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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by T.K.CupCake.

  1. Thank You!!! Ill Have to start them soon! then i will post them Those would work too! so what about a crystal pony? lol what do you think the cutie mark should be? like a foily and a tooter? that might work
  2. Happy Hearts & Hooves <3

  3. GoodBye EveryPony <3 I Will miss You All! :D

  4. Im so jealous! i wish i could make cool pony stuffs... all i can do is draw...
  5. I may have a colt in my belly. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. T.K.CupCake.


      Were not for sure yet but its a big possibly... We've done one test thats came out neg but bodies dont lie :)

    3. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      If so, then stop making love to horses.


      -love, a very concerned citizen

    4. T.K.CupCake.


      Haha.. You're Silly. :P If i would have said baby people here would correct me and tell me a colt haha. Im not into animals haha im into my husband :P

  6. I think it sould be considered a religon... but thats just me. ive been a mlp fan since the 80s but i love fim... my husband tolerates it. but i think he secretly loves it too
  7. Hahaha! I Love all of these... Too bad im married and flirting really doesnt work but I'll use them!!Im just glad I have a very special some pony <3
  8. Thank You All! I would love to make more but I just wouldnt know what the cutie marks would be for certain drugs. Lol Pinkie is one of my favs Rarity && RainbowDash Are my top two. I just couldnt find the sketch book they were in. lol.
  9. So How About That Puppy Bowl 9? Cute As Fuck! Esspecially The Kitty HalfTime!

    1. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      It isn't true adorable till a French bulldog and a baby octopus step on the scene. And I don't like kitties :<

    2. T.K.CupCake.


      A Squid would be nice ;)

  10. Yes I Do Go Hard On Pokemon Yellow <3

  11. So as promised the ponies ive drawn so far. I will take request! just let me Know! Feedback would be wonderful! Both postive and negative are welcome <3Tk This is shroomin pony she was the last to get emailed so here she is... I really like the way she came out. I dont color them because im not the best colorer. as you can see above with Rainbow kush lol
  12. Thank You!!! And cupcakes are my most [ welll one of] favortie things 40 post to be a cupcake? hmmm i think i can do it though! <3Tk
  13. Thank You! I just got on here but ive liked mlp since before fim game out... my mom liked them in the 80s and thats where it started i guess lol. But all i do is post stuff? thats awesome! <3Tk
  14. Lol Big Mac is one of my faves and my husbands only pony he likes lol
  15. How Do I Get A Non Blank Flank?? Help. I dont understand they levels or whatever theyre called if someone could let me know it would be wonderful. <3Tk
  16. I see. SO basically just sick around and listen? thx! *** Stick**
  17. My parents where dead heads and didnt believe in cencoring art so i got to watch what i wanted and listened to what i wanted it was pretty awesome but i wouldnt let my future kids watch or listen to some of the stuff i did haha,. <3 Tk
  18. Its so cute that my husband doesnt like mlp:fim but he knows all the names and what their elements are... and he told me he wanted to be my very special somepony on hearts and hooves day :P but he doesnt like it... ha!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. T.K.CupCake.
    3. Scootalove


      Aww. :3 Pretty adorable if you ask me.

    4. T.K.CupCake.


      Yup I think so too! He knows there names and what they are, and whos element does what...

  19. Im Seriously Gettting Into Gears 3... -.-

    1. Blizzard Gale

      Blizzard Gale

      Watch out for the roadie runs, dem ass shots can kill.

    2. T.K.CupCake.


      Lol i run around with the Lancer and chainsaw people :P


  20. My Little Drug Ponies Will Hopefully Be Up Soon! <3

  21. I Dont Know Any Lingo Brony I thought was just you know anyone who loves mlp.
  22. T.K.CupCake.


    So Could Anyone Let Me Know What The Lingo Is? Like Brohoofs? Kthx!
  23. I draw Ponies But They Arent For All Ages :P

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. T.K.CupCake.


      Theres Priencess Marijana & BongRip And Rainbow kush :P ill have to take pix of them and put them up! <3


    3. Caitlin Spark
    4. T.K.CupCake.


      Lol Theyre all in a sketch pad ill have to use the phone to transfer them.. dont know how good theyll look :)

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