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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Golurk

  1. @@simba86,@, Both of you are, as far as I can tell, exhibiting an error that's fairly common, but still serious. How long ago did you first hear about this? If your answer is less than a month or two, I'd ask that you reconsider until it is. Keep in mind that this is a life-changing thing that will most likely stick to you until the day you die. You can't afford to be impulsive about it. It sounds cool now, but what about in a year? Two? Ten? Fifty? And why would you want one? Keep in mind that this is a living, thinking thing you're creating. How would you feel if you were created for the sole reason of "you sounded cool"? There needs to be more to life than that. There needs to be a purpose. Please, take some time to consider this more thoroughly. This isn't a small thing. In fact, it's probably one of the biggest things of your entire life.
  2. If it could stay as cold as it was about a month ago, that'd be greaaaat...

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I miss the coldness of winter already too.

  3. I have personally been in this situation at least 7 times. For 6 of the times, I'd have agreed with you. This last one, however, was different. In what was probably the strongest attempt I've made thus far, I came to deduce that this feeling of... pressure, I guess would be the best way of putting it?... was her attempt at communication. It wasn't much. Just a circular region on my forehead. But it was enough. Well, eventually that attempt crumbled away like the others (as did that feeling), and I resolved not to try again until the summer. The other day, though, I did direct some attention at her for about 20-30 minutes or so. Immediately, the feeling came back, as strong as ever. And it continued to come back over the next few days at seemingly random times. In fact, I can vaguely feel it now. It's easy to think that progress is erased. And who knows, maybe at some level it is. But the essence is almost as durable as a Nokia. If an attempt is made, so to is that fundamental bit. It's there. You just need a way of finding it. Oh, it's already farther along than that. At MIT, I've seen a prototype prosthetic that can both receive and send signals. What this means is that, on one hand, it's able to take signals from the brain that tells it what to do. That aspect isn't necessarily new, but it's still a bit troublesome at the moment. Give it a few years. On the other hand, though, it also has the capacity to send signals back to the brain. The specific arm they used was outfitted with temperature sensors (I think), which were then able to turn that information into an electrical stimulus that the brain could interpret. Essentially, the person could, remotely, determine whether they were holding ice or hot metal with this robot hand solely through the hand's temperature sensors. This is why science is amazing. Do note, though, that I saw the demonstration a few months ago, so I *may* have messed up a few details unintentionally. But that's the gist of it. Basically, really cool stuff.
  4. Ugh. No. It give me indigestion. How does one ascend to the next level of being?
  5. I swear, video games have *the* best music I've ever heard.

    1. Soul Flare

      Soul Flare

      I can't agree more!

  6. Look up "Miror B XD" on YouTube for infinite jams.

    1. Celtore


      Best pokemon villain ever!

    2. Golurk


      Funny story: in order to play Gamecube games, I had to use the family TV. My parents did other things while I was playing most of the time, but whenever I battled Miror B, Mom would hear it and stop what she was doing to come in and watch. :P

  7. Skyrim mods are the best thing. I can turn people into cheese by yelling at them. :P

  8. That awkward moment when you think a game's running at a steady 30fps, but then you check it and it's lucky to get to 15. o_o

    1. long gone

      long gone

      That awkward moment when you think a game's running at a steady 78FPS, but then you check it and it's actually running at 62.

  9. That awful moment when, against all odds, your Best Buy semi-craptop can run every game you've tried. EXCEPT your favorite game. :(

  10. Uninstalling a program just *decreased* the space I have left on my hard drive. :|

  11. My will is not strong enough to fulfill my desires. Which kinda sucks. :/

  12. Apparently the concept of washing your own dishes is too much for most people to handle. -_-

  13. Yeah, after S3 I kinda just stopped caring. Haven't kept up with it since then. Still here, though. I like the community. So, if you define it as someone who actively sees the show, then yes. If you define it as someone who appreciates the fanbase, then no.
  14. Am I the only one who can't do heat? Like, it's 75 degrees out, and that's too hot for me.

    1. ~Kitty~


      I honestly prefer triple digit weather

    2. Golurk


      I would die. D:

      If I could just, like, move to Barrow, Alaska, I would be so happy...

  15. *Insert witty comment here*

    1. Celtore


      *insert witty retort*

  16. Few things can kill my mood faster than people who hold the MvM meta as if it were the friggin Bible.

  17. I gotta stop writing my papers the night before they're due. -_-

  18. *sees tons of notifications* *notices that it's Saturday* This explains everything.

  19. Grabbin pills...

  20. I am indeed afflicted with lilapsophobia. I have fortunately never experienced one myself, but I've had several close calls in the past few years. These close calls have been slowly de-sensitizing me to it, though, so I'm getting better about it. But I still flip out whenever I hear a siren. I'll put this in perspective: I live in central Iowa. If there's a strong enough storm around Omaha/ Kansas City which is moving this way, chances are me and everything I own are already in the basement.
  21. Kurz Gesagt has very quickly become my favorite YouTube channel. Such sciency stuff. :D



      Thanks for the recommendation!

  22. So apparently I can get an Eevee and Umbreon plushie for $13 apiece. Official Pokemon Center merch. Should I go for it?

  23. Did something happen that I missed?

    1. Steelstallion


      You mean like the season 5 episode showing?

    2. Golurk


      I was not aware that that was happening. :|

  24. Xenoblade Chronicles, y u so expensive? ;(

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