Wow, this is an awesome idea! Have to say that Rarity and Fluttershy would be my favorites in terms of attraction. But I have to say thanks for doing this and investing so much time on this, much appreciated work.
I personally think it's fine, I love Fluttershy as well (mainly because of the scene of Twilight first meeting her and the "yay" scene). I always liked Rarity's voice and her hair though ._.
My brother knows I like ponies but that's about it. I have hinted it to my friends a few times but they don't seem to realize. Mainly watching MLP is a private thing for me.
Hello ponies of Equestria, I recently became a brony after seeing what all the hype was about this "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic" show and after watching a few episodes I realized how awesome MLP was. I mean Fluttershy is utterly adorable and Applejack and Rainbow Dash are complete badasses. So yeah just saying "hi" to everypony out there.