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  1. Hey bro, do you have any tips for running in the cold? It's like, six degrees where I live.

    1. ~Asuka <3~

      ~Asuka <3~

      Thanks man. I appreciate it. It's starting to get difficult to keep up with my running schedule thanks to this crazy weather. Excuse my ignorance, but could you explain to me what bodyweight exercises are?

    2. ~Asuka <3~

      ~Asuka <3~

      I'm kind of the opposite actually. I hate summer running. It just can't take the hot temperatures. I sweat like mad too. I prefer cool(er) temperatures, honestly.


      Oh, stuff like that. I should have realized. Haha. Thanks man.

    3. ~Asuka <3~

      ~Asuka <3~

      Haha, you can't be trve kvlt unless you sweat like mad.


      It's just that running without a pile of sweat falling down your head feels much better for me. xD.

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