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Posts posted by Cuhpcakes

  1. Am I the only one who found Pegasus Device's ending rather... anti-climatic?


    I thought of much better endings in just minutes of reading it.


    Of course, the story was entertaining and divine.


    I found myself reading this great work of art for hours on end, on at least 3 separate occasions.


    Haven't been this intrigued from reading a story in a while, I'm loving these Fan Fictions!


    My Little Dashie was, ehh to put it lightly; boring. It's really the only MLP fiction I wasn't quite fond of.


    I highly recommend you read Rainbow Factory, then Pegasus Device. They are absolutely riveting! :D

    • Brohoof 1
  2. @Cuhpcakes, we already happened to have a thread for discussing our favorite grimdark MLP fanfics and creepypastas, and since your topic was for that purpose it has been merged with that one. Just letting you know :).


    Only grimdark fics I've ever read completely are Rainbow Factory and its sequel, Pegasus Device. I found Rainbow Factory to be overrated and unsatisfying, but Pegasus Device was one of the best fanfics I've read, even if I dislike grimdark things in general.

    Thanks for informing me and ending my ignorance; for the subject at least.


    Also, I greatly appreciate your generosity caused by moving my thread instead of deleting it.


    Pegasus Device you say? I might read into that.

  3. Welcome welcome welcome

    A fine welcome to you

    Welcome welcome welcome

    I say, how do you do?

    Welcome welcome welcome

    I say hip hip huray

    Welcome welcome welcome

    to our forum today!


    If ever want somepony to talk to, don't be shy to send me a private message. :)

  4. Eating breakfest truly helps you, this is why:


    When you're sleeping, you are fasting for quite a few hours. Long enough for the body to use up your restored glycogen levels, which is your primary source of fuel. It is important to eat as soon as you wake up to ensure these levels are refilled.


    Sure, your body will just use stored fat as another source but you'll feel incredibly weak and drained.


    It's much easier to endure more once you use up your glycogen levels minutes before burning fat than to have your levels depleted hours prior.


    Also, eating as soon as you end your sleep will help supress feelings of being tired, hungry, weak, grumpy and negative.


    I always eat a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of Soymilk in the morning to ensure I have energy before my morning exercise. It gives me around 70 grams of Carbs and 15 grams of Protein, enough to fill my glycogen levels.


    Carbs and protein are essential to giving one energy.

  5. Go to your local pharmacy and purchase a after-burn lotition that contains Aloe Vera. Apply generous amounts on your sunburn throughout the day.


    Take a anti-inflammatory twice a day(at least 6 hours apart) such as Ibuprofen, Aleve or Advil. Acetametorphan(Tylanol) won't suffice(work). This will help with the redness and swelling.


    Stay hydrated, drink at least 8 ounces of water every hour and take warm showers often.


    Try to stay in doors as well until your sunburn starts to peel.


    Be sure to eat plenty of nutritous foods as well because any burn deprives the body of its nutrition. Fruits and vegetables are highly recommended along with healthy meals.


    As your burn heals it'll itch like craz but do your best not to scratch it, just stay hydrated and lie in a cool bath if possible


    Next time wear plenty of sunscreen and try not go shirtless(this is what caused burns on my shoulders and back).


    Stay hydrated and get well soon! :)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I'm clueless to why so many of you wish to justify eating flesh. If it for the sake of debate? Do you find it wrong to do so? Or do you simply not care about eating others?


    I've changed my diet and haven't purposely devoured dairy or innocent creatures in like 2 months. My physical appearance improved drastically, but that may be due to my vigorous exercise as well.


    I only eat around 60-80 grams of protein(only from food) and am seeing improvement in my muscular developement. Could I have gotten better results from eating meat protein? Perhaps, but I'm getting stronger regardless.


    My friend asked me what I would do if I was trapped on a deserted island with no source of plant life; and only animal occupants. I smiled and responded "I would gladly die."

    • Brohoof 1
  7. It doesn't even matter anymore because I'm not going to a formal place wearing only this, and I'll end shirtless either way; due to the heat. As for those who said they wouldn't, I don't care what you think but thanks for the reply.



  8. I would be giving you a biased opinion, as I hate them. But I can see that you're wearing them for a very good reason. It's hot as hell. I don't see a reason why it's wrong in your case.

    Thanks for the imput, it really helps to have another offer advice on any situation. I do have some belly fat but I guess the tank top would be motivation to want to slim down, since it'll be showing it completely. I'm already really active so this would help me reach my goal even more!


    You hate see through tank tops? Why? :o

  9. I want to expose my nipples for all to see. They are quite glorious and shiny. They can cut through diamonds...

    Ok, now for on topic.


    I find Tank Tops to be a way for people to get attention after their "super hardcore workout sessions". Some people wear them just to wear it, but I've seen far many more attention seekers wear it more often.

    My goal wasn't to show off, I bought them because it's summer; meaning it's freaking hot outside!


    I chose to purchase them because I feel like taking my shirt off is a bit disrespectful, but as you can see; the tank top isn't discreet at all.


    I hate spending money on myself and I don't want to buy new shirts since I already bought plenty of the tank tops. Would you wear them in my situation?

  10. Do you think it's weird for a guy to wear a see through tank top with nothing over or under it? You can see my nipples nearly perfect and it feels embarrasing.


    I didn't want to buy see through ones buy I already purchased a bunch. Should I still wear them?


    P.s - if it matters I've gotten plenty of compliments on my muscles, and no negative feedback yet.

  11. Do you kill roaches? Termites? other "pests"? do you kill a spider when one creeps across your arm? Do you use lumber stripped from the woods to build your home? Do you buy things made in other countries by exploited workers? Do not claim vegetarians are the only ones with compassion. I know that animals are treated badly before being processed into food, and it breaks my heart, but so does the fact that people rape the land for resources. Any time you shop at a store, you may not be buying the meat, but you're giving money to the companies that do the slaughtering so they can continue the cycle. Do you know what would benefit the animals more? Lobbying to pass stricter laws about the treatment of animals in slaughter houses and animals raised for produce and meat. Even if the end game is to eliminate meat, it's a step in the right direction and alot more reasonable than just shutting all slaughterhouses down.

    I could say I don't harm innocent creatures but that's a lie. Even my morning jog is bound to kill some beautiful insects, but it's not intentional. I don't purposely wish to harm others unless the situation makes it just.


    I haven't purposely killed another ever since I changed my diet, I even yell at friends for attacking a mosquito, ant, roach, fly, spider etc.


    I never said being vegetarian is the only way to express compassion, I simply stated why many choose to become one.


    You're right about the proposition to end meat supply, it's irrational... need I explain why?


    Don't get the wrong idea, I don't mean to bash you; I just wanted to explain why humans don't need animal by products for survival, they are just luxury(cheap, tasty to some, decorative).


    Fighting for a cause to give creatures more humane living conditions is beautiful. I just don't abide by the social norm of using animal flesh because it's cruel.


    How would you feel if you and your entire family were forced to live in a cage for your entire life just so others can eat you; while they can simply get the same nutrition from another source?


    Many creatures who are slaughtered for meat are force fed MANY plants, an entire life time worth. So if one eats just one creatures, they are also eating millions of plants. Without plants, how would organisms obtain nutrition?

  12. I'll put my two cents in, I believe in eating meat, if you spend time in nature you realize animals eat each other. It's already been said, but I'll go further by saying you must respect life, does that mean you should never eat anything organic? No, that's not how nature works, but you also shouldn't go around killing things because it's "fun", killing is never fun. What makes me sad is people are vegetarians because they don't want animals to suffer, but they have no true respect for life, they wouldn't hesitate to kill a roach, or snake, or spider. Sometimes it's just what must be done though, just earlier today I had to kill a water moccasin, my nephew and little cousins play around our creek so we kill poisonous snakes if we see them. When I killed it though I legitimately felt for it, anytime I have to end life I always ask forgiveness in my mind, even if it's a roach. I grew up around animals, we've taken care of injured owls, squirrels, bluejays, turtles, oppossums, you name it, and sometimes you can't help them and they die anyways, but we always tried. What I'm getting at is too many people nowdays are disconnected with the natural world and it's easy to do. There has to be balance, there's nothing wrong with taking from nature, only you have to give back as well and not many people do. If you choose to not eat meat, that's great, but it doesn't change anything. I'm loathe to quote Disney after something genuinely heartfelt, but it really is the circle of life. I always have trouble making sense when I type something longwinded so I hope that was coherent.

    Are humans narurally omnivores? That's all up to debate but humans have lived long and successful lives without the need of animals, even in the past there were tribes who lived off fruit and vegetables.


    The point of changing to a vegetarian diet is to express compassion for others.


    Humans cruely enslave creatures just for greed not survival, creatures and critters aren't lesser beings than us.


    Humans don't need meat to be healthy, they don't need silk for survival and they definately don't need to use creatures as test subjects.


    The argument always ends up like this:


    Vegetarian - I will not harm another's life because I care


    Omnivore - I will eat meat because it tastes good and it keeps me alive.


    So, just because an animal tastes good you should eat it? The idea of harming another just for luxury is a bit... devious.


    As for what you said, sure some creatures can ONLY live on an omnivore diet; but humans aren't one of them.


    As for humans being omnivores, that's a bit rediculous. We don't have razor-sharp teeth or claws:



    Even if we were created to be strictly omnivore, I'll still continue my animal restricted diet because I will not eat innocent flesh for survival.



  13. You're thinking of a vegan, not a vegetarian. I only buy eggs and dairy from places I know animals aren't tortured (free range). Try to know what you're talking about trying to poke holes in my moral stance. img-1509769-1-huh.png It would have taken literally a second of research.

    You're talking about a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian. Nowadays these vegetarian "titles" are a bit questionable.


    Pestca(I forgot the name)?Vegetarian don't eat any animal by product besides fish. Really, fish? Fish bleed like us and plot the same goal as us. To desperately survive in this life, this cruel life. Oh, I know you have heard of this. Vegetarians who eat poultry, such as chicken and duck.


    Why are you so proud of your "vegetarian status?" You shouldn't be a good person to earn something, you should be a good person just because it's the right thing to do.


    Sorry if I sounded a bit cruel, I don't mean to comes off as a jerk. Will you forgive me? :(

  14. I'm a huge fan of weightlifting! I am definitely not a bodybuilder, but weightlifting is hands down the best workout you can give your body. It also is a faster way to lose weight than cardio workouts, but a lot of people don't like weightlifting due to the myth that you will be big and bulky. I used to workout daily but since school started up again I didn't have time in my schedule. I hope to start working out again soon and lose all the weight I gained this past semester.

    You are incorrect, but it's ok bro. Cardio is the fastest and most efficent fat burner.


    Weight lifting requires a higher calorie intake than what is burned because muscles require excess calories to get bigger. This is why muscle weighs nearly 3 times times the amount of fat.

    However, one can still build muscle while burning more calories than consumed but the results won't be as "bulky."


    Cardio is proven from countless resources to burn the most calories than any other form of exercise. Bicycling easily burns 250 calories an hour at 5 mph(pretty damn slow).


    This is why body builders eat plenty of food and those who wish to lose weight are strict on a low calorie diet.


    Don't quote me on this, but I think walking burns more calories than intense weight lifting.

    • Brohoof 1
  15. What? I'm okay with dairy and eggs. That's a standard vegetarian.



    Yup. I do not eat anything with gelatin, because it is made from boiled animal bones and tendons that are ground up into a powder.



    That's nice, but that doesn't make it meat.

    You are a standard vegetarian? That's funny, I'm certain dairy isn't a vegetable. Cows and chickens are abused in inhuman conditions just so humans can get a terrible product; which is then treated with hazordous chemicals and hormones so that humans can consume it without getting sick.


    It's alright if you eat dairy, I couldn't care less. I'm just curious why you care so much about the title vegetarian when you obviously aren't one.


    Also, I started off by not eating any animal byproducts besides dairy and honey, but after realizing how much I care about others I changed my diet. It wasn't difficult nor pricey.


    Why do you care about being known as a vegetarian? Isn't the fact that you're against consuming animals enough?

  16. I hate weight lifting, but I do it anyways. I don't do a whole lot... just dead-lifts, shrugs, chins, dips, presses... I plan on doing less of that and more running after this Summer.

    Doing an hour of weight lifting 3 times a day does wonders, trust me. It's better to have scheduled sessions where you'll be doing at least 30 minutes of exercise as apposed to 5 minute work outs through out the day because it takes times for you muscles to break down to a point where repairing would make them stronger; and when you're resting, your body is in repair mode.
  17. Make sure you're getting the essential vitamins and minerals:




    People say I'm a vegetarian, I disagree. I didn't change my eating habits to fullfil a label created by others or to be praised. I change my habits to express my compassion towards all living beings, I wouldn't even kill a mosquito if it was biting me.


    All life is sacred and no life is more valuable than another's. I am grateful for the many lives I may have consumed for supplying me with life.

  18. Lol rare partaker of firewater yes. But not foolish enough like some to consume untill I'm incoherent and inubriated. That's just asking for trouble

    I haven't been drunk since 4/20... and that was hell! Appearently I layed slumbed on a toilet for 3 hours, it only seemed like 5 minutes! :)


    I drank some yesterday, but it was such a minor amount.


    Do you prefer beer, wine or liquor?

  19. I weight lift on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; but I also mess around with my brither's dumbbells on occasion.


    I currently lift 60 lbs, and increase my weight after a couple weeks.


    I am not a fan of original standing curls, but I do love hammer curls! Sitting/laying presses and deadlifts are also fun.


    I try to get at least 2 hours of cardio everyday, except Friday(rest day).


    Ever since I changed to a healthy diet and started to be much more active I became very happy.


    I highly suggest exercising, you'll gain such an amazing self cofidence and your body will thank you. Even riding a bike an hour a day does wonders! :D

    • Brohoof 1
  20. No, on all questions. With my panic related seizures its unwise for me to do anything that would imbalance my system. As it is I have a low immune system, and other medical conflictions. Along with some annoying Psycological issues that I work with. I know most use Canibis for relaxation, and that is super for them! IF my state allowed I MAY consider it for medicinal only IF my doctors sujested it. Else no, I would never look into it. At times I may have a drink or two but even that gives me headaches *laugh* img-1494526-1-ohmy.png

    Yeah, weed isn't exactly healthy on the body. When someone feels the effects of being "high" their brain is burning up due to receptors.


    Not to mention the dangers of smoking any form of matter. When an object is on fire, regardless of the material, it'll release carbon dioxide and tar in the lungs.


    A fan of the devil juice, huh? ;)

  21. No, I am not a smoker. I have severe asthma so its a bad idea for me to even be in the room with a smoker. But I do not chide anyone that wishes to partake of it. Because it is not my place to judge what you wish to do to your body, and its not my buisness. How I was raised :)

    That's very admirable of you, I'm assuming you never tryed some herb. There are alternates such as edibles, Firecrackers are cheap, effective and simple.


    I have a friend who smokes, regardless of his asthma. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm certain I know a couple of asthma smokers.


    I don't influece others to do drugs, nor would I suggest it.


    Have you ever taken any recreational drug?

  22. Just be careful, with it and keep in mind that heat + superglue may cause a chemical reaction. I am shure it would be fine but hey I am just covering the bases here.

    The glue isn't going to be in any contact with open flame, only heat and smoke.


    Also, I figured such a tony amount of glue won't be too harmfull anyway.


    I smoked out of her yesterday and was smacked. I think I tasted glue but I may have just been paranoid because the piece showed no noticable evidence.


    Have you ever done this?

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