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Everything posted by PastelShades

  1. Okaywell, I think I failed that test... Nvm. I did my best.

    1. Scootalove


      Well as long as you did your best. :)

    2. Fanned


      What test? :L

  2. Erg. Maths test tomorrow. KILL ME NOW

  3. Well, I suppose the show needed something like this to happen, they were probably running out of epic episode ideas and thought this could be good marketing and add a firecracker in the works. Which it did! I'm not sure what I really think at the moment. I'm sort of neutral. It's nice and all but I'll have to wait for season 4 to really make up my mind. So for now, I'm staying open xD <3 Pastel
  4. I don't like violence... I don't like games that involve blood of any sort really, and hate it when things die, especially animals. I tend to rescue spiders and ants and worms when they are going to be squished to pulp by others and hate movies that involve killing. I don't mind Lord of the Rings, but then, you don't actually see any blood in that. I just tend to look away when the fighting scenes start xD But yeah. That's me! Not into violence but I don't mind the low level stuff. <3
  5. I quite enjoyed it and have had the songs stuck in my head all day! However I really would have loved it to be spaced over 2 episodes. It just started and came straight in with 'oh no! The cutie marks have switched!' I think it could have been about 20% cooler if it had been more detailed and less rushed. But they can't help it so I'll try to put that behind me! I was also a bit frustrated when Twili's friends bowed to her. I get that it was out of respect and all but they are her best friends... For me, it kind of made Twilight too... I can't really put it in words but it made me worried Twili was going to drift apart from them or something! However the animation was awesome, the plot was great (Apple Jack's attempt at sewing I can soooo relate to) and I enjoyed the music So yeah! I've heard it's possibly 3 parts too so I'm kind of excited! <333
  6. Vinyl looks awesome! I think you've done a great job c: can't wait to see it if you end up colouring her! I hope I'll be able to draw ponies like that some day... Maybe... some day.. <3 Pastel
  7. Okay. Now I've seen the last Episode! I liked it but hated parts of it, like how they all bowed to her! Gah. It looks like she's going to stay an Alicorn. Oh well. I loved their dresses though! <3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. PastelShades


      I get why they did it, and it was respectful, it just made me sad that it suggested we now have to kind of think of Twili as high ranked than them? Idk. Lets just respect each others opinions and move on. Personally the episode was slightly in climactic and I would have loved a bit more at the start than them all just instantly having each others cutie marks. Oh well! They did have a time limit. <3

    3. Octavia's Cellozoid

      Octavia's Cellozoid

      The bowing part bothered me, too...

    4. duidamasterXD


      Would bother me less if Twilight bowed to one or more of her friends in future eps

  8. Man, I haven't seen the finale yet! It's not on my TV do where can I find it? <3

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. PastelShades


      No. Because I'm ticklish and usually end up slapping the person or kicking them if they try xD And thank you <3

    3. Scootalove


      Well, I know I will not tickle you then. xD And no problem <3

    4. Scootalove


      Oh hey Pastel. :P

  9. Last episode. Alicorn. Twilight. I'M SO SCARED! But when exactly is it airing? In 1hr? Gosh I'm excited but nervous!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Circadian


      In 10.5 hours. It's midnight where I'm at.

    3. PastelShades


      Okay... That's like 5:30 tomorrow morning for even though I thought it was meant to be at like 7:30 tonight. Hmmm. I give up! I'm so totally confused!

    4. Circadian


      They usually air Saturday morning.

  10. Applejack- I love how dependable she is. She reminds me of my friend who is always there for me and is willing to listen. Fluttershy- I just love her sweet innocence and adorableness! Pinkie Pie- She is so random! I love it! Rainbow Dash- How she tries to act cool and like she doesn't care even when you know she does. Rarity- I love her way of talking and how she always turns a tiny thing into a huge problem. It's hallerious! Twilight Sparkle- I just like her character in general. But mostly how she takes everything so seriously! She's like me xD
  11. Happy hearts and hooves day!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. PastelShades


      Ummm yeah! I do! They are ladybug ones with a top that says 'don't bug me' xD why?

    3. Scootalove


      Just wondering. :P

    4. Scootalove


      Are they ladybug pajama bottoms?

  12. Well I think they are an adorable couple! Although they are almost 'too perfect together to be true', it's still cute. I really hope the script writers give them foals sometime in the future! Maybe not an Alicorn though. There are too many Alicorns and what not with Twilight's 'transformation' and all. But I really like them! <333
  13. I don't really understand why she is getting so much hate but I love her and I know we all do here! I know I'll miss her if she does end up... Leaving..., I love looking out for her and I've started sketching her too! She's so lovely and tries so hard even if she is clumsy and a little odd. She's like me in a way... Clumsy and weird so I know I'll miss her. It's a silly over-reaction if you ask me. There is nothing offensive about Derpy. She's just a sweet little pony. What's wrong with that? We love you Derpy!!! <333
  14. I think I've finally decided on my pony oc! http://i50.tinypic.com/1scknp.png (cutie mark by puddlejumper) <3333

  15. Lolol!!! Dad was in a good mood and so when I said "daddy, I'm a muffin." (Referring to my member title) He said, "Are you sweetheart? Good on you! Don't forget to add butter!" XD

  16. I like being a pegasister I suppose, not because it sounds slightly girly really but I suppose because I originally associated a Brony with a dude. But I think girls can be Bronies, it doesn't really matter really. We all love ponies so who cares what gender we are and what we call ourselves! That's what I think :3 <3
  17. Lolol!!! Dad was in a good mood and so when I said "daddy, I'm a muffin." (Referring to my member title) He said, "Are you sweetheart? Good on you! Don't forget to add butter!" XDDDD I have yet to ask mum, she is at work cx

  18. Okay, so like a coat with different colors or just one colour that is a mix of say pink and purple? Thanks for the advice though ^^
  19. Yayayay! I'm now officially a muffin! XD I would tell my parents but they'd give me a weird look lol <3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PastelShades


      Well, I didn't get to video it but I just wrote down what he said. :P He acted like it was the most natural thing for me to say in the world xD

    3. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Still awesome that you did it! XD

    4. PastelShades
  20. Oh my gosh! That cutie mark is amazing! -hugs- thank you sooo much! That's is definitely going to be hers! And thank you very much for the help with the colours too! I will definitely have a look at that! That green sounds like a better idea actually and I'll probably tweak the mane to a lighter shade and work on the eyes again <3 Haha, don't worry about the name, that's perfectly fine, I'm pretty useless as well! But Pastel Scribe is pretty good... I'll just wait to see if something hits me or someone else comes up with an amazing one xD Thank you so much for all your help! <333
  21. That's awesome! I really like it! I can just imagine them playing it! It's very good! I wish I could compose soemthing like that. You've inspired me to try though! I might write a cello one for Octavia c: <333
  22. Hay everypony! I have recently created my oc but am still having doubts about the colours, name and have not even got close to a cutiemark! I'd love some help with a name especially. She is a very creative unicorn and loves painting, writing, singing, all that kind of stuff. I'd probably love something more to do with painting and drawing etc though. I originally had Pastel Shades but I'm not really sure anymore... I have been trying to think something up for weeks now so I'd love any suggestions at all! And if anyone happens to have any ideas about her colour scheme, that would be awesome too! Her eye colour is still So yeah... Oh yeah! She is kind of a mix between fluttershy and Twilight. She is sweet, often called "cute", she is also quite vague. She is loyal and trustworthy as well as often coming out with the weirdest things to say. She loves art more than anything but also loves helping other ponies out and puts them before herself. I hope you guys can help me out! Thank you very much! <3
  23. hmmm. Where do I post if I want help naming my oc?

    1. SCS
    2. PastelShades


      Ah! Thank you very very much!


    3. SCS


      You're welcome :D

  24. Oh wow! I really want to try this! Fluttershy would be nice to calm me down more when I get stressed... but it would be nice to be Twilight too with all that knowledge... I better try this when no one is home though, they'd think I was insane! Thank you! <333
  25. Awww, my sis just called Twilight... Moonlight Sparkle and then later Midnight Sparkle! So cute!!! xD

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