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Everything posted by SingingFluttershy1279

  1. I was thinking about that with my daughter a few days ago to. We were thinking about how cute it would be if they had an alicorn prince that perhaps wasn't that old. Perhaps the same age as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Or perhaps Cadence and Shinning Armor could have a son who happened to be born an alicorn. Would be cuter if they had twins like Mr. and Mrs. Cake did, although with them one was born a Unicorn and the other was born a Pegasus. With Shining Armor and Cadence they could have twin alicorns, one a boy and the other a girl, and the girl would be named after Twilight yet they'd call her Little Twilight.
  2. I honestly believe that Princess Celestia sees each of the main 6 to be equally important in their own way. After all there are 6 ponies that stand for the Elements of Harmony, and Twilight just happens to represent Magic that is as strong or perhaps stronger than Princess Celestia and Luna so there for she became a princess just as they happen to be. If for example Twilight was the most important pony why is it that in "Keep Calm and Flutter On" it was Fluttershy that Celestia felt was the pony who could get Discord to change so he'd use his magic for good instead of bad, not Twilight.
  3. I’m sorry, I’ve been waiting for weeks to post that. Anyhow, for me this is probably my most anticipated episode and quite honestly I’m very nervous. This is the time for M.A Larson to show us why he’s my favorite writer and bring this season home. I Love The Beatles! I think it would be soo cute if someone actually drew My Little Pony versions of The Beatles Album covers! Yet they would all be My Little Pony Friendship is Magic related, not Beatles related for example Sgt Peppers wouldn't say Sgt. Peppers, it would say Friendship is Magic or something like that instead for the My Little Pony version.
  4. Oh I didn't notice there was already a thread on this topic. Thanks for snipping it to this other thread based on the same topic.
  5. Was that a question or a typo? I think everyone knows colts get cutie marks so I feel silly thinking it was a question. At first I thought it was until I read it again.
  6. Of the three little fillies, Sweetie Bell, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo whom do you think will end up getting their cutie mark first by actually finding out her true special talent? Or do you think they will end up getting them around the same time? And when or if this does happen (which I think it should happen before the series ever ends) what do you think will become of the Cutie Mark Crusaders? This is my thoughts in the subject. I believe that even if one of the cutie mark crusaders ends up getting her cutie mark before the other two or if they all end up getting their cutie mark together they will still remain together as the cutie mark crusaders yet they will invite other fillies and also colts whom don't have their cutie mark to teach them the ways of finding out who they really are. I also think that Sweetie Bell will be the first to get her cutie mark considering she's often the filly whom gives the best advice whenever the three of them seem to be in a bind like for example in Bad Seed she kept telling Apple Bloom and Scootaloo that they should tell Applejack about how mean Babs was treating them yet Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't take her advice seriously because they were too worried about being called tattle tales and snitches.
  7. It would be funny for an episode of Season 4 if Twilight accidently created a spell which had the main 6 including herself turn into temp. human forms the way fans already have done so in little short cartoons and their own art work.
  8. I can see that to be a possible first episode, however I think it will involve Twilight being afraid of change. Being afraid just as she was before she wanted to admit that she needed to make friends in the first ever episode of season 1. That is why she will want to be changed back into a normal unicorn, yet in the end she will realize how lucky she is to have been given a gift of turning into an Alicorn Princess.
  9. LOL That is too cute thanks! I do think they should show Fluttershy and Discord visiting each other from time to time, If that happens I bet the other 5 will warm up to him more eventually by getting to know him more.
  10. I'm a single mother who happens to love watching this show with my daughter! This series is way better than the series that I remember as a child yet I have to admit that the toys looked more like Ponies back when I was a kid than they do now. Still non-the less both generations of the toys from My Little Pony are cute and I do play with my daughter from time to time which brings back childhood memories.

    1. Gone for good
    2. Crispy


      Well, that's pretty awesome.

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      The ponies look much better in the series now, they looked ugly before ^.^

  11. You do not have to be rude about it! I didn't see it as a ripe off what so ever! First off since when did the Crystal Empire deal with Earth Quacks caused by a Sea Monster or perhaps a Sea Dragon?! There for it was not a ripe off of the Crystal Empire! Secondly I never knew that the Sea Ponies were ever mentioned in returning to the My Little Pony Universe! Not everybody keeps up with the whole My Little Pony Universe, not every adult that likes the show is a My Little Pony brony some of us are single or married mothers who watch the show with their kids!
  12. I thought Celestia said he was her old boa but really she said he was her old foe. I looked it up. This was in his first appearance of The Return of Harmony. Well foe and boa do rhyme. My bad.
  13. I think he has reformed and eventually viewers will learn of how he turned into the creature that he is today. If you can recall Princess Celestia stated once before that Discord was an old Boa of hers so perhaps when they were together Discord started out as a pony but then a curse was put on him which changed him from being a kind hearted pony to the creature that he is today with a personality full of chaos which in turn caused him to forget to know how to make friends up until Fluttershy befriends him. This may lighten up the other 5 to start to get to know him more and befriend him in the end.
  14. In all honesty I never really cared for Derpy. To me she was more like one of the extra characters that's hardly ever mentioned or shown so I never got why people became such big fans of her as if she were one of the main 6 ponies. I wouldn't miss her. And I'm not an overly protective mom.
  15. Do people forget that the Sea Ponies aren't 100% a new idea? They were in the first series and they didn't look like mer-ponies then either. They looked like Sea horses. Mer-ponies would have front legs and hooves and yes that would look creepy. Anyways they aren't 100% new however they would be new to this series. Bring back the old and make it better than it ever has been. That's one of the biggest reasons I started this topic to begin with.
  16. I am not 100% sure if that is what's going to happen on the show. However I often wondered if the main 6 will have the honer of damehood. I wasn't sure if females could get knighted so I looked it up through a search engine and found that damehood is the female version of being knighted.
  17. Fluttershy because I can relate to her in so many levels. I also think she is the prettiest pony of the entire show even prettier than Rarity although Rarity is the prettiest unicorn if however Fluttershy were a unicorn she'd be the prettiest unicorn pony. In my opinion what makes Fluttershy the prettiest of all the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Series characters isn't only just for her looks it's also her big heart!
  18. In my opinion I think Fluttershy. In time Fluttershy will over come her obstacles from her shyness. If shyness were something to stop anybody from becoming a future mother I might as well not have had a child myself for I too am shy and a little skittish at times. I can see Fluttershy being a very loving caring mother who'd do anything to protect her foal or foals just like she does for animals, plus she has learned to not let her fears get the best of her. If Fluttershy was able to become friends with Discord why couldn't Fluttershy become friends with another male which could turn into something more? Many people talk about the idea of Big Mac and her and yet they hardly ever show the two together and they're both very shy ponies. This doesn't mean that they couldn't end up together someday and have their own foal with a little help from their friends along the way. In fact I took the fact that Fluttershy helped Applejack out to get Discord to fix the flooding in Apple Archers as a hint that Fluttershy will help out Applejack many times again in the future which could lead to Fluttershy and Big Mac somehow interacting. Shyness doesn't have to stop you from finding love it's about over coming the shyness and like I've said before Fluttershy has been over coming her shyness little by little and someday she will learn to cope with it and find her Special Some Pony with a little help from her friends. And like I said maybe just maybe that future some pony will be Big Mac.
  19. If you look at the post by himanuts there is a link which shows a book with the sea ponies (which I didn't know about) and they look more like sea horses. Sea Horses don't look like Mermaids so it wouldn't be too girly. For some reason my quotes aren't working!
  20. Cool! I never knew about that book! I must think like the creators. Then again I am a creative thinker which I think most of us probably are.
  21. Imagine a sea Kingdom full of Sea Ponies in Equestria that Twilight remembers she heard about as a filly yet she believed it was just an old fairy filly tale. It isn't until she learns through Princess Celestia that the sea Ponies and their kingdom are real. In this episode there would be massive earth quacks emerging throughout Equestria which are being caused by a sea monster attacking the sea ponies and Princess Celestia gives Twilight another test, which is for her to come up with a spell that will enable her and her friends the ability to travel and breath underwater so that the elements of Harmony can be used to destroy the sea monster which would save not only the sea ponies and their kingdom, it would save all of Equestria. This show idea would also bring back the Sea Pony My Little Pony bath time toys yet they'd have the look of this generation of My Little Pony, which would mean more Money for Hasbro!
  22. I wonder if anybody else in here is in my age group of early 30's besides me?
  23. I have always wondered what species of Owl is Owlicious, does anybody know? Or what would you guess his owl species is? Examples...Barn Owl? Screech owl?
  24. I happen to watch this show with my daughter and I use to play with My Little Pony back in the 80's and early 90's many years ago. That was back when Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were both Earth Ponies. And Fluttershy was purple not Yellow. Yet I love the new look of the two of them. Fluttershy is a lot like myself and my daughter is a lot like Pinkie Pie, yet she is a little like Twilight Sparkle too. My daughter also has a little my little pony collection that she plays with which of course I play with her as well, she's nearly 5.
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