Three things come to mind, all of which are... fairly hypocritical. Which is something that, in and of itself, I very highly dislike.
I'm commonly seen as the most 'Murican person in every group that I'm a part of. That said, one of my greatest desires is to move to Canada, and I view Marxist Communism as the ideal economic system in theory. I plan on being a doctor in order to save lives, but I'm highly misanthropic and getting more so by the day. I have no problem with most folk, provided that they don't give in to the more animalistic tendencies of human nature (greed in particular). But, everywhere I look I find them in one way or another. I'm just... not a fan of humanity. I'm seen as one of the happier people around (and generally am), but my "depression trigger" is incredibly touchy. I've seriously thought about suicide on at least 3 occasions, each time for relatively insignificant reasons. (To put it in perspective, the most recent one was because I was likely going to get a "C" in a class unrelated to my major study area.)
There are people who know some or all of these, but most of my personal people do not. Especially not my family.