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Posts posted by Alexdoc14

  1. Hey, if a girl like me wants to call themselves a brony it's fine. I personally think pegasister sucks, and I like brony better so 'Brony' for me.


    Hey, people have got their opinions though :D. I'm still gonna call myself a brony, though.


    EDIT: After reading through his posts, it's obviously a troll guys, don't feed him.


    EDIT 2: I don't get why you said we don't love and tolerate. I love and tolerate as much as I can.

    Alot of people here made me see it their way. I will no longer try to get girls to stop calling themselves Bronies. However, You were not one of the ones that helped me. I have reported you. I am not a Troll. However, by calling me a troll you are the troll. I got a warning and could not post, but I knowledged it. 

  2. First of all, why does it matter if they're a boy or a girl? Are you going to take their opinions more or less seriously because of their gender? Second of all, if the word "dude" can be used to refer to a girl, as it sometimes is, why shouldn't "bro" apply to both genders? Finally, the term brony is a generic term referring to a fan of mlp; it doesn't have to have anything to do with gender. By your logic girls/women are not part of "mankind", because it is derived from the word man.


    Actually, one more thing; grammatically speaking, if you don't know the gender of the subject(s), you are supposed to assume masculine.

    Well if they call themselve a brony it could be a boy behind the computer and is really a girl. Like what if I called myself a pegasister, you woud think I'm a girl right?

  3. 1.Awesome Rainbow Dash picture. How do you get it to move? It's Awesome. RD is my favorite main 6 pony. 2. but bro comes from boy. a boy is a bro. but a girl is a girl. so how can they? Also, if their a brony how can you tell if their a boy or a girl?

  4. Months ago I discovered that girls, are calling themselves BRONIES. Apparently they've been doing this for a while.

    I don't mean to be a black cloud, but this annoys me very much. I mean, their girls. And Brony is Bro plus Pony right?

    Not all, but I think most girls that like MLP:FiM calls themselves bronies. so if their girls and they want to be called Bronies, Their Gronies?

    And I think the word pegasister was made for a reason.  

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