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Everything posted by Phoenix237
So We're Halfway Through the Season...
Phoenix237 replied to Dr. Sparkle's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Did we have enough crusading already?
Phoenix237 replied to Motion Spark's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Yay unfortunately the cutie mark crusaders not having their cutie mark leaves them in a state of not developing as much as they should Their only goal at the moment is to obtain their cutie mark and that's it. It was fun for a season and maybe a bit of season 2, but now it's too predictable. I'd they get their cutie mark's this would give them a new challenge. And that is what's next? I mean for Doo long they wanted their cutie mark so at the point that they do get it they have to wonder what to do next. And it at this point where they would develope even further than they already have. -
See this is why these two need more development. Now true DT is, and excuse my language, a bitch. She is worse than any other fictional bully I ever seen. SS on the other hand is interesting. I don't see her as a bad person per say, rather that she needs someone because she is alone, in my interpretation and DT may have been the only one to understand her. These two could make a great episode about feeling ignored by family, but knowing Hasbro that won't fly.
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Hello there everypony So after months of planning I have finally started work on my fan-fiction. While I initially planned to draw it out as a comic (Which is my inital intent and am still planning by the way) I thought I'd try it out as a written work first to improve my literature skills that will help me out. What I need help editing with first of all is grammer. I checked myself, but one always can miss things. Second I would like help on technical help. What I mean is that is my writting format good, is there areas I need help on? Do the two characters talking to each other sound ok? Is my description on areas or thoughs ok? Also please be as honest as possible. This is my first attempt at writting anything liturature related. As a result I know I need to improve on several aspects of my fic. I can handle "harsh" critacism which means if I am doing something incorrectly I can take it. I WANT to improve and WANT you to be honest with me on what needs improvment. What I don't want is for someone to say it sucks just for the sake of not liking it . If you don't like it (so far) or don't like the concept that's fine. But if there are areas that I really need help on please tell me and if you can give me adive. I apprechaite all help and tips. anyways I might as well tell what My fic is about so here is at least the description/ prouloage. One thousand years ago in the land of Equestria There where two sister who ruled together and created harmony throughout the land. To do this the eldest used her Unicorn powers to raise the sun while the youngest brought out the moon, thus bringing harmony throughout the land. One fateful day a being of pure dark darkness emerged. No one knew where he came from, only that his heart was as black as the night. He attacked the Equestrian population using his magic to enslave the residents turning them into his personal army. The sisters tried to vanquish him, but his power was to strong for even them combined. Reluctantly they called upon the aid of spirit of Chaos and the Elements of harmony. With them the Sisters where able to defeat the dark ruler, destroying him in the process. Unfortunately in his defeat the dark ruler unleashed all his dark magic, corrupting and transforming many of the Equestrian into supernatural, monstrous beings. Ranging in many shapes and sizes—as vampires, werewolves, zombies and ghost—over the years they have brought fear into the night. They have been come to be know by one name: NIGHTMARES So I attatched the first chapter (and prouloge) to this post. If you need me to send it another way let me know. (Also dispite the file name being Prouloge it also contains the first chapter/ part. Thank you everypony Edit: Apperenlty the download link does not work so please post of you are willing to help and I can send it to you. Thank you Nightmares Prouloge.doc
Now first of I love this season so far, I do. I do enjoy the long season arc and the foreshadowing of an epic finale Now with all that said there may be a problem with all this buildup. Now don't get me wrong I like it, but at the same time it is worrisome Look for the so far we have a box. Next we have the keys that at this point I think will be symbolic keys. We also have a shadow pony to probably act as an antagonist as well as Flutterbat being a thing. The comic book may mean nothing. Every episode some far (minus Flight to the Finish) has had some hints for the finale. This is where problems may arise. If you keep building up the ending as this epic event (that may be the case) you are going to have to live up to those expectations. We are being hinted at something big as early as the first two episodeds so that bears a risk of not meeting expectations or being handeled wrong. But then again I may be thinking too much about a show about pastel colored horses and should just forgery about it.
Theory My Prediction of the FInale
Phoenix237 replied to BalanceBrony's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Great theory and it is similar to mine except Twilight Twilight at this point is not learning anything. I do mean not learning anything. The way I see it she learned pretty much what she needed to learn in season 3 finale which was the whole point of her asencion. That she had learned about friendship and was done. She may need to master it, but it doesn't change the fact that Twilight's journey in friendship is over and is now the journey of her and her friends evolution of friendship. Their friendship will be tested over time and events and how their friendship influences others as well as seen on Rarity's new episode. Rarity wasn't the only one to learn a lesson. Has she not been there and with her friends shown her the right way, Coco Pommel would have stayed where she was, but she also learned her lesson on generosity. I like to think that it's not just the main cast that is learning something along, but also that their lessons are shared with others as well wither it was done intentionally or unintentionally. As for being the last season, chances are maybe yes. But, then again who knows. Maybe yes maybe no -
Wait if thy are suppose to be hated, then why defend ther. Defending her is saying she shouldn't be hated, yet one argument is that she was made as an antagonist your suppose to dislike. Then again you may mean we are not suppose to like her, but at the same time not create hate images and messages (though I would like to see someone try to stop that)
Suppose the Mane 6 acquire the Rainbow Powers...
Phoenix237 replied to SaburoDaimando's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
"We are the hope of the Universe. We are the answer to all things that cry out for peace. We are the protesters of the innocent. We are the light in the darkness. We are Truth. WE ARE HARMONY!!!"--Super Twilight (A revised version of Son Goku's super saiyan speech) It looks like a super form, but like the elements before I don't think they have it on 24/7. -
Any thoughts on Coco Pommel or Suri Polomare?
Phoenix237 replied to Scootadress's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Siri is a character you can't really sympathize. Someone else already said in detail so I won't go overboard. With Trixie we knew it wasn't her fault for the Ursa Major and the Alicorn Amulet is what caused her to act more wicked. Her attitude is for a show thy in a world I magic would be very hard. She needs to boast to get an audience do in a sense it's what he does. Lightning Dust wanted to be the best and was willing to push herself to the limits. She didn't realize that her mistakes where causing problems and there was even mention of an alternative ending where she learns her lesson and backs down on her actions. Siri doesn't have anything going for her other than she will take advantage of others and had no other characteristics that would make me sympathize for her. As for Coco Pommel, she was a great character. Not only did she see the wrong in what was being done, but was willing to lose her job for the sake of helping Rarity who was being taken advantage of. She hated her job sure, but for a time she believed that this was the way things where and by not actually interacting with the characters, but rather observing them she was able to learn thatyes while there are those that can take advantage of you, there will also be more people out there that are generous and will help those in need. She not only learned this lesson herself, but also passed it on to Rarity. Also she is adorable as hell -
point on twilight, yay or nay (slice of life)
Phoenix237 replied to FNGRpony's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I really don't know how to feel Except for Castlevania and Flight to the Finish the episodeds do far seemed out of place or the lessons learned seemed rushed or could have been handled differently For example while I loved the latest episode where Flutterbat happens and I was surprised and excited, after it finished I realized that the episode made little sense. It seemed to me that the whole purpose of the delemia in the first place was just a means of introducing Flutterbat and nothing more. Also as mentioned Twilicorn has not been fully utilized. With her new status new possibilities have been available but it hasn't been used yet. Even the comics, while barly mentioning it, still had more of Twilicorn's statu as a princess outside the opening episodeds. I feel that she is just Twilight with wings and not really learning anything, which kinda throws me off. Now I enjoy these past few episodeds, I really do. But it's missing that element that made the past seasons great and memorable. I don't know how the rest of the season will be, do I guess until we find out. -
need help with names for locations
Phoenix237 replied to Phoenix237's topic in AK Yearling's Writing Resources
Wow I never thought of it that way. Thanks for the tip it will really help a lot Really helpful link so thank you for that Well one place I was thinking about was a small town similar to Ponyvill. In fact it is structurd the same way The difference is that this town is inhabited by supernatural creatures that are intelligent. They range in all shapes in sizes from vampires to ghouls exetera For the most part they are peaceful and civil, but they can act like the mosters they eepresent. -
I am writting a fic that has my characers traveling in places other than the places in the show Problem is I can't name location or make up places Rather then try this on my own I'll ask for help So can you help me cone up with ways to name places or give me random names that I can make heads or tales of What I'm looking for Names for: ·Small towns ·Cities ·Cities and towns that say creatures of the night might live in ·Kingdoms EDIT Oh and thanks for any help, I really appreciate it
I have one in the works, just need to finish finals and I during break will have all the time to work on it. It's about an alternative universe (so not cannon) where about half of the population is a type of monster based on legend or folklore. The mane cast are types of monsters and they have to deal with issues such as discrimination amongs themselves and non-monsters and the conflicts that arise from the differen races. It's mostly going to be an adventure theme with a bit of dark elements added to it.
Phoenix237 replied to TheYoungMathProf's topic in Photo Finish's Magics (Visual Art)
Looks great And there is improvement (I had to draw for weeks to get better ) Anyways one tip that I found worked for me is to find the areas you mostly struggle in (such as face, back legs, proportions, etc.) and work on that area until you are comfortable with why you have. Just something that worked for me, may or may not work for you However practice is important an the more you draw the better you get. -
What if the keys don't have to be found rather they have to be earned. I mean the box appeared only after the elements where returned and even then before Celestia took the elements the box didn't exist. The box only appeared when Twilight decided that they needed to give up the elements (which as far as they knew was their last line of defense). By giving up their greatest weapon they where rewarded with the opportunity of whatever was inside that box. Now maybe it wasn't enough to prove themselves (hence the keys). It's not rewarding them yet, just presenting the opportunity to unlock what's inside which was never available before. So to think the keys should be held by someone or in a fortress is pretty unlikely. Rather I think this season (and beyond if the box arc last that long which may be unlikly) the mane six will be tested in new ways and have to earn their keys (I counted six key holes for six keys). The story about Twilight learning about friendship is over. There is still much to learn, but rather than Twilight be the mane focus now the rest of the mane cast will have a chance to grow as well. And the lessons they learn will not only affect them but others as well (I'm guessing based on the season's opening intro with the picture and other characters) and by sharing these lessons with others and havin lasting effect they will earn their representive keys that will unlock whatever is in that box.
One major hole that frustrates me in Daring Don't.
Phoenix237 replied to Jammo's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Do you like realistic or unrealistic fan fiction.
Phoenix237 replied to Bendy's topic in Sugarcube Corner
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- realistic
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Kinda I say that because I never told them (since I don't feel a need to tell them what I watch), but at the same time I never hid me watching the episodeds. I don't have merchandise so that may be why, but whenever is see the show they don't take notice. And when they do they think it's something else and don't bother to question
It's a bit hard for me to get into fan-fics I only read one if It is well written or I enjoy it (dispite if it is bad, but I still enjoy it). So I guess I read them every now and then, but no a lot. Don't let this discourage you though. There are many who do read them do if you want to write, go ahead.
About this crazyness of Twilight's scepter
Phoenix237 replied to NewSupaLuigiBros's topic in Sugarcube Corner
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Element of magic--> Bearer of Mundane Mundane could be referred to Pertaining of the earth in contrast to spiritual (or unnatural) views or elements. Was also used for a species in a film called the mundanes. The mundanes have no concept of magic, they're completely blind to it, our ways are strange to them. Element of Honesty--> Bearer of Deceit Deceit is basically lying and deceiving, plus it sounds cooler Element of Loyalty--> Bearer of Treachery Been sai before so no explanation Element of Gennerosity--> Bearer of Avarice Avarice is basically greed to the extreme Element of Laughter--> Bearer of Dispare Constantly making others feel bad or down or worthless Element of Kindness--> Bearer of cruelty Using acts that harm others