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Everything posted by Etreo

  1. The Dark Knight Heath Ledger ensured that nobody could ever hope to become the best film Joker ever again in this movie. Some people thought his voice was unusual, and while I agree, I think it was better suited to him than a Mark Hamill style voice. Joker was presented as lunatic psychopath, and he should never be presented any other way. Inception Stunning. DiCaprio performs brilliantly and the plot is complicated enough to draw you in, but just simple enough to allow understanding. And that ending! Oh my, I could never decide of he was awake or asleep. Schindlers List Such a powerful film, the film that kick started my love affair with Liam Neeson. The black and white was the icing on the cake, and it really feels timeless, as it is. No more needs to be said, it speaks for itself and says so much more at the same time. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy Non stop laughter start to finish. The whole cast is great, but Steve Carrell has the best lines. "Ron, I'm riding a furry tractor!" That gets me very time. "I love lamp" is another immortal anchorman quote. Jumanji I don't feel anything needs to be said here. Jumanji.
  2. Etreo

    books The Book Thread

    I am currently reading 'An utterly impartial history of Britain (or 2000 years of upper class idiots in charge). You can probably guess what it's about, but it is very funny. I also thoroughly recommend 'The Book Thief' by Marcus Zusack, about a little German girl who steals for idem books and harbours a Jew during the holocaust. Excellent read, the use of imagery and symbolism is superb and it's narrated by death itself. What more could you want?
  3. I am an uncultured dubstep fanboy, and so would have to say Sound of Dubstep 5. However, Animal Mineral Vegetable by Doctor P was a good release too.
  4. Etreo

    movies/tv Regular Show

    3rd favourite series, behind Adventure Time and MLP. I just love how dark, twisted and utterly insane Adventure Time is, and I've never fully understood how they can show it in daytime. Not complaining though. What a show!
  5. Sucks of Lauren Faust to put the characters that grown men are going to find attractive into the one show that grown men love. Or maybe that's why it's so popular? Adventure Time is great, but I've never net anyone who had feelings for Finn or Jake. Perhaps that's why it's not as universally loved as MLP?
  6. Quite the opposite of wierd, it's healthy. Not only are you exploring new ideas to do with your romantic (and sexual?) interests, but because it's a personified character it shows that you are more attracted to a personality than a body. Assuming its not the fact that its horses that gets you going. Because that's just a fetish, and isn't particularly good or bad. Anyway, I forget the name of the thing, but it basically means that you are more attracted to the personality and character of somebody than what they look like. You're less likely to objectify and be inconsiderate to women, and you'll probably end up (if you're not already) as a wonderful husband and father. Or wife and Mother.
  7. Hi Big Mac, I've been lurking this thread for a while and I wanted to ask you something. I know that you didn't think Cheerilee was the right one to be your special somepony, but is that because you already have a special somepony? And that special somepony is Smarty Pants?
  8. Etreo

    Hi everypony

    It's Galician I believe, possibly Gaelic. It means 'Etherial'. And yes, Zecora. Closely followed by Big Macintosh. He's awesome.
  9. My favourite game changes daily. The most consistently high games on my list are probably - Team Fortress 2 - Fallout 3 - Batman: Arkham Asylum - SCP: Containment Breach - Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - FIFA games - Brink - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  10. Etreo

    Hi everypony

    Yep, that comic pretty much sums up how it happened. There still a part of me that feels strange for liking the show, but my inner child overcomes it every time.
  11. That was the single most original title for a brony welcome thread ever. No, you're not allowed to use it. I'm watching you. Anyway, I'm Etreo! 15, English and Brony for about 4 months now. Like many bronys, I started out as a doubter. How could a little girls show have such a huge adult male fanbase? Then I watched the first 2 episodes... Oh god. So good. Also, Zecora is the best pony.
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