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Posts posted by DrUnderachiever

  1. I'm badly nearsighted, but my girlfriend has far worse sight than I do.  (that explains why she's still going out with me! ba-dum-tsss!)  Also my dad is legally blind in his right eye.  So it could be a lot worse.  I am, however, a bit prone to ocular migraines, so I'm kinda curious if anyone else here gets those.

  2. Rarity - Eva

    Applejack - Ellie Mae

    Pinkie Pie - Robin Williams/Caffeine

    Twilight Sparkle - Q (when crazy, she's Wario)

    Fluttershy - Silent Bob

    Rainbow Dash - KITT/Jeremy

    Spike - Tom Servo

    Derpy - Grey Goose/Aflac

    Big Mac - Soviet Moose

    Celestia - Big Sister/El Presidente por Vida

    Luna - Samara

    Celestia and Luna together - Almighty Tallest

    Scootaloo - Juan Pierre

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Chicken vindaloo, with basmati rice and naan.  So immensely spicy that it takes the paint off the walls.  Like, seriously, if I can still feel my tongue, you didn't make it hot enough.

  4. I saw The Shining and I was fine for the most part.  Then some time later, I read the book.  To this day, I can't go into a bathroom with the shower curtain closed; I have to pull the curtain back and then close the door.  If that shower curtain closes on its own, I know to get out ASAP.  Thanks for turning me into a basket case, Stephen King!

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Well, we could have Lyra traveling to the Land of Ooo.  (although that's really more a crossover than a spinoff.)

    I really like the idea of showing Celestia and Luna in their early days/pre moon banishment.

    "The Misadventures of Trixie" would be pretty good too.

  6. Brace yourselves:

    1. Tailgating (not the cook-out-at-a-sporting-event kind, the what's-a-safe-following-distance kind)
    2. Broadway musicals
    3. Broccoli
    4. The New York Yankees
    5. That squeaky sound styrofoam makes
    6. Sex & the City
    7. Reggie Miller
    8. Straw-man politics
    9. Bees (and yet I love honey and beeswax candles.  WHY DO YOU MOCK ME, FATE?!?!?)
    10. Ingmar Bergman
    11. Brutalist architecture
    12. The Twilight Saga
    13. News shows where the hosts are always interrupting their guests.
    14. Solipsism
    15. Randy Moss
    16. Social Darwinism
    17. Jane Austen (fun fact: Socrates was actually given a choice between reading Mansfield Park and horkin' down the hemlock and welp...)
    18. People whom don't see Anne Sexton as the pinnacle of 20th century poetry.
    19. Jar Jar Binks
    20. Antebellum apologetics
    21. Rape jokes
    22. Hugh Hefner
    23. The designated hitter
    24. Henry Kissinger
    25. American Idol
    26. Calling Native Americans "Indians" (do you even know where India is?)
    27. Czech absinthe (or: sambuca with green food coloring)
    28. Saying the "s" in "Illinois"
    29. The metric system
    30. "Friendzone".  No, not the actual "friendzone"- which doesn't exist- but the idea of it.  Since when are people vending machines that you put "nice guy" quarters into until they owe you sex?!?
  7. Hm absolute worst pain.

    Getting racked in the nuts trying to grind a rail skateboarding.

    It hurt worse than breaking my leg.

    Good  great Celestia I do not want to experience that ever again.

    I used to get so nervous about that, so I started wearing a cup.  That little plastic thing saved my man-berries more times than I can count.





    One time I went to the dentist and they numbed the wrong side of my mouth. The pain when they started drilling was blinding. I'm not kidding, my vision almost went black. 

    And I'm a rather tough guy.

    I do not recommend this experience to anyone.


    Never ever watch The Marathon Man.  Dustin Hoffman gets forced into a dentist's chair.  Nightmares aplenty.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Ouch..my mom has that and a frozen shoulder. How much range of motion do you have if you don't mind me asking? Usually they say a rotater cuff injury gives you 20-10% loss depending on how bad it is.

    I still have full range, but lifting my arm straight up can make things very sore very quickly.  Thankfully, I didn't have frozen shoulder, too.

  9. I once had a dream that I was drinking perfume with my cat.  I turned around to see what all the commotion was in the casino behind me, and when I turned back, my cat had become Grace Jones.  Good luck figuring that out.

  10. I'll be honest, I never cared for anything MLP until I started watching this show- truth be told, I despised the franchise.  On top of that, real life actual ponies give me the heebie-jeebies.  I'm still amazed that I like the show as much as I do.

    The thing is, it's a show that centers on genuinely caring platonic inter-personal relationships.  Most other shows that have been on over the past decade or so have been extremely cynical- even paranoid- about platonic relationships (mainly because every sitcom today is a ripoff of either Seinfeld or Friends, and reality shows almost always encourage back-stabbing).  The kids shows on now are almost all condescending; some are even creepy- I'm lookin' at you, Doc McStuffins!

    But FIM isn't any of those things.  It's uncynical, but not in a sappy way.  It teaches a lesson, but it's not preachy.  The characters actually care about one another without any ulterior motives.  And could you have a better house than Twilight's?  Fo' realz: it's a house and a library and a tree combined!

    I think the intended audience watches because it's a well-made show that teaches a lot of valuable lessons.

    But I think adult males- like myself- watch it because it reminds us of how important we are to each other.  My generation will forever be known as the one that ushered in the internet, and we've failed colossally at one of its earliest selling points: interpersonal connection and an end to loneliness.  We're the most isolated generation the world has ever known, and we're not getting any better. FIM is the opposite of that; it's all about how great and rewarding having friends can be.  It spends half an hour to tell us why being isolated is a bad idea and self-destructive.  And it's reeeeeeeeally good at it, too.

    I've been in a very unhealthy place for a while now, and haven't been able to have any meaningful conversation for well over two years now (no kidding, I feel like I've forgotten how to talk to other people).  I've been lead to believe that I'm overly sensitive and awkward.  FIM leaves me feeling a bit vindicated: it shows how much we need one another.

    And if nothing else, there's always Twilight's house.

    • Brohoof 5
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