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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Lateon

  1. I just wish that it was a dual Water/Fighting type. I was rather miffed that Emboar got handed the Fighting secondary typing; it was starting to be a little overdone at the time of Gen V. I quite admire Gen V in general. The Pokémon designs, which I now understand to be partial reboots of Gen I designs (see Munna line, Timburr line, Roggenrola line, Sawk, Throh, etc.), were quite good. The music was excellent, really bringing out everything that's possible with the DS soundchip, instead of the same old boring bassline sound that DPPt music suffers from. The story was very well done, bearing in mind that it couldn't be too heavy for a children's game. I can't wait to get my hands on a Kalos game. From what glimpses I've seen of LPs on Youtube, it looks fuckin' amazing.
  2. That moment when you come here just to check the WoW thread and the Pokémon thread

    1. long gone

      long gone

      Pokémon thread's fainted, we need to get it to the nearest center ASAP.

    2. Lateon


      I remember when we were going to have a little tourny.


      That was a month ago. /cry

    3. long gone
  3. From the viewpoint of a casual mythic progression raider (i.e. pushing mythic but at no incredible clip, I'm 12/13 Heroic right now) and a guy who liked to PvP on the side with friends, here is what I believe went wrong: Garrisons. A facebook desktop game made its way into an MMORPG, rife with RNG, gating, and other infuriating annoyances. Instanced areas that isolate players more than ever before with rewards that actively discourage players from leaving. Lack of end-game content. As a PvE raider, I can speak on this quite well: the raids are great, but that is all. Once you reach maximum level, there is nothing to do but raid, and that is unacceptable. This is evidenced by not feeling the need to log in other than to raid. While I do not mind this, it is surely not the way things should have gone for the majority of players that do not raid on the level that I do. PvP imbalance and the approach to PvP in WoD. Essentially, Blizzard tried to shoehorn people into doing the PvP content that they wanted the players to do, which was met with overwhelming outrcry. Ashran, aka Trashran, aka Assran, was forced upon PvP players for no less than eight months - a broken excuse for a zone that was advertised as the evolution of Wintergrasp and Tol Barad but ended up being a design nightmare because of a distinct lack of focus for what players were supposed to strive for within the zone. In addition, at this moment in time, faction imbalance is the worst I, as a nine year veteran of this game, have ever seen. Alliance win nearly every battleground seventy percent of the time. While people are reluctant to admit it, or are too ignorant to see it, racial imbalance has led up to this eventuality because of the trickle down effect of top players faction changing, then the step below, continuing ad infinium. They're starting to turn things around, but it's too little too late. Did I mention that no new battleground was added? Long story short, I have felt no desire to PvP this expansion because of the sham it has become. I eagerly await the new systems being put in place for Legion - perhaps PvE and PvP imbalance will at long last be rectified. Value for money. For ten dollars more for the expansion, we as a playerbase received effectively a quarter of the content total, most of which that was promised being cut. What remains are horribly implemented currency and reputation grinds and raiding. Dungeons are irrelevant to a degree I didn't think was possible. WoD was slated to be one of the best expansions from a gameplay standpoint when it was announced. But, after experiencing it first hand...it is one of the worst. I remain quite hopeful for Legion, as one of the main selling points, class identity, is something I would greatly appreciate as a Death Knight.
  4. He ensured Pokémon's survival past GSC. He coded the entirety of Stadium's battle system in a week from scratch. He made Kirby, Earthbound, and Smash into what it is today. It took a while to sink in, but now...I'm struggling not to shed tears. RIP, sir. "On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer."
  5. RIP Satoru Iwata. You made my childhood what it was: amazing.

  6. It was decently easy to figure out who you were once I happened upon someone saying they had a Vaporeon sitting in their desktop tower it one day. Portmanteau of Daring and engineer, right? I usually appear whenever people mention the Eons. Also, my username is literally the name of my DK in WoW, which is displayed prominently here, even.
  7. Well, I figure most people here don't. I've seen you around, though, and it's probably very easy to figure out who I am. Also, the vid I linked is about 4 minutes longer for your listening pleasure while smashing the shit out of other stuff.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odqWOhNe-D4 THE TYPING! IT INTENSIFIES!
  9. I found the reason they nerfed Demonology that they stated during the Q&A to be laughable, which, in essentia, went like this: Demonology was the highest performing spec, but was the most complicated to play, according to Blizzard. Thus, a lot of people were either forced to play a spec that was "too complex" or be ostracized for playing the inferior spec. Thusly, while they figure out a suitable redesign for the spec that is "less complicated," they nerfed it into the ground. *Scoffs* At least Demonology knew they were getting nerfed. Frost DKs got fucking destroyed after sweeping buffs to the spec within 2 days of the patch's release, all because two of our theorycrafters forgot to check their fucking APLs on sims? Does nobody on the design team double check this shit? Why do we even need our fellow players to do your jobs for you in the first place? Now 2H Frost lies dead six feet under...again! Thank jesus DW Frost is still viable for ST and cleave, otherwise we'd have a massive outcry. What's even the point of a PTR if the feedback is just ignored most of the time? *sigh* At this point in time, WoD will be the last expansion for me. Too many broken promises. 2006-2016 RIP in peace Ongorom.
  10. Lickilicky (or however you spell it) disgusts me. One of the worst designs ever.
  11. So...tomorrow was the slated beginning of that small tourny, but the thread's been pretty quiet for a couple weeks now. Is that still a thing? On a side note, randomizing Black 2 is fucking annoying. My friend and I spent three hours trying to get it to work last night. Even then, our Soul Link run was ended before he could even defeat the first Gym Leader. He blames the Legendaries we enabled this time after our successful Emerald Soul Link (guess who I got to use after we shuffled static Legendaries arooooound). Then again, we didn't randomize move sets on that one, so we couldn't be boned by things like: A Slowpoke that crit my Swampert with Leaf Blade A Mesprit that used Fusion Flare on his Seedot A Snorlax that I literally was unable to catch because of Leftovers, Mega Punch, Earthquake, Luster Purge, and Hurricane So, yeah. Probably going to try again tonight. I'll miss EUHBLBLHBL the Electivire with No Guard and Ozzy the Swampert with Huge Power. I cri evertim.
  12. My god. I was expecting an interim raid like Ruby Sanctum. I was expecting Farahlon to be added. I was expecting AT LEAST a battleground. ....
  13. At least your buffs didn't go live and then were reverted not two days later and implemented 5 days after that. #DKProblems On a side note: - Really liking the raid. Tyrant Velhari's a huge fuck-all fight though, as is Hellfire High Council. - Shipyards are atrocious. Swapping equipment costs way too much. Losing ships as a price of failure when the missions are actually balanced around failing once or twice is unacceptable. Being forced into a Spirit Lodge for Mission Completion Orders to speed up the two day waiting periods is also unacceptable. The fact that the legendary ring is explicitly tied to a mission that is impossible to achieve 100% success rate on is also mind-blowingly stupid. - Oh look, Assran is still...ass. Hooray! - Tanaan Jungle is...okay. Doing three bonus objectives sucks some serious ass, and on my ilvl 660 priest, it takes a century to do. Ground layout leaves something to be desired, and I shake my head every time I have to walk across the northern part of the zone, what with Ironhold Harbor annoyingly in the way. Other than that, the reps are fine, one encourages exploration, one's a straight grind, and one is highly structured, if in a mediocre way. Not as good as the Timeless Isle, in my opinion, and nowhere near the Isle of Thunder, but it's alright, I guess. - Timewalking dungeons aren't hard, which was disappointing. Back in my day, I remember when a form of CC was me off-tanking one of the mobs because I was a fury warrior. Now it's just "run in there and smash HERLING BLERST" over and over. - I haven't tried a Mythic dungeon yet. I probably should, considering my cloak is an ilvl 670 piece of poop from H Highmaul. So, yeah. B- for the patch.
  14. Another sleepless night.

  15. Didn't sleep for the second time this summer. Hopefully this time I'll fix things

  16. Yeah, the anime has had its fair share of kick-ass music, just like the games. Some of it has been re-used over the years, but that's totally alright. They do tend to go overboard on the electric guitar sometimes. The Advance saga stuff still has the TRUMPETS FOR DAYS, though. I will still never watch this movie (I refuse to be heartbroken), but I don't feel bad at all listening to its music. The second track I actually used one morning when I woke up ungodly early...that being 7:30 AM...on a Saturday to write a decent chunk of my senior project materials. The first one was used in a lot of stuff after the movie, even in the DP saga, but most notably during Forest's (Brock's brother) battle with Inspector Nurse Joy in that one special that never came over to the US, only known as SS025. She had a Latias. Forest's Rhyperior didn't stand a chance. It even landed Megahorn three times. THAT'S MY GIRL
  17. Oh, no Pokémon stuff at the Nintendo's E3...thing? Okay.... Guess I'll keep trying to decide whether to let fate decide my starter for PSMD or to just be like "fuck you" and pick Cyndaquil. Or Oshawott? I really like Dewott. Then again, I like all of the Cyndaquil line. Then again, Torchic gets a Mega at the end of things. ...but then there's Treecko.... fuck. It doesn't help that EoS decided I was Torchic half of the time and Shinx the other half of the time, and that people are like "you are definitely a Fire type" whenever we play the "what type are we?" game.
  18. So I've been playing a randomizer nuzlocke* of Platinum recently, and it is quite a bit of fun, if completely bullshit at times (hence the asterisk): I've lost Smack, my Moltres that I received as my starter, twice to things that knew Rock Wrecker. See my status for how I brought her back. I lost Lil Jon the Dusknoir to a Sheer Cold. WHAT And, just a half hour ago, I undid me losing Beryl...my Latios. He died to a boosted Payback from a Zangoose from full health. I ran the damage calculator, and I do not know how this came to be, as there was no possible way for him to die, unless his Defense IV is garbage. So I reset back to Solaceon town after curing the Psyduck and tried again. This happened last night: Little did I know he was in grave danger. Latias knows Roar of Time! These two are OP in this randomizer. They have Dialga and Palkia's signature moves, something very ironic considering what game it is I'm playing!
  19. @@KokuraiNoSenshi, The Garchomp and the Milotic are a bit strange to me, especially their EV spreads and natures. Would a better nature for a bulky Milotic not be a Calm or Bold nature? The same goes for the Garchomp. It has inherent bulkiness that does not need to be complimented by EVs or Nature. Instead, I would opt to maximize its Attack and Speed. If you're going to go with Tank Chomp, don't use a Nature that reduces its special defense, and add more utility moves, such as Stealth Rock. The Gallade should probably carry Zen Headbutt and Close Combat. They are very frail, and, as such, Drain Punch is not very useful unless paired with Substitute. I would also use Knock Off in lieu of one of the punches, depending on your team's coverage needs. Also, the EV spread is quite contrary to what Gallade is good with. Attack is a must, and I would also fortify its Speed rather than its Special Defense, since it is already decently high.
  20. I'm fine with banning anything that isn't allowed in the Battle Maison, plus a few more mons, like M-kanga, M-Salamence, etc. Of course, the Soul Dew isn't allowed there either, but I wasn't planning on using it unless duplicate items are inherently restricted in any online battle, not just the Battle Spot. Even then, I'm hesitant, because that item is all kinds of borken.
  21. That reminds me: In Pokémon Zeta/Omicron, a fan made game, you may opt for your rival to be given "swag." This ultimately results in him having two "swag minions" at the end of Victory Road, the second of whom battles you with three Tyranitar in a row. I have just now realized why he had three Tyranitar.
  22. I laughed. No, seriously. Whenever something pops up that it's trying to learn Sandstorm, I internally say "It's trying to learn Darude!" I blame one of my meme-tastic friends whom I watched many a randomizer run of his.
  23. Here are some teams I've come up with in my spare time, as well as a Trainer class:
  24. @@Odyssey, thank you! And yes, I'd be down. But, could I make a request? Please no M-Quaza, at the very least. Singles format or Doubles? I'm quite a bit more prepared for the former than the latter. I won't go so far as to request certain tier lists of Pokémon, either, since not everyone enjoys playing by those admittedly self-imposed rules. even if M-kanga is dumb *cough cough*
  25. That moment when you can cheese a nuzlocke by resurrecting Moltres: it's a phoenix! It can't stay dead for long! After every gym, if Moltres is dead, I can bring it back. So I have decreed!

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