first episode is I fell asleep watching Batman on the Hub and when I woke up MLP was on (it was episode one of season two). I was too tired to get up and do something else or to even find the remote. So, I ended up watching the episode and I realized the show wasn't bad. After the initial shock which lasted about two weeks, I stared watching just to freak out my friends. About ten episodes in I had an epiphany, I was really liked the the show, and I was hooked from then on. XD
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