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Everything posted by Razege

  1. Razege

    The 4DE Plushes

    Personally, I am glad that they have announced that Applejack's coat color would be getting the proper color treatment that it deserves, as that image is more showing a Dandelion Yellow, whereas Applejack owns a more Gamboge Orange coat color. But when they finally decided ta release these beauties, it -will- be the best mare of the bunch, Applejack. I mean, seriously, what ever would I do -not- picking her ta start off with?
  2. Sparity(Spike x Rarity) -BUT, ONLY AS A FUTURE RELATIONSHIP. Spike is still much younger than she is, and as it currently is, would promote pedophilia. Note: Pedophilia is bad. Also note: Older gals should not be neglected just because of their age. If anything, read/watch "Like Fine Wine". It will blow yer mind. http://vanripper.deviantart.com/art/myLittlePony-likeFineWine01-452575496
  3. Death in the show neednt be within the mane characters, and it really ought not ta be. It's already established that they do die, but any death in-show should be in the background. If they did this, the show would feel wrong somehow.
  4. Many potentials here fer future revisits, but only time will tell if they will fade into the background or not.
  5. Yer welcome! Come back again next year so i can sell yeh more wallscrolls!
  6. Eh, Hasbros toys are only good fer ironic purposes.
  7. Razege

    The 4DE Plushes

    A whole year's wait is waaaay too unreasonable fer a business like this. They are officially licensed, so there should be a steady merchandise feed. But there isn't. One year is ridiculous, so some questions best be answered as ta what EXACTLY was the holdup. Also, ta note: The coat color on AJ is apparently not final, and will be more show accurate with AJ's gamboge orange.
  8. I enjoy entertaining the thought that they might get special Harmonic abilities.... somewhat.... Let us just hope that these designs are not concrete.... .... because they're complete rubbish and look like they're bedazzled. Of course.... seeing as the last episode is going to be written by Megan McCarthy.... I wouldn't try ta hold my breath about it.... Buckin' McCarthy n' her brown-nose tactics....
  9. I like this pony. Keep on trottin' /) As fer my chest droppin' style, I tend ta place then in somewhat hard-to-find areas. That way it's more of an adventure ta find it, and when ya do, there's 20% more HUZZAH in every find! Hot.... Buckin'.... Dang.... The way I deal with Parasprites is by loadin' up the unused areas with cheap trees. Because I love me some trees. Let's hope it ain't 34. And aye, I'll add yas up right soon-ish~! I'm gettin' back into the game as of late.
  10. I'm not entirely sure WHEN it began.... but Applejack has always seemed like the most reasonable and understandable pony in the entire show.... and whereas I didn't consider her my favorite from the beginning, around midway through Season 2 I began to really love her and began to accept her as my favorite. Whereas she got her own "song".... if that's what you want to call it.... it wasn't really all that great, and I feel Applejack's been really betrayed for not getting a better tune than a repetative "raise this barn. raise this barn. 1, 2, 3, 4.", which she should get corrected in season 4.... as well as possibly delving deeper into her past to see exactly what happened to her parents. Now, I've herd other ponies call her "tomboy-ish".... and in a sense that's true, but it really fits better when describing Rainbow Dash. Applejack's the type of mare who doesn't mind getting dirty or being up-front about certain issues. As long as it get's the job done, she couldn't really care less how she looks. This is, by far and beyond her characterized southerness, her most admirable attribute. It is what made me feel so warm whenever I've seen her on-screen.... or in somepony's artwork online.... or just her being mentioned.... it.... it get's me right in here. *notions towards chest* Her down-to-earth personality just shines through in the best of places and made me just go head over heels for her. I don't think I've ever had a crush on a character as much as I have with Applejack, but I've got to say that she is indeed a THING for me. There is not a single thing about her as a character that I DON'T find immensely attractive. NOT.... A SINGLE.... THING. [edit] Wow, ah really just wanted to post a tiny thing.... but golly.... that totally didn't happen. [/edit]
  11. Yeah, I am too. Haven't been able to give or receive hearts in at least a day. I can't even add people right now! Hopefully it gets better sooner rather than later. I suppose we will have to wait n' see.... As for me however.... I've finally gotten my laptop back.... with none of my data on it.... So I'll be preoccupied by that for a whiles....
  12. The game is bugging out like crazy lately.... can't evien connect to friends or receive the daily gems.... And I NEED gems for Rarity(sneakysonsofprogrammers), since you HAVE to purchase her....
  13. Well, that's good to know.... was getting a tad worried for a second....Still.... buysomeapples MARCELINE SMITH.... who is that? I haven't noticed any new events on mine as well.... but perhaps that will come once you complete a new task.... .... sadly for me, that task is to acquire Rarity.... which I was hoping I didn't need to pay for(since her sister was already 30 gems).
  14. Aye, looks like it definitely updated on it's own.... Oh, btw, does anypony know why Lyra's model is grayed out when she moves around? It's been bothering me lately.... Also, who the hay is MARCELINE SMITH?! Everytime I accept a gift, that name flashes up in place of the sender's name for a split second....
  15. Sadly, that feature seems to be buggy atm. I can't as well.... Just as long as your friends play it already, they should appear in your friends section. ffffffffnnnnnnnngggggggg your avatar is soooooooo cuuuuuuuute~! Gonna add y'all up real quick! Nope, the game's just buggy like that, try turning it off and on again, and if that's not working for ya, restart your device and just rinse & repeate. No real solution right now.Also gonna add you too~! ....*facehoof* Really?! No wonder it told me you didn't exist!
  16. .... Ehhhh?! Whwhwhwhhwhwhaaaatttt???? I.... I diddn't get that message.... .... Why didn't I get that as well? What in the hay is this big thing that's coming???? Tain't fair.... Ya see, what you do is ya open up yer game menu and ya scroll on down 'til ya see the "Gameloft Live" option. Once ya find that n' obviously click it, there'll be an area where ya gots Gameloft specific options.... one of which being a "friends" list. Once there, ya can get to addin' down names ya done collected from here and send little friendship requests to us other pony folk. I'll get ta accepting you, and we can both get to sendin' each other gifts n' chests of heart gems and the sorts.
  17. @KirbyFluttershy, I have sent you the message you asked for.... Look forward to it! Yyup, been having that issue on and off lately. I dunno about that, but my ignorance might also be because I've been filling up my unused land with trees, and since the swarms come in 5 parasprites to a 4-9 squared cluster, chips go through like crazy.... luckily, some of these obstructions also help.... I would totally add you.... but alas, I cannot.... for the gameloft database said neigh when searching for your username. Added~! Welcome to the community here~! Also Added~! Look for my request~! You as well~!
  18. Pokesonicfan11? Added~! ....Golly.... wish I had that sort of luck. All I gots are kindness-influenced parasprites and 0 kindness shards....
  19. I went and added you.... but for some reason, the gameloft servers aren't displaying your info....I would be gifting you and giving you nice treasure chests to find, but I can't for some odd reason.... I also added you, but you haven't accepted my friend request yet.... so I can't really help yas there....I'm sorry.... : I'mma add you up so quick-like! We's gon be the bestest of friends!
  20. Totes adding you and as to the magic shards, from what I've herd, spamming the hospital and bookstore it the only way. From other ponies' observations, the specific shops do actually drop specific shards more often than others.... so right on there! I'm adding more ponies as I go as well, so I'mma add ya as well~! Thank yas! Thought there'd be some sort of trick to it, but it don't seem like it from what you done said.... .... Oh well.... that sucks.... better get to it then. Also, do ya mind me friending you on there as well? Mine is me username here!
  21. I wish I could help you, but that is the only option I know of....It's been the only thing to get me out of the same pickle time and time again.... Sad to say, but you might have to reset it.... which sucks.... but 'tis the way of the sea. Either that or just keep rebooting it and hoping one go-around will get something to click that hasn't yet. Eghad.... that is.... actually.... rather incredible. I've only been playing for about what.... a month now?Yeah. .... yeah.... Any tips on how somepony can acquire gems? I'm currently being bewildered by the Sweetie Belle quest, since I've only got about 8 as of now.... Oh and kindness shards.... any idea how to acquire large amounts of those? I've got about 7 swarms of nothing by kindness-influenced parasprites.
  22. I'm admittedly glad that this game actually exists in the first place, since it creates a new venue to connect with other ponies! Albeit there are a few things that seem off about this game.... like, the latest one I've noticed is the dimness of Lyra Heartstrings' colors alltogether.... it makes her seem like she's in the shade.... constantly. Has anypony else noticed this? Btw, does anypony know how to get kindness shards???? I've got about 7-8 groups of parasorites of the kindness type and 0 kindness shards. And to Raynebow Crash above, I'm not sure of any beyond the mane 6.... I'll try to add the mountain of names on this here forum to my friendslist so we can stay connected and awesome. .... perhaps.... y'all can add me as well? Username: razege I've been having the same issues with mine as well.... the only solutions that I've come across, is to just straight-up restart the game and check again. If that don't work, then just rinse & repeat. It will work eventually. How could I hate you? I don't even know you, but you and me are like, love and tolerance.... ya just canter have one without geeting shoulder ta shoulder with the other down a trail of incredible friendship and shamelessly broniful understanding~! I'll help yas with yer chest issue right quick like ya hear! Only one remedy. Shut the game down, reboot, and try again.
  23. Some families wait a few weeks, sometimes months before they name their child, so that they can watch and observe their personalities and tendencies, and thusly give them a more acurately characterized name.
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