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Everything posted by SilverStarApple

  1. A glass of water, because I'm not a coffee-drinking harlot.
  2. Today, I went to subway for the first time in years, to celebrate getting a Patreon. It was kinda late, but meh, I was busy. Anyway, I got the sandwich I usually got, and Fanta. But when I pressed the button and the machine poured the cup... It was incredibly diluted, to the point where it was clear and only took on the usual yellowish hue when it accumulated in the cup. I took a sip to test it, and it was disgustingly diluted. I asked if the machine was broken, he got a sudden "OH CRAP!" look in his eyes, which he quickly covered up with the usual robotic and plastic yet friendly food-seller face, and he said he needed to refill the machine. He went into the back room and came out with a container to refill the machine, and when I asked why the machine had run out of fanta but not regular water, he said "Because of pressurization". When I asked what he meant by that, he said "It keeps the pressurizations in". ...Yeah. Pressurizations. It keeps them in. Kinda want to make a meme out of that. Anyway, the sandwich chain shop called Subway in the UK water down their drinks, or at least, the Fanta.
  3. Yes, youtube trash reactors are ever more common. People are getting thousands of subs for pointing a camera at their face and doing what the fine bros did. Still, at least most of them aren't touching MLP. Also, when I finish my uber-hard Unitale fan battle, I want all that trash to be forced to play this. Y'all are my friends now. All in favour of making awesome vids that aren't youtube trash talk-shows or reactions, say aye!
  4. He's known as a powerful businesspony and mage that's sort of a hero, in the sense that he's Neutral Good. He'll fight evil, but prioritize the foes he'll get the biggest reward for fighting, or have the most fun/challenge battling. He's helped many ponies fulfil their dreams for a price, though nopony can agree on what that price is. Finally, he's the type of hero that won't spare a villain if the villain can't be used or redeemed.
  5. I've got a high IQ and a wide range of skills, and I pick new ones up easily. Also, the modern education system doesn't make smart people out of regular people, it forces people to waste time repeating what 2+2 is until they're given adiploma that says they know how to take a dump. It's not a place for smart people.
  6. A glass of pineapple juice. Pineapples, the most metal of all fruits.
  7. I'm wondering if there may be any truth to what you say. After all, perfection is a lie and anything can be improved. Then, I remember that you hate the term SJW, and begin to wonder why. Tell me why.
  8. Spike being an eastern dragon actually makes a surprising amount of sense, and I wish I came up with this theory first. I would steal it, but I'm not Game Theory.
  9. I posted on the OC. By the way, you get points for not using some generic snowflake or icicle as a Cutie Mark. The Hot Wheels symbol is somewhat obscure, but obscurity isn't always a bad thing. Have a brohoof! Still... would Hot Wheels exist in the mlp world? Why was that symbol chosen, does it mean ice in some ancient language, or was it simply constructed to look cool?
  10. Oh... Wow. Uh... You have potential, but a few things need to be addressed. 1. An ungrateful brat that hurts ponies accidentally seems ok, but Frigid Wind being a stereotypically violent sociopath doesn't fit into the show's canon. Yes, we see sociopathic behaviour from Suri Polomare, but that's common behaviour for IRL dress people in that business. 2. Parents abandoning their child to death by freezing? Also doesn't fit into canon. Maybe they left him with an old grandparent and left, but then that grandparent died. Or maybe they thought he'd fit in better living with some sentient animal family that lives in the snow. Besides wolves, because wolves are cliche. 3. The cutie mark looks like a V with a _ on it. I get that you want to use symbolism, and trust me, IT'S A LOT BETTER than the THOUSANDS of 'Ice pony' characters out there with a snowflake or icicle on their flanks. You get points for trying to find an original and cool symbol. Still, you might find a better and more unique symbol in old stuff like Alchemy or ancient hieroglyphs, and then customize it to fit the character. 4. A sociopath understanding that his parents abandoned him because he did something wrong wouldn't make him feel guilt, it'd make him wonder what kind of monster does that to their kid, even if he had hurt ponies occasionally, and he'd either plot revenge or plan to get out of there and make a life for himself. A bad kid that wasn't a sociopath but still bad getting abandoned in the snow would either get angry and start badly planning revenge, or give up on his parents and move on. Someone hiding in the ice because they're afraid of becoming who they once were sounds like some edgy 'There's a monster inside me' stuff, and you can move to different places without sliding back into who you were. Him going on a journey of self-improvement, maybe finding some cool magical artefact atop some icy mountain or in a cave would be awesome. 5. You have potential. There's a lot that needs improving, but after you do improve it, it'll be great. 6. As a side note: Come up with an original and cool-looking manestyle to use when you ask someone to draw your OC or when you draw him yourself. So many awful OCs have the same awful pony-creator hairstyles, never understanding why that's bad because they don't notice the anatomy flaws and line errors the Pony Creator gives you.
  11. I remember being here a few years ago. I was legitimately shocked at how nice everypony was. I made my first real friends here. And now... they're all gone. I don't know what happened to most of them. They just stopped talking to me or replying. Now, I can count the friends I have on one hand and still have fingers left over. And this site... it's different. The debate pit is the most active part of the forum and anyone that objects to SJW crap gets banned or shadowbanned. Anyone that whines about hurt feelings in a debate gets to win it because their opponent gets a warning. The genuine love and tolerance, the people inspired by the show and its message that a beautiful world could exist... they're gone. Did they all leave after having bad experiences on Fimfic.net, where if you aren't a multi-story front-page author with a few hundred sycophants and people clamouring to write stories in your "Verse" to try and lick up some of your delicious fame, you're nothing, and will be treated as such by every bitter hack that hates your genre, OCs that aren't "Socially awkward, utterly talentless, nerdy, stupid, and unloved, this loser is you!"-brand reader stand-ins as pathetic as the reviewer, and will take a dump on you to make their own candle seem brighter? What happened? When did you all lose that spark of hope? When did you let the haters win? When did you all stop being bronies?
  12. By the way, I'm working on an indie game. How do I make my own OST for it? It would be amazing if some day, I went online to find fans making remixes and stuff. But for now, I want to focus on the music.
  13. Oh, a classic faux debating tactic. "We're not hypersensitive, YOU'RE hypersensitive! And that's ironic and funny!". Learn what the word irony means before posting on this thread. We'll wait.
  14. Jesus isn't real. Neither was god. (Btw, are you bringing up the crusades? Just thought I'd check, and ask if you really, reeeeally want to open that can of worms. It's one of those things where "Common knowledge" is wrong, like swallowing spiders and the gender wage gap.)
  15. @BasementLuna, are you really sure you read all of my post? I gave plenty of reasons. It's ok to disagree with my beliefs, grown ups do that sometimes. You disagree, but my REVIEW being something other than glowing praise doesn't automatically make it a "Cynical and angry rant", nor does that make it invalid. I like Maud. She's a funny character. Or rather, I liked her before this episode. ...Nah, that's not fair. I like her, and this was just a weak episode. A really weak and stupid filler episode. Pinkie being super excited over a gift to Maud is in character. Pinkie needing to learn how gifts function is the writer dropping the ball. Especially since they've implied Pinkie is rich earlier in the series. Or at least, that she knows how to bargain and how money works! Remember the duck season two bits gag in Fluttershy Episode? Also, on a minor note, Rarity pulling off a Pinkie impression implies that it's something all ponies can inherently do, not something unique to Pinkie, party ponies, or Earth ponies willing to use that much internal magic.
  16. https://mlpforums.com/uploads/profile/photo-thumb-11028.png?_r=1454206994 That's Silver Star Apple, my OC. He's cool. I like him.
  17. Break out of the restaurant and expose the existence of poorly-thought-out supernatural BS to the world in the hopes of getting my original body back, or getting stuffed into a better-functioning and better-looking suit with weapons capabilities, USB compatibility, multiple arms, and wireless capability.
  18. Hey, I understand. That's why I suggested an Undertale-style system, where it uses the simple kind of Golf Game-style "A line hingy moves along a path. Hit the button when it's closest to the center, which will stop it from moving and trigger a flag. The system will read the location of the line thingy, see how close it is to the center, and decide whether you get a Crit or not accordingly. It will also decide how much damage your attack does, and if the line slides off the path, your attack misses.
  19. Oh no he did a wrong! I can direct you to someone that can name over thirty things Obama did that are way worse than this. Judging someone from an old era by modern ultra-sensitive standards is a pretty easy way to demonize anyone. Don't get me wrong, forcing a bunch of people to relocate and making some die along the way with his Death Note sounds pretty horrible, but Obama did worse things and I don't see anyone trying to get him removed from dollar bills. Also, why is it always something slavery-related with these things? Why not a scientist, or a scholar, or someone that did pretty much anything non-slavery-related?
  20. Yep. And those Flower Ponies... At first, they were funny, but... they just suck.
  21. There's no easy way to say this, but that episode was absolutely, completely and utterly dreadful. It was utterly awful, and a strong contender for the worst episode of this entire show. At least Boast Busters TRIED to do something somewhat original, even if it failed utterly. At least Bost Busters attempted do be something more than shameless and shallow pandering. This episode? It rips off the "Classic" (Overused) plot where two idiots give up something they love to get something to complement the thing the other would love, like giving up a pocketwatch to get a violin bow, while your GF gives up her violin and crappy bow to get a pocketwatch chain. In the end, both lost what they loved and are miserable. The moral of this story? Gifts suck. Now, there is a list of ponies in this show that need to learn some friendship. To learn what gifts are and how they work. To learn how to be a good sister. Pinkie Pie IS NOT ON THIS LIST! If there was a single pony, or any sentient creature ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET EQUESTRIA IS ON that knows how gifts work, it would be her! But of course, if you (Or rather, the writers) knew that, or bothered to read the notes the past writers left them, they wouldn't have shoehorned this stupid side-plot into a Rarity episode and made it the real plot, while shoving Rarity's Location Hunt into the dirt. A scenario like that has tons of comedy potential, IRL apartment-hunting references, and of course, the obligatory "Nowhere is perfect and everywhere is terrible. But if you work hard, you can make your own perfect patch of heaven!" message. Instead, Rarity was forced onto this plot so ridiculously cliched I remember The House Of Mouse doing this plot with Mickey and Minnie Mouse as part of a clip-show Christmas Special thing. And to wrap up loose ends, Rarity was just handed the perfect location and the fallout of the Terrible Gifts Plot is negated when Maud gets Pinkie's party cannon back. Why does this stupid episode exist? Why does it feel like it was thrown together at the last second? Because it was, and for one reason. Maud. The favourite character of everyone that likes bland one-note kuuderes with Robot-Type Hollywood Autism, happily projecting onto the blank slate whatever that loser loves most of all, whether it's "She's super calm and would say 'I do' on the altar with the same flat voice she'd use to say 'We're out of milk. You should go get some'." or "She only shows her true emotions and sensitive side around those she truly cares about. Like me, because she'd totally love me if she was real, right? Right? My personality can't be incompatible with hers if she doesn't have one!". This episode was thrown together because the executives wanted the Maud fanboys to cheer and love the new episode and eat it up despite its factory-synthesised no-effort no-logic no-work no-passion no-inspiration nature. And those fanboys did cheer. So many pointless scenes only existed to show Maud in all her Maudiness, with no world-building to explain why major cities in this world suck almost as much as human cities and only small villages have love and friendship. I remember people saying the show went downhill and jumped the shark when Alicorn Twilight was introduced, or when Episode 100 was released, or when executives forced toy sales to take priority over the show and the vision its creators had. But no. THIS is when the show went downhill like a brick falling from a window and badly damaging my faith in MLPFIM as a whole. This episode was only created to appease the Maud fanboys, and it has no substance or worth beyond that. I'm going to watch the Dragon episode now, even though it's probably going to invalidate the Dragon Ash arc I'd planned for my fanfic. And do you know what? I don't really care about that. I just hope the episode's good enough to restore my faith in MLP.
  22. This show doesn't really have hills. More like sudden pitfalls where the writers drop the ball, it turns out to be a nuclear bomb, and they unleash an unholy abomination upon the fandom while calling it an episode. And when they carry the ball without failing, it's a great show.
  23. There's no easy way to say this, but that episode was absolutely, completely and utterly dreadful. It was utterly awful, and a strong contender for the worst episode of this entire show. At least Boast Busters TRIED to do something somewhat original, even if it failed utterly. At least Bost Busters attempted do be something more than shameless and shallow pandering. This episode? It rips off the "Classic" (Overused) plot where two idiots give up something they love to get something to complement the thing the other would love, like giving up a pocketwatch to get a violin bow, while your GF gives up her violin and crappy bow to get a pocketwatch chain. In the end, both lost what they loved and are miserable. The moral of this story? Gifts suck. Now, there is a list of ponies in this show that need to learn some friendship. To learn what gifts are and how they work. To learn how to be a good sister. Pinkie Pie IS NOT ON THIS LIST! If there was a single pony, or any sentient creature ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET EQUESTRIA IS ON that knows how gifts work, it would be her! But of course, if you (Or rather, the writers) knew that, or bothered to read the notes the past writers left them, they wouldn't have shoehorned this stupid side-plot into a Rarity episode and made it the real plot, while shoving Rarity's Location Hunt into the dirt. A scenario like that has tons of comedy potential, IRL apartment-hunting references, and of course, the obligatory "Nowhere is perfect and everywhere is terrible. But if you work hard, you can make your own perfect patch of heaven!" message. Instead, Rarity was forced onto this plot so ridiculously cliched I remember The House Of Mouse doing this plot with Mickey and Minnie Mouse as part of a clip-show Christmas Special thing. And to wrap up loose ends, Rarity was just handed the perfect location and the fallout of the Terrible Gifts Plot is negated when Maud gets Pinkie's party cannon back. Why does this stupid episode exist? Why does it feel like it was thrown together at the last second? Because it was, and for one reason. Maud. The favourite character of everyone that likes bland one-note kuuderes with Robot-Type Hollywood Autism, happily projecting onto the blank slate whatever that loser loves most of all, whether it's "She's super calm and would say 'I do' on the altar with the same flat voice she'd use to say 'We're out of milk. You should go get some'." or "She only shows her true emotions and sensitive side around those she truly cares about. Like me, because she'd totally love me if she was real, right? Right? My personality can't be incompatible with hers if she doesn't have one!". This episode was thrown together because the executives wanted the Maud fanboys to cheer and love the new episode and eat it up despite its factory-synthesised no-effort no-logic no-work no-passion no-inspiration nature. And those fanboys did cheer. So many pointless scenes only existed to show Maud in all her Maudiness, with no world-building to explain why major cities in this world suck almost as much as human cities and only small villages have love and friendship. I remember people saying the show went downhill and jumped the shark when Alicorn Twilight was introduced, or when Episode 100 was released, or when executives forced toy sales to take priority over the show and the vision its creators had. But no. THIS is when the show went downhill like a brick falling from a window and badly damaging my faith in MLPFIM as a whole. This episode was only created to appease the Maud fanboys, and it has no substance or worth beyond that. I'm going to watch the Dragon episode now, even though it's probably going to invalidate the Dragon Ash arc I'd planned for my fanfic. And do you know what? I don't really care about that. I just hope the episode's good enough to restore my faith in MLP.
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