I had a MLP dream a few days ago, I say day because I had gotten the flu and was resting in for the day. In the dream, I was in what I believe to be a study. It was really nice. Hard wood floor, cushy armchairs, a couch, and a fire place. Very cozy.
Anyway, in the dream Applejack and I were laying opposite each other on the couch talking... just talking, like old friends do when they hang out. I don't remember what we were talking about, but I think I said something clever because she playfully knocked me off the couch. When I got up off the floor my reality sense kicked in and I wondered "Why didn't I feel that?" I glanced down at my hands and noticed that they looked odd. (the shadows were not in logical places) So I did the only thing I could think of. I punched myself in the face a few times. After about the 3rd swing AJ said something along the lines of "what in tarnation are you doing!?" So I looked at her and asked directly if I was dreaming. She chuckled a little and answered "yeah". I then felt a little bad for ruining a perfectly good lucid dream and asked "I have to wake up now don't I?" She replied with "yeah, but I'll talk to ya later, ok sugarcube?" (I swear I almost squeed when she called me that, it was so cool)
And that's when I woke up and ran into the bathroom to vomit green mystery goop.
that was by far the most awesome dream I have ever had, or best I can remember anyway.
feel free to share about your own dream experiences, and help convince myself that I'm not insane.