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Everything posted by BronymanMiranda

  1. I'm wondering what my fellow bronies think are the best rock albums ever made. Feel free to include Folk Rock; Heavy Metal; Punk Rock and such... For me, it's defiantly the following: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band (1967) by The Beatles The Dark Side of the Moon (1973) by Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin IV (1971) by Led Zeppelin Abbey Road (1969) by The Beatles Wish You Were Here (1975) by Pink Floyd A Night at the Opera (1975) by Queen Rumours (1977) by Fleetwood Mac Led Zeppelin II (1969) by Led Zeppelin Revolver (1966) by The Beatles A Hard Day's Night (1964) by The Beatles Rubber Soul (1965) by The Beatles Pet Sounds (1966) by The Beach Boys The Wall (1979) by Pink Floyd Animals (1977) by Pink Floyd Meddle (1971) by Pink Floyd The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (1967) by Pink Floyd Led Zeppelin (1968) by Led Zeppelin The Beatles (The White Album) (1968) by The Beatles All Things Must Pass (1973) by George Harrison Band on the Run (1973) by Paul McCartney Who's Next (1971) by The Who Tommy (1968) by The Who Quadrophenia (1975) by The Who and a dozen more...
  2. Manos: Hands of Fate; Captain America (1979); Captain America II: Death Too Soon; batman and Robin; the room; Garbage Pail Kids...I could go on....
  3. I remember those...and then I saw the movies again and I thought they sucked. I found it overwrought and cliche. The end message I've heard in at least 90 other films....
  4. And now I shall show thee all three AMAZING ALBUMS by three AMAZING ARTISTS: The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd Abbey Road by The Beatles Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys (yes that's technically rock)
  5. Wasn't Rarity already Canterlot Famous in "Sweet and Elite"? Unless that somehow doesn't count... And I know this is slightly off topic, but I always wanted to see an episode between Rarity and Blueblood with Blueblood coming clean somehow. We've reformed Discord, we've redeemed Trixie and Luna....why not Blueblood. He didn't kill anypony, he just acted like a douche bag towards Rarity.
  6. Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Labrotory and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. But I actually think that the new Looney Tunes Show, Regular Show and The Amazing World of Gumball are pretty good.
  7. Well, I'm okay with it going on forever, as long as she has Celestia by her side to comfort her, I think she'll be okay....to be honest, I'm really keeping my options open and waiting for more episodes with her before I truly lock down an opinion.
  8. My opinion hasn't really changed yet, but so far I'm leaning towards support, since I want to see the stuff they might do in Season 4....
  9. For me, until the episode airs: I do think however, that everybody needs to calm down and wait until the episode airs to actually make a proper judgement....
  10. Posted a topic showing off my fan fictions.

  11. Below are the links to three stories I've written that crossover MLP with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I hope you enjoy them. So far only one is complete and, yes, I will write ones for Captain America and The Avengers Iron Mare Soar (co-written with a friend, it's basically Thor, couldn't come up with a better name as embarrassing as that sounds) Flutterhulk So far on FIMFiction they've gotten good reaction. I don't intend to submit them to Equestria Daily though, they're a tad stuffed up I think. But, if you can, tell me what you think and all.
  12. Would it be cheating to say that I have, like, 70 favorite movies of all time? But I'd say that Pixar films are all there (except Cars and Cars 2.)
  13. True, but if the fourth season does well, then we'll probably get more. Let's just hope everything works out in the end. Better to have the show end on an AWESOME high note then go the way of Spongebob....
  14. Thanks for the info! I honestly didn't know that. I do know, however, that Moffat has had a BIG influence on the show. I'm actually not a Whovian, but you can't go three clicks on Tumblr without finding a dozen, so I've developed a knowledge of the show through that.
  15. Actually, I've found that their fan fiction section is VERY, VERY biased. They often turn down damn good stories just because it was written in a unique way. For instance, the story "Mare-Do-Well: Regeneration" by Mark Garg von Herb is my absloute favorite fan fiction in the fandom right now (yes I did read Past Sins and it was quite good, if a little padded out. But I have NO interest in reading Fallout: Equestria or Background Pony. They're just too depressing) Anyways, back to the topic. As I was saying, MDW: Regeneration got rejected because it was written in, and you're not going to believe it, THIRD PERSON, PRESENT TENSE. Like this: "She reaches for the cup and takes a drink". That's it. That was their first complaint. If I want info on Brony topics, I go take a quick look, see if theirs any major news and then go back to FIMFiction, where I can read a ton of awesome fan fiction. So I think that if (god forbid) they got taken away, the fandom would probably have a few weeks worth of freaking out and then snap right back to normal.
  16. Exactly. I also would like to point out that really, we popped into existance very VERY quickly. For instance, Whovians weren't really a major fandom force (to my knowledge) until Moffat rebooted the show. Of course their were Whovians before that, but they didn't have an impact on popular culture like they do now. Also, we bronies had stuff like the internet and YouTube to help us boost our numbers. and most importantly, Hasbro was kind enough to let the episodes stay up for as long as they did. Look at Disney, you can't so much as post a clip without getting blocked. So I think that this fandom will endure and possibly become a part popular culture like Doctor Who and Star Trek.
  17. I have an ungodly amount of favorite songs, but here's a small sample: I have like 90 more songs, but I don't want to spam. Since that's no fun is it?
  18. Well, since I'm a major film nerd, I'd figure I'd start a discussion about our favorite films and directors. Here's a small sampling of mine: Movies: Inception The Dark Knight Trilogy The Godfather The Godfather Part II Barry Lyndon Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb A Clockwork Orange 2001: A Space Odyssey Jurassic Park Lethal Weapon 1, 2, 3 and 4 Big Fish Toy Story Toy Story 2 Toy Story 3 A Bug's Life Finding Nemo The Incredibles Ratatouille WALL-E Up The Emperor's New Groove Fantasia Fantasia 2000 Beauty and the Beast Tarzan The Prince of Egypt Fun with Dick and Jane Casablanca Skyfall Casino Royale Quantum of Solace Fiddler on the Roof Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Raiders of the Lost Ark Jaws E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial The Avengers Iron Man The Incredible Hulk Thor Amadeus The Bourne Identity The Bourne Supremacy The Bourne Ultimatum The Hunt for Red October The Bear The King's Speech The Iron Giant The Artist The Departed Goodfellas Mission: Impossible Mission: Impossible III Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Pride and Prejudice North by Northwest Vertigo Rope The Man Who Knew Too Much Die Hard Good Night, and Good Luck. Mary Poppins The Ten Commandments The Muppet Movie The Muppet's Take Manhattan The Great Muppet Caper The Truman Show The Fall Mr. Smith Goes to Washington It's a Wonderful Life Singin' in the Rain Unbreakable Signs Moonrise Kingdom The Tree of Life The Social Network Django Unchained The Hurt Locker Kill Bill: Vol. 1 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 Inglourious Basterds and at least 100 more Favorite directors (in random order): Steven Spielberg Terrence Malick David Fincher Stanley Kubrick Martin Scorsese Wes Anderson Alfred Hitchcock Quentin Tarantino Kathryn Bigelow Christopher Nolan and dozen's more. What about you guys?
  19. I like the idea of them having long lifespans. Makes sense. And in Lord of the Rings, Elves themselves age, just at a slowed rate. I still think that elves age for awhile, then stop at a certain age. That could explain why all the elves we see in LOTR all look about 25-35 years old, and yet they're thousands of years old.
  20. That is true. In most fan fictions, they make it so that Celestia and Luna came into being after those events. But aren't Celestia and Luna on the flag at the end of the episode? I could be wrong though. Also, on the idea of Cadence being immortal or not, maybe alicorn's grow at a different rate then normal ponies. Like that they age normal for a period of time, and then, once they reach a certain age (like say, 20 or something) they stop aging all together or at least they age VERY, VERY, VERY slowly. Kinda like the Asgardians in Marvel Comics. And they did say that they'd give us some back ground on Celestia and Luna this season They also said that we'd get to see Flutterdragon or Rarity and Octavia singing a duet, but no such luck.
  21. This guy took the words right out of my mouth. I'd actually kinda like to see how they do this. If they keep the change, this would be a great way to show how the other characters react and teach a lesson about learning responsibly and the consequences of your actions (which I say you can never have enough of in this modern world) If they have her go back to normal, then it can teach the lesson that nothing, not even immortality and absolute power, is worth losing your friends over. Either way it'd make a good message.
  22. Well, I don't listen to that much modern pop music, since, well in my opinion it sucks. But I do have particular dislike for the following. 99.999999999999% of rap artists Lady Gaga Miley Cyrus Justin Bieber Nikji Namji 99.99999999999% of Heavy Metal/Deathmetal bands (although I must admit that Metallica's Master of Puppets has a killer riff. But I still hate the song) Nickleback (duh) Maroon 5. And that's it really.
  23. It seems to be magic. What with the glow and all.
  24. Okay, I finally got to see the episode (don't have the hub, only youtube) and I must say BEST EPISODE ALL SEASON! I was dying The industrial strength pet hair dryer was insanity. And did anybody notice Cheerailee and Big Mac walking together in the background? Cause I did. And Written Script and Carrot Top hugging? I swear the show writer's know about I our shippings and do this to troll us.
  25. I've got like twenty, but I do know that these are definitely in the Top Ten: The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd Abbey Road by The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys The Wall by Pink Floyd A Night at the Opera by Queen and a ton more....cause Old School is Best School
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