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Jordan Dash

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Everything posted by Jordan Dash

  1. Cereal brand Apple Jacks sponsoring Applejack That'd be another good brand to put a pony on, but back on the rails, I like the posts you guys are making :3
  2. I just wanted to see what people thought as it crossed my mind this morning while I was brushing my teeth, I looked at my tooth paste (of course I have Colgate, cause I always think of the pony when I see the title) and thought... "I think if Colgate got the pony on their tooth paste tube, they would make a fortune" What are your thoughts on Colgate and Colgate?
  3. My initial reaction... But in all seriousness, I for one may be one of the many that don't like this change as it will change our favorite pony forever. Sure, the quote goes as saying that Hasbro didn't want to change her whatsoever, but it will add more obstacles. But seriously, how do you keep from making one of the ponies a Princess and NOT change her in any way. I hope it isn't permanent but others may disagree and that's just their opinions and I don't want to get into an argument. Others may have faith in Hasbro, as do i but I seriously don't like this change Edit to add: I also wanted to give an example but was too stirred up to remember... Just imagine if Hasbro took Rainbow and made her an Earth Pony... then said "We don't want to change anything about her, but add more obstacles" Or if they took Applejack and made her a fashion diva like Rairty. It changes a lot about the show from what it was originally and you can't just go around changing stuff yet keeping it all the same... it's just not right
  4. To me, the most epic part of the show would be in the season 1 finale when they sang at the gala and Rainbow's part came up. Best. Singing. Voice. Ever
  5. that's really good... I wish I could draw that great But in a serious note, if you continue this, you could go very far with these
  6. Well no, i just got up, but if I tell myself "I'm an awesome pony" I get the sensation of wanting to race myself and getting on all four legs... I can't really explain it, it just... feels natural... :/
  7. All I did was I got into some comfortable clothing (pajamas with an under-tee plus a hoodie for the cosyness) then I layed on my bed, I flipped around about 5 times during the session and finally felt comfortable laying on my back with my iPod over my stomach. I then put on some noise canceling ear buds and turned off all light around me, as well as placing um hood over my eyes so if I opened them all I could see was darkness. Then finally, i played the recording and just let my body relax. I did twitch a lot tho and I can still feel my leg twitching but for some reason I can't get the feeling of pegasus wings out of my back... not that I am complaining about it. But what I am going to try tonight is go to sleep with the recording looped to see if I can get a lucid dream
  8. I can't believe it, this actually worked. I became Rainbow Dash and I could feel my heart racing as I was in lead, I could feel the wind in my mane, my wings flopping up and down, my tail fluttering behind me as I raced between every obstacle my hands and legs were hooves and I loved it. Even after I finished it, the phrase to snap me in and out was "I'm an awesome pony" and "Revert to normal". I can say it right now and actually feel like I am back in Equestria, it's really amazing of what just happened to my conscious mind as I felt it slip away into a hypnotized sensation... I absolutely loved it...
  9. I can understand what you're getting at in a way. From grade 3 to grade 6 I had a friend who was mentally ill, in fact I think he was one of my best friends. Sure, he didn't understand most of the world the way we see it, but I could understand what he ment when he spoke. People always laughed at him behind his back and mocked him and I felt bad for him since he is just an innocent soul being mistreated due to the fact that he is handicapped. He moved away in grade 6 and just recently I started to talk to him again now that I'm in grade 10 and he has mentally improved and I showed him MLP and he loves it, I even shown him the Derpy character and he loves her, and now I nickname him as Derpy and he thinks it as friendship... Sorry for the little conflict and I hope I didn't offend you in any way <3
  10. I don't really get how you got that out of my post... since I didn't mention anything about the name Ditzy... next time please don't put words onto my post to make me look bad after I just stated my opinion. Not that I hate you but please just don't do that -_-"
  11. well that's just one pony's opinion... some people may like one type of art style, another may like different. I am usually into grim dark but I love this type of art /)*3*(\
  12. :3 that is one of the cutest and most adorable drawing I have ever seen of ponies. I love these type where it looks new and very cute!
  13. I like Derpy, as it is a cute way of saying "mentally challenged" other than going up to someone and calling them mental or retarded. But some may take "you are so derpy **" as offensive, but when I use it I don't mean to be mean, I mean it to be cute and funny. I realize some may disagree but that's just my life and people know I'm random.
  14. Blitz... i like the way it roles off the tongue. As for the cutie mark, I still have no idea what to place for it as I don't want to go and clutter it with a bunch of pictures layer atop of each other and I can't decide on it. That was one of the things I needed to add but wanted to hear some suggestions
  15. I wanted to create an oc for quite awhile but I wanted to make one that doesn't look generic like all those dark ones or ones covered in accessories. But yeah, all I need help is with suggestions. I wanted to name him something with Thunder in it. So for example something like Thunder Muffin (I was seriously thinking Muffin but I'm still looking for suggestions) Thunder Kane (or Caine) I also wanted to know what you guys thought about my alpha stage of my pony, if you want to you can suggest colors or whatever you think would make it look better. And if it helps, my oc will be portrayed as a young adult that likes alt rock, punk rock, techno, partying, hanging with others being social, playing games, having a sense of humor, competitive and loves the wind in his mane. Any suggestions are extremely helpful, but what I look for the most are name suggestions thank you very much! <3
  16. Well like you said you posted this on a MLP forum board... so everypony would say Rainbow Dash. Then again she can sonic rainboom his flank, causing him to spin out and slow him down. But he probably could give her a run for her bits. It'd be a tough battle BUT I think Rainbow Dash would win by a nose hair.
  17. Okay, this might sound weird, but bare with me, this is all for a good manner. So, at my school I have about 2 friends who are Bronies BUT a few days that we get to wear our normal clothes (My school is catholic so we wear uniforms... *sigh*) I, most of the time wear my pony shirts, hoodies, etc... and over those days I've gotten some *brohoofs* and thumbs up from random people around my school. But the problem is, most of them I don't know or can't remember. One thing I do know is a lot of people in my school are closet Bronies, and I respect them for that cause my school is all about fitting in or you're an outcast, as for me, I don't care what people think, I love to stand out from the crowd. Back on topic, I was wondering if anyone knew any techniques that I could use to find closet Bronies around my school since we rarely get to wear our normal clothing. I have thought about making a school club for after hours but I'm not sure if that'd work out as planned, since I think most of my school would just join to troll or just laugh at the idea. So, anyone know of anything to do to get the Bronies their attention? thanks
  18. You just summed up most of my opinion which i didn't state I think if they released it on the other consoles, or the next generation consoles such as the new xbox or the new play station than they would hit the chart records with being one of the first, and best selling game titles of all time.
  19. I was sitting at my computer, being all bored like I always am when i decided to play a n64 emulator and loaded up Ocarina of Time. At the time I was playing with my Xbox controller when it hit me, why doesn't Nintendo make a new Legend of Zelda game, or remake Ocarina of Time again, but this time for a system such as the Xbox and / or Ps3. Now, I realize that all rights go towards Nintendo but I, myself think that if they actually put the game out there in the market for the other consoles then they would make WAY more money then just putting it out for the 3DS and the Wii (U). What are your thoughts on this, and I myself know that I would most defiantly without a doubt buy it!
  20. Before yo say it, I already checked the Free Avatar post but none really peaked my interest, well I have one on right now but I'm not that fond of it since I'm not one for GIF avatars as they are low res. I'm just looking for a Rainbow Dash avatar that fits the space and looks decent. I'm not looking for a GIF one. I don't really care what type of genre it is, as long as it's nothing to do with shipping
  21. Whenever I find a song I like I always get goose bumps. For example, Rainbow Dash's part in the song At The Gala, which i think almost everyone likes. Another example is in the end of Far Cry 3, I'll try not to spoil it but when the credits roll up and the song plays... it just brings out the tears :') It sounds dull at first but trust me, it builds up and gets really good in the middle!
  22. Hey, they are ponies in the magical land of Equestria! They can do anything they want. *he said in a nice, and humorous matter* But yeah... I always get kind of confused with the logic.
  23. I somewhat agree in a way that most the things you listed are WAY to over used. I myself don't have an OC since I can't settle on one. I don't understand why people always use Alicorns, sure they have all 3 pony elements (flight, earth and magic) but common, in Equestria you don't see 50 alicorns running around. But then again I give them credit for trying to create an OC. Aswell as the over use of items on their ponies, it's like when I was 10 I used to add everything I possible could, but now I just try to keep things down to minimum and what I like. So I semi agree with your post
  24. I remember when I was 6 my family went camping. We stayed outdoors for about a week and the last few days while we were up north a horrible storm hit and it ended to be a tornado. Since I was smaller I was scared right out of my mind that I can't even remember most of the night. This lead to me having a phobia of thunder storms, which people think is stupid to be scared of storms... they don't understand. I am slowly recovering from the fear but I can still feel it within me.
  25. honestly, i have no idea how I can get through the wait between episodes. I don't even know how I go through the ... 8 month wait for season 3...
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