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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Golurk

  1. I would say no. That has a lot of potential to go wrong, and not nearly as much to go right. It's most certainly an interesting topic for discussion, but a lot of people won't be accepting of the idea. That said, if you've got a good feel for the instructor's possible opinion, I say possibly bring up the idea itself to them. Don't mention anything about your own experience, just mention that "some say this is a thing. Thoughts?" sort of thing. Assuming they're actually interested in their field, it might make for some interesting ideas. @@Naiya The Brony, forgive me, but I don't really have a DA to use. But if I may still ask a question, I'd like an opportunity. For you see, this is a question with harsh ramifications, where a wrong answer can mean the difference between sanity and an asylum. Not for the weak of constitution, this is truly a quandary for the ages. Open the spoiler, only if you are prepared for what lies within...


  4. To the PC gaming crowd: What's the problem with controllers? From what I've seen, the general opinion is pretty unfavorable.

    1. long gone

      long gone

      I dunno, some people seem to be pretty resistant to controllers. They have their uses in some games.

  5. The Obama Administration is best anime


  7. The urge to drive off a cliff is strong with this one. Fortunately, there are none around.


  9. You don't know the wrath of RNGsus until you've played Warframe. -_-

    1. long gone

      long gone

      tried hunting for a shiny*



    2. Golurk


      These are on equal levels.

    3. Golurk


      Like srsly. Y'ever tried trying to find a Jagged Edge or an Ember Prime Blueprint? There's specific ways to get them and you still can't. :|

  10. The pizza is aggressive.

  11. Holy Magikarp, UMvC3 has an amazing soundtrack. 0_0

  12. The Overwatch trailers really know how to be hype. :P

  13. Food: Steak. Of all the steaks I've tried (and I've tried a lot, forced to mostly), not a single one has tasted good. I'd rather eat plastic. Drink: Anything containing alcohol. Again, I've tried a lot of these, and again, hated every single one. I don't see how people can tolerate it.
  14. Word of advice: If you're American, don't get in a gun/alcohol argument with a European. It won't end well. :|

    1. Monsoon
    2. Melon Blitz

      Melon Blitz

      Pretty sure that argument never goes well, no matter what country youre from.

  15. So i was discussing this with a friend of mine (who has made a tulpa before), and he seemed utterly appalled that the way I've been trying to do this does not involve meditation of any kind. He suggested I do that before major sessions and that should help. But, here we come to the problem. I don't know how. From what he described, it's essentially just emptying the mind of thoughts and thinking of nothing. But both of those are completely foreign concepts to me. My mind is pretty much always active in some form or another, barring the few moments before I fall asleep. I have no idea how to stop it. I've tried doing some meditation in my spare time, but it never feels like I'm doing it right. Largely because I don't know how to cancel things out, and even if I did, there'd probably just be more things to cancel out. This sounds incredibly dumb, I know, but how does one meditate? Especially for something like this. I'm having literally zero luck at it.
  16. Just beat Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath again. And again reminded of how great it is.


  18. Nintendo plz, don't let Miror B die on the Gamecube.

    1. Radiance64


      Dead as disco unfortunately ;-;

  19. So I'm taking a class on Latin American politics and Tropico 3 is listed as a required text. Me gusta.

  20. The built-in mousepad. I've been using laptops for so long that an actual mouse feels weird and uncomfortable.
  21. TAM when your knowledge of Japanese amounts to "Neko-chan kawaii desu"

  22. With every character reveal, my hype for Overwatch becomes a little less controllable.

  23. Blind LP of Oblivion: how crazy is that idea?

  24. Often times I'll go to type the word "busy", and I'll notice too late that the "t" and "y" keys are right next to each other. It's fair to say that I'm busy, but when I make that typo... It's not a word you should use to describe a guy. Aside from that, though, I'm surprisingly good about looking at and fixing my typing. Even better at not making mistakes in the first place, especially considering I type like a chicken.
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