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Everything posted by Xalder

  1. Pffft I don't even come here like ever.

  2. What is this website. What am I? Who are you people?

    1. Erza


      This is MLP Forums, what else? :P

  3. Hahaha, all this talk about names... >.< I mean, it's the same thing on a forums, isn't it? Perhaps someone wants their username to be that of a canon character (I know I love Luna enough to want her name in places), but in the end it's just a name and doesn't change who they are. I'm always going to be Xalder whether or not I have a different handle than usual. It just means that people might have to really get to know me more.
  4. There is only one thing you need to know in order to realize Rarity is best pony... YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID. No other pony giggles nearly as adorably. <_<
  5. Accidentally insulting someone (it's happened before ;~; ), losing a friend no matter what I do (happened at least once...), and feeling completely and utterly useless (I have a sort of nagging feeling that what I do for others isn't enough...)
  6. My sister and I rule together. Though I feel she sometimes tries to keep some duties from me knowing full well I am now capable of performing them. I know she feels bad about the Nighmare Moon imprisonment, but leaving me with little to do doesn't help me forget...
  7. Princess Luna, of course, however there's something about Rarity... I just can't place what it is... SO CUWOOOOT! Ahem, but yes, Luna is best. Rarity is just best mane 6.
  8. I try to be a positive force with what I do with my time on the internet. I aim to make people happy by giving my friendship to anyone who's willing to have it. I've hurt myself once or twice doing this, but overall it's been worth it so far. Thanks to the show I finally joined an online community, and it's been an amazing experience so far. The friends I made... I don't think they'll simply go away, I think we might lose a bit of contact, but adding people on skype, talking to various members of the community, offering my advice where needed.. I feel that I have a strong influence over the lives of several people with my simple reaching out through the medium of text on the internet. If the fandom were to dissipate tomorrow, I would have no regrets, and as I'm sure it will stay strong for a long time, I know that I'll continue to make my impacts, small as they are, and find my sense of worth among my fellow bronies. I know that what I do has meaning, despite some nagging that for some people I can't do enough, but I always offer my support to those who need it, and am grateful for the friendships it's brought to me.
  9. I joined quite recently and have found these forums to be very welcoming for being so large. When I first joined a forums, I didn't feel nearly as much recognition, and I attributed that to there being a large userbase already. Though perhaps it was more the fact that I first accessed the site through an app... at any rate I congratulate you on finding your niche in the community and wish you the best in continuing to enjoy yourself!
  10. Having enemies is a waste of time. Just go on with your life, really. It is, after all, just a show, and what other people's opinions are on it don't matter. Hell, other people's opinions on anything don't really matter at all in the end, so just carry on and do what you enjoy and don't worry about what other people think. I don't think there's really any "threat" to the fandom, it seems strong enough to me that 1) haters can't do anything, which covers a lot of specific points, including the rage against cloppers (it's going to keep happening, avoid it if you don't like it and ignore it if you stumble across it and you'll be fine), annoyance at "love and tolerate EVERYTHING" bronies (who simply need to learn that negative emotions are okay to have, and that the best thing to do is simply not be bothered by people vocalizing their disproval), and other such grievances. 2) if the show were to end, the fandom would continue for a long time, I hear Firefly has a small but very dedicated fandom, bronies are a very large and dedicated fandom, I see little to sway a loss of interest for everyone all of a sudden. I suppose the biggest threat would be some of the popular names/voices in the brony community suddenly losing interest, seeing as a large amount of people seem to care about what their favorite brony artist thinks. However, I am certain that if this were to happen, you'd still see plenty of strong, active brony communities.
  11. I happen to have the name Luna on another forum and think it might be fun to sort of build a personality for her, the easiest way being to answer questions directed at her. However I do enjoy simply answering questions about myself as well, so please specify whether you're asking me or Luna. Feel free to ask me any questions, I may be so inclined as to answer.
  12. I couldn't handle the dialogue... The music at the beginning wasn't terrible, and the animation is simply meh until you see the horrors that is the speech animations, and the dialogue destroys it.
  13. I live in America, specifically the state of Minnesota, more specifically, the suburbs of Minneapolis. Brooklyn Park, to be exact. Though I go no further. I don't need strange people coming to my door. >.>
  14. Thunder gets to me... I still get bothered by thunder to this day. It's one of those "boom, gotcha!" sort of things but it gets me... every single time. :l
  15. I seem to have earned the ability to have a signature.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xalder


      What would be really nice is being able to increase the amount of posts per page but I can't seem to find that...

    3. Shiki


      20 isn't enough?

    4. Xalder


      Is it 20? I thought I was only seeing 10, haha. I'm actually used to seeing 40 posts per page since that's the maximum you can set it to for vBulletin sites.

  16. I really didn't put that much work into that post >.< I actually typed my interpretation as I thought of it... I didn't think I did any particular good job of interpretation as I tend to not look deeply into things, I felt that my interpretation was written on the surface... but I do suppose that sometimes when reading poetry it's better to not look at it too critically, digging for the author's deeply ingrained reasons for using particular rhythmic schemes and whatnot and just simply enjoy the poem for what it is on the surface. Sometimes that's where you find the true purpose anyway.
  17. Haha, don't worry about it. I don't always read every post in a thread, either. I just felt that perhaps you'd like to know about that. ^^;
  18. Everyone is a hooded man. We're all searching near and far, quite what none of us know, but we give the outward appearance of knowing. We seek what we think we seek with a determination, and there are many people in the world, so as you grow older you continue to notice the same type of people, the ones searching with that quiet determination, with that drive of knowing. Perhaps some people do know... At any rate this is my interpretation.
  19. It depends on the topic. For this one I'm assuming most people are simply going to respond to the first post, or simply the title of the thread. I read the OP in topics such as this one, and some of the first few posts before I skip to make my own. In some threads I'll make sure to read as much as I can before posting... Of course I'm more used to a forum where I know most of the members of the community so I want to read more and get an idea of what all my friends think. I haven't made friends here quite yet so... I mean here it doesn't seem like it'll be as easy to start making friends with members of the community unless you find a particular section you like to post in, but I sort of like to post in any section that has a thread with a title that interests me. Though I seem to have lost track of the topic. ^^ Short answer: Depends on the forum, depends on the topic, depends on my own mood.
  20. I'm not going to argue that they are or aren't sexy. People have their own opinions on the matter, and as with any other weird fetish, as long as they don't talk about it too openly, I see nothing wrong with cloppers. being one myself. :I
  21. I find the lack of Luna disturbing, however, I voted for Lyra, Trixie, Rarity, and Octavia. I find the results so far disturbing. How anypony could be above Trixie... particularly a pony like Vinyl... and how is RD more attractive than Lyra, that makes no sense. And between Pinkie and Octavia, sure Pinkie has the better personality... well... alright perhaps Pinkie is the better choice there, really... but in terms of visual appeal Octavia is definitely the more attractive pony.
  22. The left part being empty is perfect for the placement of desktop icons. As has been mentioned before, some wallpapers forget about the placement of icons, which leaves people wanting to leave their desktop empty so they can see the whole piece of art.
  23. I really don't know what to say about this... haha, it definitely seems more like a short fanfic than a poem. Particularly as you go farther and have larger blocks of text to read at a time. It seems like an interesting concept, a continuation of Cupcakes where she regrets her murderous deeds, perhaps?
  24. Ah, the loss of friends... it sucks, but as with any loss, we must move on. Find a driving force to keep us going. I'm happy for you to have found such a creative outlet. I've often tried creative writing but... :\ Well, I've never had the drive for it...
  25. Something I like about the music I listen to (Streetlight Manifesto) is that it presents a dark and serious topic and presents it in an optimistic and positive light, with upbeat, fast-paced tempos that (for me) signify an end will come to the pain, suffer through it as you must, but focus on the good while you do. With your latest post in this thread you imply that the last line is meant for the readers' interpretation, as such I'll connect my ideas of a forthcoming end to the pain, a discovery of love and a realization that while your heart may be weak, you will always be able to rely on the love of others.
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