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An Old Head

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Everything posted by An Old Head

  1. That's very simple. If you hit the Edit button on the first post in the thread, it'll take you to an option called "Use Full Editor". Like below: From there, you'll be able to see the title of your thread in a changeable text box. Use that to amend the title of the thread to anything you want, and then hit Submit Modified Post.
  2. The ending to El Orfanato. If you've not watched it, you might need the context to fully appreciate it. I just thought it was hauntingly beautiful; the lighting, the music, the feeling of culmination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kic-cH2-46E
  3. Anyone catch this from today's Drawfriend? Staring contest <3.
  4. Quite upbeat, I like it - 7/10
  5. Just remember... she is MINE. Anyway, who saw that thread with that god-tier cake in it?
  6. My dear, you've totally missed the line about We won't let them break our spirits~ Agreed, though, even when Pinkie is in fan works she somehow manages to get the best songs in. I wonder why
  7. Just came back to this thread, misread it the first time around as Season 4 ranking episodes. I'll spoiler it and put it below. Overall my favourites are: Pinkie Pride Too Many Pinkie Pies Twilight's Kingdom Party of One Pinkie Apple Pie Maud Pie Secret of My Excess The Best Night Ever A Friend In Deed The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 MMMMystery on the Friendship Express Griffon The Brush Off Wonderbolt Academy The Return of Harmony Magical Mystery Cure Fall Weather Friends Swarm of the Century Hearth Warming's Eve Three's A Crowd Winter Wrap Up Sleepless in Ponyville Bats! For Whom The Sweetie Belle Tolls Bridle Gossip Power Ponies
  8. Your status will appear red when you delete it, but rest assured no other user can see it other than you and the staff. You can see it for yourself by opening your profile in another browser where you're logged out; those red status updates should be totally invisible. The reason this happens is a fault with IPBoard. The tech admins have already been working on changing it, but for now you need not worry.
  9. Let's be realistic here; there wouldn't be a leader. In all of their slice of life episodes, you can imagine them being totally equal in terms of leadership. Twilight is simply the most rational So the other 5 would just be themselves. In fact, electing a leader of their little group in place of Twilight might be in bad taste to them. :3
  10. That's not true - just before they encounter that clump of trees, we see the mist from Nightmare Moon dissipating into them. Remember it? It also caused the cliff to fall/agitated the Manticore/became the Shadowbolts etc. MLP Wikia also quotes the trees as having been enchanted by Nightmare Moon. Pinkie Pie broke the enchantment by removing all sense of fear from her friends with her song.
  11. Pinkie Pie is totally logophilic Remember that she loves to be social, so she's always looking for ways to string words together that are humorous, like the Fudge-Budge line in the hot air balloon ^^ Of course she'd go for a word like Kumquat as her favourite, that just rolls off the tongue, it's spelled funny, it has a Q sound which is a funny sound, etc etc. It's adorable either way
  12. That right there is my fourth favourite gif ever Anyway, I saw this comic come in on my dA stack. It's a must-read. I currently have the finale rated 9.8/10, but this would've made it a perfect 10 fo sho
  13. Bronies are found all over the place, so it's perfectly natural to try and seek out bronies in specific locations Because of this, we've actually got a pinned topic at the top of Sugarcube Corner that has an updateable map of where in the world members are located. It's much preferred if you could use that topic for your locating needs, instead of creating individual topics for specific locations. A huge thanks, in advance!
  14. As such this is where I hope to go to Heaven. I dunno though, I think Pinkie's heaven would have a lot more partying. And music! Tons of singing! (except that doesn't show in a piece of art but hey)
  15. So it holds cupcakes? I guess Pinkie can do anything, including eating cupcakes through her hair. Then again, what can't her hair do. Speaking of cupcakes, I'll chuck this random piece of cupcake in.
  16. And don't forget this! I would co-sign Pinkie Pie appearing in any game. Someone with her amount of flair and energy would just make for a great protagonist. Or any character, actually! I could never get that one Pinkie Pie mod for Skyrim working, which upset me greatly
  17. I do, actually. They seem like a very natural couple Matching eyes and coat, both loving the high life, and unlike a lot of pairings, they both seem genuinely interested in one another. ^^ Especially at the end, where Fancy showed that he's not solely seeking for someone stupendously upper-class. The whole episode reminded me of the King & Maiden Parable in a way.
  18. Any gamers in this fan club, by the way?
  19. They're released monthly, aren't they? Issue 18 came out on the 30th April, so the correct release date for issue 19 is May. Comixology have jumped a month ahead, they either have the wrong date or the wrong issue.
  20. Moved to Pony Merchandise. Forbidden Planet reads May 21st. You live in the UK, right?
  21. I saw that in a Feature Friday from the dA Pinkie Pie fan club n.n It's truly adorable. When my Pinkie Pie plush comes in I wonder whether I could devise a cat onesie. Or even an alligator onesie. That'd be the sweetest thing for her to have. I do remember when a Pinkie fan - think it was Friendship_Cannon - had a wolfified Pinkie avatar. That was just as awesome! Pinkami Pinkaterasu.
  22. I recognise that artist. Who is it? I've seen their picture where Pinkie holds a book in her mouth. I almost died from the cute.
  23. All the better! Initiate summary pinkification. Extra bonus points for each bag of cotton candy.
  24. This is the Metallica I like. 7/10
  25. Who's the person watching? Make sure you tell them all about the existence of Pinkie Pie. Also, I'm surprised I haven't posted the following yet. I don't doubt you lot have already seen it, but just in case for some otherworldly reason you haven't, here it is. It should have more than 9,000 views >.< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGU1S1qyhTk
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