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Trinity Erin

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Everything posted by Trinity Erin

  1. "Princess Luna?" Trinity blinked in surprise. "That's pretty amazing! I've never gotten to meet any of the princess's before." She had never really considered meeting any of the princess's. She was just a little unicorn that traveled a lot. She wasn't that important after all. Trinity smiled and relaxed some. "So..." She started to say slowly, her head dipping down so that her bangs would cover her eyes some. "Do you have a special somepony?" Solidus knew she didn't have anyone, but she was curious about him. He said he had family that he didn't get to visit very often, and that he was retired...but did he have anyone special in his life? Trinity had to admit that she did like him. He was different then some of the other ponies she had met during her travels.
  2. Trinity smiled shyly. "Thank you." She was lucky she was a unicorn. It was easy to brush and care for her tail with her magic. "I know it's a silly fear though." Maybe one day she would get over it and she would be able to trim her tail a little bit so that it wouldn't drag along the ground at all. "There's not much else about me really." Trinity said with a shake of her head. "I'm not all that interesting and I can't think of anything else. How about you tell me a little about yourself?" Maybe she would think of something else to talk about after learning a little about Solidus.
  3. Gallbladder. Had mine removed on Monday

  4. Trinity nodded understandingly. She travelled, her family travelled, they maybe got together once a year if they were lucky. Still, she missed her family from time to time. "Sounds like you're a busy pony." Trinity smiled, her words gentle as she spoke. "At least you try to get together. That's all that matters." She knew some ponies that didn't even attempt to get together with their families. "Let me think..." Trinity tried to think of something else that Solidus wouldn't know about her. She'd talked about her family, her talent, her traveling, so what else was there? It wasn't like she was a complicated pony or anything. "Oh!" Trinity giggled a little and she dropped her voice to a whisper. "I have a fear of getting my tail trimmed." She was honestly afraid of anyone coming near her tail with scissors. She was always afraid they would cut off too much or that she would feel it somehow. She'd had her mane trimmed, that was no problem. It was just her tail she was paranoid about. It was a silly fear and she knew it, but that's just how it was. She just lived with a long tail.
  5. Well...I actually made bases for this paper doll so I could make more if I wanted too. The bases took a few days to design. The clothes a week or so (because I screamed and threw my old, just died, laptop against the wall so I had to redesign the outfits). And it took a couple hours to cut out the first sets to test the tabs and then rework the tabs so the outfits would sit right. And then it took several months to work up the nerve to even post my ideas >.>... And I made them in Sai with my tablet. I was thinking about doing commissions for these. I've got heavy weight paper so I could print them out and mail them. The doll won't stand correctly with normal paper sadly.
  6. I recently got my hands on some heavy weight paper so I could work on my paper doll experiments. I've realized a couple things. 1] I need small scissors for some fine detail work. 2] Maybe I'll make the doll a little bigger. As it is it sits like 4 inches tall right now.
  7. Trinity had to think about that for a moment. She wasn't sure what was interesting in her life, something that a person would want to know, so she just decided to start at the beginning. "Well...my parents disappeared when I was really little so I was raised by a few aunts, uncles, and cousins in their caravan. As soon as I was old enough to pull my own wagon I headed off on my own." Trinity couldn't even remember what her parents looked like so she honestly didn't miss them all that much. She wished she could have gotten to know them, but all the wishing in the world couldn't bring someone back. "I don't have any siblings, as far as I know, but last I checked I have about a dozen cousins of varying ages. Some of them even have little ones now." She visited her family from time to time, just to catch up and make sure everyone was alright. She knew their caravan's route so it wasn't hard to find them. "What about you?" Trinity asked curiously. "Do you have family?"
  8. Oh my gosh I am so sososos sorry for vanishing like that guys! Life just became crazy and work just wore me out every night (I work 10 hour swing shifts).
  9. Trinity smiled when Solidus said he didn't have a favorite quote either. She hadn't been sure if she could think up one at that moment if he had asked her too. Trinity tilted her head slightly in curiosity when Solidus said he wanted to get to know her. There was a light blush to her cheeks but she nodded. "What would you like to know?" She asked shyly.
  10. She and her mom have been sewing for forever I guess. They have some awesome costumes too and she made me a pirate skirt in exchange for a chainmail pouch. I believe it took her two to three months of off and on work. She also had commission plushies she had to finish too.
  11. yeah Discord does look epic. I was lucky enough to see this while it was being made! Let me tell you, it's huge! She amazes me so much with her sewing.
  12. So my friend knows how to sew, like really well. She even makes plushies! In that traveling pony museum her Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor were featured. Anyway! She just finished this amazing piece: http://fav.me/d5qwq03 It's just so cool I had to share it!
  13. Trinity giggled and nodded. Yes if this wasn't fun then it would be awkward. She might not be a very talkative pony at first, but she could open up after a little while. And she was glad she had been able to with Solidus. "My...my what?" Trinity asked in surprise, her eyes going wide. "No one's ever asked me that. I've never really thought about it." Trinity admitted after a minute. As much as she loved writing, it wasn't often that she got to read. She was on the road a lot and books took up space and were added weight to her wagon. Whatever she did read were usually books that she would get in a town or city and then she would return them or give to another person after she was done. As it was, she didn't really remember quotes or sections of what she read word for word.
  14. Trinity blushed again and she giggled softly. "I'm glad you're feeling better then." She said a little shyly. That's all she ever truly wanted to do, was to make other ponies happy. "I've been having fun talking to you too." She added, her hoof scratching at the table for a moment in her embarrassment. Trinity could never claim being in love, she had met too many ponies in her travels and had made so many great friends. There had been some that had asked her to stay and settle down with them, especially ones she had traveled with in large groups, but to her they were all friends. She liked Solidus, a great deal, and there was something about him that made her feel comfortable enough to open up. Perhaps with time she would understand why that was, but for now she was just enjoying her time with this new pony friend of hers.
  15. Trinity smiled, but she didn't say anything. It was like he had read her mind just then. Still though, a museum wasn't really for her. "It's a nice idea, making lots of people happy," She finally started to say. "But it wouldn't be very personal." Trinity let out a sigh and shrugged again. It was hard to explain, how she enjoyed making art for each person she met. Making art for her friends, for people that needed cheering up, that was personal. She had a connection with all those people that she normally wouldn't have. She was able to do something that normally she couldn't. Sure she would be making a lot of people happy if her art was in a museum, but she wouldn't know any of those people. She wouldn't be able to help them be happy personally, and that just felt wrong to her.
  16. Trinity smiled and nodded. "I'll be sure to drop by when I do go through." It must have been very far from her normal routes, since she'd never heard of it. Which meant having to get new maps and talking to more people. She was fine with that, she always liked to visit her friends from time to time. Trinity blushed and shook her head. "A museum? Of my art? That's a little much." She giggled softly. "My art is nice, but it's not that important." She was happy enough with the few people that did commission her. She usually gave away more art then she was commissioned anyway. But...if all her art was in one place, or a moving museum even, then everypony would be able to see it. She could make more people happy. She shook her head again; no, those dreams were too grand. They weren't what she wanted.
  17. "Oh wow!" Trinity said as she looked at what Solidus had drawn. "This is lovely! I don't think I've ever been to this place." She'd traveled to many places in her life, but she didn't recognize this place. It must have been important to Solidus for him to have drawn it. Trinity blushed as Solidus looked at what she had drawn. "I'm glad you like it." She said softly as he looked at the drawing. She was always worried about what people would think about her art. Over the years she'd had a mixture of people who liked her art and those who didn't. It was always nice when someone did like it.
  18. When Trinity saw that Solidus was done, she tried to look at the drawing. It was kind of hard to see a drawing when you were looking at it from an angle. "This is for you." She said with a smile as she scooted the drawing she had made over to Solidus. "I always draw something for a new friend." Even though she'd only known him for a short time, Solidus was definitely a pony Trinity could consider a friend. She was glad now that she'd somehow come to this tavern, even though she had no idea how she'd gotten here.
  19. Trinity waited until Solidus began drawing before she looked down at her own sheet of paper in thought. She tilted her head one way and then another before lightly setting her pen down on the paper. Slowly, one line after another, an image began making itself known to her. As she drew, a small tune started to come to mind and before she realized she was doing it, Trinity was humming softly. When she was done, she had drawn Solidus's cutie mark. Surrounding it though, on the ground, were small gifts. Trinity thought of them as trinkets left there to thank Solidus for his kindness and his help. He seemed like the kind of pony that was always helping others one way or another. She even smiled and placed a wagon wheel just next to it. Just as she was finishing her drawing, her hummed song came to an end. Already Trinity was thinking of a story to go along with the song and drawing, but she wouldn't write it down. She didn't always have to write down the stories she thought of.
  20. Trinity tilted her head and nodded. "Yes, back in my wagon." She hopped down out of her seat and giggled when the world decided to spin a little. "I'll be right back!" She said brightly as she happily cantered towards the door. Once outside she was glad to see that her wagon was exactly where she had left it. She went over and, using her magic, brought out several sheets of paper and her favorite pen. Her canter was a little wobbly as she made it back into the tavern, but she made it back to the table successfully. "Paper!" She said brightly.
  21. Trinity smiled calmly and nodded. "It can be. But like most things, it's a way of life. Just like settling down and working in a small town your whole life. I suppose if I were to ever try to settle down it would be just as strange to me as traveling all the time would be for another person." She sighed and shrugged then. Trinity made a few additions in her head and she giggled. "Looks like you won the game. What would you like for a prize?" She left the question open, to see what Solidus would ask for.
  22. Trinity knew the game had pretty much ended, it had ended when he had asked if she had ever traveled with anyone. It had ended when she had told the truth rather then jokingly tell a lie. "Often times they were going one way, and I was going another." She said with a shrug. "They were just...going until they found a place to stop while I...I couldn't." She looked at her cider for a moment, debating on whether or not she should drink some more. She decided against it. She knew her limits. "And before you ask, I don't know why I can't stop traveling. I guess it's just the gypsy in me." Trinity shrugged it off. She often blamed her art for her traveling, but sometimes it didn't feel that way. Sometimes it felt like she was just searching for something. "It gets lonely when I break off from groups. When it gets too quiet or too lonely I stop at the next town or city and I stay for awhile. Make some new friends or reunite with old ones. Then when the itch in my hooves comes back I either find another group to join up with or I just go."
  23. Trinity tilted her head at the question. Did he mean did she ever travel with just one person? "I've traveled with many people." She started off slowly. "But when I travel with others, it's always in a group. When I don't, then I am alone." For a gypsy pony, she was rather strange. Most tended to stay with a large group, a family. She'd broken off on her own as soon as she was old enough. "I've never traveled with just one person." She shifted and tapped her hoof on the table. "Never found the right person to travel with."
  24. Trinity felt her blush heat up her cheeks again when he explained why he thought she was cute. It wasn't really something she thought much about. She only really cared about her tail when it came to appearances, that's why she took such good care of her tail. She couldn't remember running into another pony with a tail as long as hers. "I believe you." Trinity said softly when he answered her question. Solidus really didn't seem like the type to just flirt with any mare. She liked that. It made her feel...special in a way. "You're question."
  25. Trinity blushed brightly. "Y-you think I'm cute?" Sure she'd been called cute before, but in her enebreated state coming from a rather handsome pony, it meant a bit more. She tilted her head down so that her bangs came forward to hide part of her blush. She pulled her mug of cider over and took a sip from it. After a moment, and a few giggles, she was able to look up at Solidus again. Trinity was still blushing, but she could at least speak. "I've been robbed a couple times. And I've gotten into a fight with a rather rude pony some years back. He was insulting a friend of mine." Other then that she'd done pretty well at not getting into trouble. "Do you flirt with many mares?" Trinity asked quickly.
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