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Everything posted by Anonymous666

  1. It looks like it won't be long until I have all of the cutie marks done. This should work because it is 1920x1080 so it can scale down and still be 100% quality. This is an alternate colored version of Pinkie Pies cutie mark. Some people may find this to be better than the last picture I made.
  2. I might do that. do you went it exactly the dance but with pinkie pies cutie mark with the correct colors and everything. it really isn't that hard to do it just requires some plugins.
  3. sure I'm glad that you like it and you can give credit to me I guess but I'm anonymous right now so there isn't really anyone to give credit to.
  4. Itsfunny you say that. Just today my mom grounded me until I had a talk with her about Fox because I explained to her how Fox was extremely biased and such. She said that is a lie and other news networks always make fun of Fox but Fox doesn't make fun of them because Fox has more important things to do. Her only proof on why Fox is morehonest and reliable is the attack in Libya. I told her that Fox is extremely conservative and religious and she said that Fox wasn't. I'd rather not deal with it to be honest. (Gets grounded for bad talking her favorite news network.)
  5. I know what you mean but I would rather not deal with people messing with me about this. I discussed this a lot when I first joined in the welcoming plaza. (Parents not very accepting of me about religious preferences, they know what bronies are and look down upon them probably from fox news. my friends make fun of bronies.) This is what I was originally imagining when I made it. This version isn't cut down at all. I think most people here will find this version to be better.
  6. I designed it to be like that so you can only see the cutie mark if you are looking for it. There are 2 layers. Each layer is truly 3 compacted layers. In the cutie mark layer there are lines going /,\, and |. The same goes for the background. They are all generated on the same seed so they cross over in the exact same places. On each of the 3 cutie mark layers there is a rainbow gradient that corresponds to the exact values of Rainbow Dash's mane from left to right. I then changed the opacity to 50% to blend the cutie mark into the background. I will upload a picture of it with increased saturation. This was done 100% digitally in Paint.Net. I can't really retake it but I can modify it. It was originally this picture. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/198/a/b/rainbow_dash_cutie_mark_by_missmoo10-d57mdcs.png It took me awhile to get the picture to a 1x1 pixel out line but once I did that it was as easy as magic wanding and using special gradient plugins.
  7. I made this wallpaper for myself because I am a brony (obviously) and I want to have a MLP wallpaper without letting everyone around me know I am a brony. Rainbow dash is my favorite pony so I made a subtle version or her cutie mark. Darkened Original Tell me your honest opinion of what you think.
  8. Anonymous666

    request A request

    I'm currently making it myself. I will post it when done. I'm not teh ebst artist but I'm pretty good with gimp and piant.net. So far I fragmented an outline of her cutie mark and centered it on 1920x1080.
  9. yeah I am studying Latin, neuter and the declensions determine how verbs and adjectives anew conjugated to the noun. masculine and feminine verbs have different verb endings.
  10. today I showed my friend who liked legend of korra that tv.com thing for best animated tv series of 2012 and he just said I don't want to live on this planet any more
  11. Anonymous666

    request A request

    If you use paint.net or gimp there are a lot fo fractal options. Fractals are geometric figures that have infifite surface area and look really cool IMO. I do like that picture but it isn't even a little bit subtle.
  12. Anonymous666

    request A request

    iI already discussed why iI wanted it to be secret and just be creative with it. if you are going to make her cutie mark preferably make the silhouette outlined by fractals. I thanks in advance
  13. Anonymous666

    request A request

    Just tell me if this is not in the right section, but I'm not a very good artist and want a subtle brony desktop wallpaper than is 1920x1080. I was thinking of a line drawing of rainbow dash/sonic rainboom/ her cutie mark. It is just and idea so don't feel obligated to do it. Also, and by subtle I mean not an outline of rainbow dash or her name so if someone walked by it wouldn't scream brony.
  14. idk personally i dont want to have to live in a place where i am lookee at as bad or wrong or be hated and i want to have friends. i didnt sleep last night becausd i was thinking aabout the outcomes of different methods of telling various people...
  15. i was a brony hater and my best friend who is a brony told me to watch the pilot. i didnt like it but after watching 5 or so more episodes i began to start enjoying it.
  16. thanks for the advice. i will prpbably keep it secret. ot hurts because more than one of y friemds doesnt like bronies so whenever he gets into a topic about bronies i have to join in on the laughing at and making fun of bronies and acxepting the stereotypes as true etc.
  17. hello everyone i have been a brony for a few months now and have finished season one in secret. only one of my friends knows that i am a brony and he was the one who showed me the show. im in a bind when it comes to telling my friemds and family that i am a brony. i asked some of my friends what they thought of bronies and they all laughed and said they were weird and if they had ome as a friend they would want them to keep to themselves. my family is super conservative and they are all hyper catholic. i had my steam name as my normal username brony and when my mom saw it she said what is that and i said a joke and she responded with arent bronies grown men who like that show my little pony. i said yeah and she just walked away. my parents didnt respond well to me telling them i was an atheist and i would imagine that i would recoeve a similar response in this situation. knowing my mom she probably read some crazy internet article suggesting that bronies are homosexual il in the head males. my parents arent very fond of homosexuals and even though i am straight they would have another reason for disliking me. i know i dont really have to tell anyone but it is getting to me to have to kwep all of this to myself. i cant do anything mlp related except late at nit on my phone. note: i am on my phone so my spelling and punctuation is bad. please excuse me. oh and because i have to hide this im getting very little sleep so it kinda sucks
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