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Everything posted by Fluttershy4life

  1. Pop a molly and I'm sweatin WOO

  2. Dog passed away today...and oh yeah...Happy Passover?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      Thank you all so much, I really do appreciate it

    3. Fluffy Pinkie
    4. Dreadmallon


      I can relate to your situation, and I give my deepest apologies for your dog.

  3. Probably anything to do with skin, i hate it when TV shows thinks it's necessary to show close ups of people getting needles...why just why... Otherwise i'm usually the deranged person laughing when someone gets hit by a car or something during a movie. While my class was watching The Great Gatsby this girl gets like squashed by this car...the room was completely silent but me who was dying of laughter.
  4. I need music to breathe, I can't imagine life without music. I've been playing violin since I was about 5 years old and I also play piano, clarinet, and guitar. I also sing. For the piano I play by ear which I taught myself to do, i don't actually really know how to play I taught myself everything on the spot. The same goes for singing and guitar. And as for listening to music, I'm not picky at all. ALMOST everything goes for me and i am never far away from my ipd
  5. I think the first game I ever played was GoldenEye007 when I was five with my big brother...(yeah great influence), and I beat him on it. Though he probably let me win since he was double my age, but for me that was the greatest victory of my little lifetime at that time.
  6. South Park for sure has, I used to be a hardcore fan of the show but the new seasons seem extremely off and the show just isn't what it used too be. The older episodes are by far the better ones. Spongebob...everyone else on here has explained that. Dance Moms, the show never was good I know that but the new season has been horrible. And as much hate as I'm going to get on here, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. The new season wasn't as good as 1 or 2 and I feel as if they are trying a bit too hard to appeal to the bronies.
  7. Tired all day...now that I have to go to bed and wake up at 4 am I ain't tired...fml -.-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      It's so annoying I'm super hyper suddenly :P And all day I was so tired I wasn't dealing with ANYONE'S BS at work

    3. longgone


      Read a book in bed? That helps me.

    4. Fluttershy4life


      I'll probably do that :P if i don't i'm gonna be miserable tomorrow

  8. What keeps me going? That used to be a hard question but now I guess I've started living by my own little motto which is You Never Know Where Life Is Going To Take You. Every day is a new adventure, and I want to keep living to see where things are going to turn out. Every day even if things are planned out, you don't know what is going to happen. It's intriguing. Another thing that keeps me going is my dreams and hobbies. I adore the things that I study/do and I love to learn new things. I have a lot of places I want to go to and things I want to do, and the fact that someday I will do everything i've always wished for is enough to allow me to wake up every morning and get out of bed.
  9. Just realized that Marina and the Diamond's album Electra Heart is my life currently in a nutshell

  10. I just adore Nostalgia Critic, he is hilarious. My favorite was when he did those horrible Titanic cartoons, i think i died laughing watching those. Nostalgia Chick isn't bad either.
  11. I love how the librarians trying to get people quiet at my school are louder than the students they are trying to make shut up

  12. You don't grow out of nightmares, but you do grow out of what scares you and find new things that frighten you. I don't think you probably are scared of the monster under your bed anymore but perhaps are scared of things such as murder or losing a loved one. People will always have fears and with that nightmares will occur. I have nightmares every single night, but I've lived through my worst nightmare already so while i'm very jumpy all the time there really isn't anything that TRULY scares me to the point of mental breakdown. Of course there are things that may make me a bit frightened but when it comes to the scariest thing ever, there really isn't anything anymore. (P.S. That nightmare was losing all of my friends at once, and though it's over and done with I have PTSD which means I'll never forget it)
  13. Despite the fact that I tore a muscle...best birthday ever.

  14. Oh no! The title isn't a song lyric! Whatever are we gonna do? Well my blog, my rules and since today is the third month, third day (and i was born during the third hour and i'm the third child) aka my birthday I'm breaking my own rules. So today I am officially 16 years old, old enough to start driving, and legally have sex in my country. Like every birthday I don't feel any different or older and the fact that I'm 16 hasn't clicked in. I don't know why but it feels so much older to be 16 rather than 15, it's only two years off from being an adult. It's frightening to be honest. I had a pretty awesome birthday, one group of my friends held a small get together for me at Starbucks which was really sweet of them and then my parents allowed some of my friends from my other group of friends sleepover. My parents also surprised me this morning with flowers, a card and a giftcard to Chapters which i really appreciate. Today is going to be a fairly chill day, my birthday plans? Hang at home, download some new songs, treat myself to the episodes of Girls Und Panzer I haven't watched yet, and perhaps have Subway for dinner with my parents. I'm pretty humble with my birthday, i mean everything that everyone's done for me has blown me away completely and i am extremely lucky to have amazing people in my life. So i guess this is too my friends and family, thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you all so much and i am truly blessed.
  15. cat got on my keyboard -.-

  16. Finally was able to do a double pirouette...and got a giant splinter in my foot too...totally worth it!

  17. -broken glass on a playground in grade 3. My friends and I were playing house and we were supposed to play crying babies, I set my hand down on a pole or something and a piece of glass went into my hand. I actually didn't cry I just went "uh guys?" and held up my hand to my friends where the glass was and blood going down my hand, it didn't really hurt that much. Everyone else made a deal of it though -Almost broke my hip and had the wind knocked out of me also in grade 3, it was a friend's birthday party and we were jumping off things and I landed wrongly or something because next thing I knew I couldn't breathe for like 10 seconds...it was actually one of the scariest moments of my life -I was texting one time walking to the park and accidentally ran into a stop sign and fell backwards -I was practicing a new trick for dance in my basement and hit my ankle on the metal pole of the pullout bed nearby. Couldn't feel my ankle for a week after that -Once while dancing in my basement I tripped over my N64 and blacked out on the floor. Good times. -Being clumsy, I've fallen multiple times. Once I was zoned out while walking to my school and tripped on the curb at my school and bumped my head, one of my eyes was extremely blurry after that.....maybe that's why my left eye is worse than my right... -Broke my arm on a slide in Kindergarten.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Otherwise, my pain is mostly self inflicted. I only just realized that I'm really masochistic.
  18. At the moment the guy I like has probably the most wonderful and attractive personality I have ever met in my life... The guy I used to date was a huge jerk, he was decent looking like he had everything I looked for in a guy, but he wasn't exactly...the nicest. The most attractive guy I have ever seen is probably this grade 12 that goes too my school. The most attractive girl I've ever met is actually a friend of mine. I used to like her in the you know "like like" way.
  19. At work I'm the "quiet cute one" which is the opposite of what I really am. Seriously, my coworkers always go "awwww she's so cuteeeeee" and some customers quote stuff I say and go "awwwww" And I'm not joking that is what I am known as there. My boss said to me once "You're my favorite because you're the quiet one." I've also been called Jewlia (due to being half Jewish...and the first half of my name sounds like "Jew"), Sammi "Sweetheart" (sadly in grade 8 my friends and I gave each other Jersey Shore names..though I hated the show.), Cat Lady, Sheldon, Wifey, Mozart, Fluttershy, Bramblestar (when my friends in grade 6 thought it would be a genius idea to make a Warriors clan at my school and made me their leader because I showed them the dang books), and of course my Mommy calls me Monkey. My friend also calls me Pinkie Pie sometimes.
  20. I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD 'AY, I'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD 'AY WAITING ON THIS FOR A WHILE NOW So I think I will start every single blog post I have with some sort of song lyric/reference. It's just the way I role. And it makes off to meet better friends, this one guy and I have the EXACT same taste of music and I think him and I will become the really close friends. He keeps on sending me links to songs that I already adore extremely. It's actually pretty exciting that whenever I show him a song he likes it or knows it and I like/know the songs he shows me. He's like my music buddy Anyways, the reason why I'm posting this is because the devil is gone. He told me he hates me, and I honestly don't care at all...I'm actually so happy I don't know how to even react...i finally feel awake. Like that demon just left my life and maybe just maybe i will be okay again. Life will go back to the way it was, where I was just living for the day and didn't care about anyone else. Usually when someone tells me that they hate me, I would care. But I guess in this case.. I just didn't care at all. Actually, after he did that I was playing hopscotch on the coloured tiles at my work and having fun with my fellow coworkers. It was actually probably the most fun work nights I've ever had. I got to know some other girls that normally I didn't really hang with that much, but turns out they're actually really fun people. Not only that, I guess I've learned to start thinking for myself and not about him. My thoughts are actually starting to become more creative I guess you can call it again. I am starting to feel ambitious of things again, I'm beginning to look forward to things again and I don't know life seems to have opened it's doors again. A cappella is starting again at school, i may be able to play violin for music class, i think i've found some of the greatest best friends I have ever met in my life all for which I love and adore, I have plans to get into an amazing school, the classes I have this semester are all my favorites, we may be going back to Florida this year, my best friend in the entire world and I go to the library weekly and get new books to read...I just don't know how to explain this. I feel finally awoken. Like I'm back. this is who I was before he came into my life. Perhaps I'm just at a high because of my reactive depression but maybe not. The resilience I'm feeling...it's just so amazing. P.S. that picture of me was taken in December, wearing my ridiculous a Capella shirt
  21. I have never felt more happy in my life...I have a feeling everything is going to be okay :)

  22. You were never really there for me. But you were always number one.

  23. The new episode..what was that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy4life


      I couldn't finish it so I skipped to the ending. It just seemed too fast. I mean Twilight becoming a PRINCESS was the whole point of the series and they squeezed it into one episode.

    3. Colon Leftbracket

      Colon Leftbracket

      yeah... the earlier portion is actually kinda pointless. I mean its kinda cool to see the other Ponies doing eachothers jobs, but its all so compacted together and gets solved so fast.

      The whole episode should have started with the whole Coronation thing and moved on from there.

    4. Fluttershy4life


      Exactly! The animation or something seemed a bit...off...for me too.

      I don't know, the show really has gone downhill. It's really depressing.

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