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Posts posted by Fluttershy4life

  1. Probably anything to do with skin, i hate it when TV shows thinks it's necessary to show close ups of people getting needles...why just why...

    Otherwise i'm usually the deranged person laughing when someone gets hit by a car or something during a movie. While my class was watching The Great Gatsby this girl gets like squashed by this car...the room was completely silent but me who was dying of laughter.

  2. I need music to breathe, I can't imagine life without music. I've been playing violin since I was about 5 years old and I also play piano, clarinet, and guitar. I also sing. For the piano I play by ear which I taught myself to do, i don't actually really know how to play I taught myself everything on the spot. The same goes for singing and guitar. 

    And as for listening to music, I'm not picky at all. ALMOST everything goes for me and i am never far away from my ipd

  3. I think the first game I ever played was GoldenEye007 when I was five with my big brother...(yeah great influence), and I beat him on it. Though he probably let me win since he was double my age, but for me that was the greatest victory of my little lifetime at that time.

  4. South Park for sure has, I used to be a hardcore fan of the show but the new seasons seem extremely off and the show just isn't what it used too be. The older episodes are by far the better ones.

    Spongebob...everyone else on here has explained that.

    Dance Moms, the show never was good I know that but the new season has been horrible.


    And as much hate as I'm going to get on here, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. The new season wasn't as good as 1 or 2 and I feel as if they are trying a bit too hard to appeal to the bronies.

  5. What keeps me going? That used to be a hard question but now I guess I've started living by my own little motto which is You Never Know Where Life Is Going To Take You. Every day is a new adventure, and I want to keep living to see where things are going to turn out. Every day even if things are planned out, you don't know what is going to happen. It's intriguing.

    Another thing that keeps me going is my dreams and hobbies. I adore the things that I study/do and I love to learn new things. I have a lot of places I want to go to and things I want to do, and the fact that someday I will do everything i've always wished for is enough to allow me to wake up every morning and get out of bed.

  6. You don't grow out of nightmares, but you do grow out of what scares you and find new things that frighten you. I don't think you probably are scared of the monster under your bed anymore but perhaps are scared of things such as murder or losing a loved one. People will always have fears and with that nightmares will occur. 

    I have nightmares every single night, but I've lived through my worst nightmare already so while i'm very jumpy all the time there really isn't anything that TRULY scares me to the point of mental breakdown. Of course there are things that may make me a bit frightened but when it comes to the scariest thing ever, there really isn't anything anymore. (P.S. That nightmare was losing all of my friends at once, and though it's over and done with I have PTSD which means I'll never forget it)

  7. -broken glass on a playground in grade 3. My friends and I were playing house and we were supposed to play crying babies, I set my hand down on a pole or something and a piece of glass went into my hand. I actually didn't cry I just went "uh guys?" and held up my hand to my friends where the glass was and blood going down my hand, it didn't really hurt that much. Everyone else made a deal of it though

    -Almost broke my hip and had the wind knocked out of me also in grade 3, it was a friend's birthday party and we were jumping off things and I landed wrongly or something because next thing I knew I couldn't breathe for like 10 seconds...it was actually one of the scariest moments of my life

    -I was texting one time walking to the park and accidentally ran into a stop sign and fell backwards

    -I was practicing a new trick for dance in my basement and hit my ankle on the metal pole of the pullout bed nearby. Couldn't feel my ankle for a week after that

    -Once while dancing in my basement I tripped over my N64 and blacked out on the floor. Good times.

    -Being clumsy, I've fallen multiple times. Once I was zoned out while walking to my school and tripped on the curb at my school and bumped my head, one of my eyes was extremely blurry after that.....maybe that's why my left eye is worse than my right...

    -Broke my arm on a slide in Kindergarten.....yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


    Otherwise, my pain is mostly self inflicted. I only just realized that I'm really masochistic.

  8. At the moment the guy I like has probably the most wonderful and attractive personality I have ever met in my life...

    The guy I used to date was a huge jerk, he was decent looking like he had everything I looked for in a guy, but he wasn't exactly...the nicest.

    The most attractive guy I have ever seen is probably this grade 12 that goes too my school.

    The most attractive girl I've ever met is actually a friend of mine. I used to like her in the you know "like like" way.

  9. At work I'm the "quiet cute one" which is the opposite of what I really am. Seriously, my coworkers always go "awwww she's so cuteeeeee" and some customers quote stuff I say and go "awwwww"  And I'm not joking that is what I am known as there. My boss said to me once "You're my favorite because you're the quiet one."

    I've also been called Jewlia (due to being half Jewish...and the first half of my name sounds like "Jew"), Sammi "Sweetheart" (sadly in grade 8 my friends and I gave each other Jersey Shore names..though I hated the show.), Cat Lady, Sheldon, Wifey, Mozart, Fluttershy, Bramblestar (when my friends in grade 6 thought it would be a genius idea to make a Warriors clan at my school and made me their leader because I showed them the dang books), and of course my Mommy calls me Monkey. My friend also calls me Pinkie Pie sometimes.

  10. I might be a guy, but I have to say females have it better. When, a girl breaks up with us or we are beating cheated on we go absolutely crazy. I for one, would not do that but I find that females are more calm. :P


    Wut? HOW????? O.o Guys are so much more calm than girls!


    I say guys get it better in general when it comes to these certain things girls deal with

    1. periods.

    2. pregnancy.

    3. being objectified

  11. That is such a hard question because I love so many instruments! But even though it's pretty generic, I adore the piano. I think it has a beautiful sound when it's played right, and the best part is when played with both hands the sound is so full. There is nothing missing in it, it sounds like perfection.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. -I don't think talent exists, people are good at things because they work at them. Not because some sort of magical thing they are born with.

    -The second season of My Little Pony was the best, the first season was okay, it had a few good episodes. Season 3 has sucked, and I think they should end the show before it's so bad that we all just want it put out of it's misery

    -As much as I love Fluttershy, I think Applejack is the cutest character on the show

    -I hate that the moment I told a few of my friends that I started playing world of tanks they think I'm a gamer. No, I play one game. Only when I'm bored. Not every single day. I may try other ones, but I will never call myself a gamer, and nor do I plan to become one. If anything it will become a side hobby.

    -I thought Cupcakes was an amazing fanfiction, I love grimdark.

    -I hate it when people say that EVERYTHING that is played on the radio is bad, not everything is bad, okay A LOT of it is brutal but there is always some diamonds in the rough

    -I think most people today are all trying to be so unique, they all end up acting exactly the same.

    -The concept of dying scares and thrills me at the same time.

    -I actually don't really hate any types of music, because well I don't care about the genre. Music is music no matter what.

    -I am bloody sick of love songs. 

    • Brohoof 1


    Seriously that is flipping amazing, I can't even describe it.

    That is bucking awesomeeeee

     I really wish someone would make a fan video to that song featuring Big Mac as him!

  14. When something gets mega popular it feels like it loses it's meaning, and for My Little Pony I think it will end the subculture that is the bronies if My Little Pony became super mega popular. Bronies were about people standing up against social norms and liking something because it's good, not because you're supposed to like it or that it's popular. If My Little Pony became uber mainstream, doesn't that just kind of ruin the message bronies were trying to spread?

    Also my friend who seems to only like mainstream things has started watching the show now, which for me means "oh it's popular now, it's going to get overexposed. GG I'm out."

  15. Hmmm..I have a huge book collection, I also collect Tetley tea figurines whenever I go to antique malls (which is a lot) and I have taken over my Mom's stamp collection. My favorite one is the one we got for the 100th anniversary of the Titanic's sinking :)

  16. I've seen a lot of movies based off historical events, and you probably should know when it comes to history and movies I kind of go insane about accuracy! It seems like a lot of the main plots of what happened usually are correct but some things aren't always accurate or certain details just get on my nerves. Like a lot of movies about the last imperial family of russia they make the 4 princesses have zero personality when each girl was very complex and real in their own ways. 

    If you are looking for something that'd teach you the outer picture of what happened then I'd say yes, historical movies do help. As for details and stuff, I recommend hitting the books :P

    • Brohoof 1
  17. For me, the day I will truly be happy will be the day I finally harden over and stop caring so much about everything! If I just stopped giving a buck, i'm sure life would be a lot more smooth.

    But until then...

    1. Reading

    2. Seeing my friends, the ones who make me feel loved and appreciated.

    3. Writing

    4. Dancing, i love taking on the roles of other characters and escaping my life and living another one

    5. History, seriously it's pathetic how excited i get during history class

    6. My family, even tho we're at each other's wits a lot, i love my family they mean the universe to me

    7. Music

    8. Helping out other people (cliche yes I know, and cheesy but I love helping others)

    • Brohoof 1
  18. I actually don't mind mondays, it's tuesdays that i truly hate! I don't know why, but it always feels like tuesdays always suck. Like today was a horrible day, yesterday was actually quite decent.

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