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Ashely Dreamer

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Posts posted by Ashely Dreamer

  1. I just got into it not too long ago.

    I find the history really interesting, how Ruby started off as a clothing and stationary franchise character who was marketed towards the gothic and cute/dark market.

    Her original design is also pretty interesting as it wasn't completely targeted towards children at the time


    But the show has enough of a charm to keep me interested for now.


    Of course skull boy is worst character.

  2. The distinction will just need to be clear, as ex-bronies and people who don't care to see ponies won't neceisarily be anti-bronies.


    I have never understood why bronies get singled out for that when it has been everywhere for years for countless other fandoms including other ones with predominantly non human characters. There is literally more Pokemon porn than pony porn yet teen and adult Pokemon fans don't get hit with the accusation of "oh you just like it because you jerk off to it." And the anti bronies should really see all the vehement and rather unjustified hatred and mass scapegoating of the fans who do enjoy that, especially the ones who are into clop. It has gone down, but is still very present and honestly baffling to me. I have been in many fandoms but I have never seen anything like that. I can understand frustration with not wanting to see this stuff and it still popping up but singling out bronies for this is just stupid.

    The problem is that you have to look for that stuff, the pokemon stuff is pretty well hidden.  When the brony fandom exploded, it was extremely easy to find porn right out in the open.  One of my friends was one of those pony porn artists and was banned on another forum because his art.

    This has more to do with the first impression the brony fandom made and how vocal the extreme bronies were, as many non-bronies saw this content.  Even my friends who knew little to nothing about ponies heard about the lyra plushie.

    Of course it's not like that as of now, but people still remember.



    Another thing is I don't understand the whole "the fans ruined it" argument that a lot of ex bronies use, I could understand not liking the fandom of a show but still liking a show or losing interest in a show but letting what other people say, think and do affect your enjoyment of a franchise makes me wonder if the person was even an actual fan to begin with. I am not saying that you feel this way but it is just something I have noticed.

    I did jump ship and stopped calling myself a brony after S2 because of the fandom.  But I stopped keeping up with MLP and etc during S3 because of other reasons.

    Although I do have friends who dropped out for that reason, the fandom ruining the show.  Some of them were sickened by the porn but others were in MLP just for the community aspect and not the show, which is easy to understand.

  3. Probably at the dawn of ponydom, when MLP was 4CHAN territory, but definitely not as much now.

    It's because you guys have calmed down by now.  Originally it exploded and you would not be able to visit any sort of forum or community site without seeing a mass of pony avatars and discussions.  A little before then most forum users and 4chan users were actually joking about MLP and were fans just to screw around.

    At the point between S1 and mid S2 the fandom grew even greater, that's when I jumped ship, I'm an ex-brony.  The more extreme and not quite socially acceptable bronies became very vocal at this point.  All the porn and grimdark shit flew everywhere, creating a comparison similar to the Sonic fandom (which was not as widespread or popular).


    I can assure most users that most ex-bronies or people who don't care for ponies actually don't care that much about bronies, as long as discussions and whatnot fall in place (like brony sites or threads) and as long the cloppers/grimdark writers/porn drawers/etc (lyra plushie) aren't out in the open.


    Anti bronies are more often people who don't believe that anyone can watch a show which had the target demographic as girls.  They have the same mentality as people who are anti anime.

    Then there are also the people who just want to fit in and hate something.

    But at the same time, some "anti-brony" viewpoints can be understood, like how people are weary of furries. 


    Then there are users who wouldn't really be classified as anti-bronies, sort of like if they get pissed or upset if you try to create a pony thread on any board that isn't /mlp/.

  4. I would fail all my classes because I need to register and contact my teachers.


    I would get fired from my summer job because it involves computers.


    I will likely never be hired for any job in the next several years because of no computers.

  5. I haven't watched it in a while.  Looking back at S1, it was just as cheesy as pokemon, but I enjoyed it as a kid.  S2 was pretty good, but I haven't seen it since I was maybe 6?

    S3 is pretty much the pinnacle of Digimon, and the more promonant fond memories I have of the series.  I even go back every so often to rewatch bits of it today.


    S4/Frontier was kind of a joke when I saw it.  But if anything, it aided (or the OP) in one of the most memorable YTPs around.


    I don't know a thing about the next seasons or current seasons, I lost interest in them after Frontier.  Apparently they recently did a fanservice episode where they showcased a few previous MCs to team up, like Tai and Takato.  I keep on planning to watch it sometime, but I keep forgetting.


  6. Okay then, how is that a mark against it? Arceus would have to be weakened insanely for that to even happen and anime wise, there have been cases where Master Balls failed

    If Goku bothered to think (or has a friend to think for him) he might get the idea to use a pokeball, or several.


    As long as it is a pokemon, no matter how powerful or high the catch rate (or whatever you may call it in the anime), the possibility of capture is always higher than 0.

  7. Are you seriously suggesting that Arceus, a guy who created the universe and was godstomping someone able to warp reality would get caught? 

    Yes I am, I didn't say it would be easy, but because Arceus is a pokemon, it can be caught.

  8. Wow, the fanboy shines in your post


    DBZ characters are the most broken characters around.

    Implying I'm even a DBZ fanboy, I don't have shit taste in anime.


    Not a god

    The problem with saying EOZ Goku is that the movie takes place in the same continuity and before the end of Z.  That's what I'm basing things off of, as there no longer is a definitive EOZ.



    Not in the anime

    There are no limits on catching pokemon, anime or game, if it's a pokemon, you can catch it (or steal it).

  9. You're asking if an alien god; who has come back from the dead countless times, can destroy the world by farting, has fought and defeated psychic and magic users; could take on any of the pokemon?  Yeah, no.  Based off the idea that a SS3 can tear a hole through reality just by trying, DBZ characters (especially Goku) are the most broken characters around.


    The problem here is that the pokemon are not broken, especially if a charizard can stand up against mewtwo and others.  Despite their godly powers, they can be confined in a ball by teenagers.


    It would almost be as one-sided asking if any pokemon, legendary or not, could defeat the TouMan.

  10. I usually am on the other side, because where I used to go was flooded with ponies. I haven't had bad experiences with the pony/brony haters because they knew that I wasn't going to constantly post ponies.

    I can see where a lot of the haters come from and have even detached myself from the fandom at times because I couldn't stand some people. The brony fandom has it's regular fans and has extremists, for lack of a better term. These fans do exist, and regular bronies can get too obsessed and not realize that they are going too far.

    Now, I'm not saying all pony haters do no bad, but some have a point.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Yo, FeldO.


    excelsior as in Al Gore from southpark?????


    I guess. It's Latin for "ever higher"

    pyro fr. TF2?



    You seem to like package stuffing. I think we'll get along just fine.


    Who doesn't love package stuffing?

    But... Fluttershy is pretty cool too, you know... :(


    Okay, she can be #2.
    • Brohoof 1
  12. Eh... I don't facebook. But my mom is somewhat of a neighsayer. When she forced me to go back on facebook and I connected with some other bronies she thought I was to young to be an old creepy guy. She doesn't really care, though.

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