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Things in the Brony fandom you feel are overplayed/don't feel right
MrHaru replied to MrHaru's topic in Sugarcube Corner
"Deserving"? That's a joke. Am I supposed to be impressed about who or whatever MixerMike is? At least Derpy is an actual canonical character that exists who does things. Fluffle Puff is a "OMG HOW CUTE NOW LET'S REBLOG AND PASTE IT EVERYWHERE UNTIL YOU LOVE IT. COME ON HOW COME YOU DON'T LOVE HER LOOK HOW ADORABLE SHE IS. HAVE WE MENTIONED HOW ADORABLE SHE IS?" fandom. -
Things in the Brony fandom you feel are overplayed/don't feel right
MrHaru replied to MrHaru's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Things in the Brony fandom you feel are overplayed/don't feel right
MrHaru replied to MrHaru's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Things in the Brony fandom you feel are overplayed/don't feel right
MrHaru replied to MrHaru's topic in Sugarcube Corner
So uh HOLY COW it has been 2 full years since I bothered coming here to these forums. I suppose I owe my ol' friends here a "sorry I disappeared" post first before coming back in full force but I did have a topic I wanted to share and I hope is fully within the rules. I don't mean to bash or hate on anyone or anything, but after the brilliant Season 5 premiere I had a thought about all of the things I've seen/witnessed blossom in the fandom that I just don't..."feel" connected to. Be it an inside joke, a meme we've made, or other things I just don't get. For myself there's only one on my mind that comes to me only due to my being a Vinyl Scratch fan: why is Nowacking the absolute ONLY voice attached to Vinyl so far? In everything animated I've ever witnessed she's the only voice, ever. Now I'm not saying anything bad about her: I think she's a pretty funny person and I hope to meet her when I actually finally go to BronyCon this year...but I don't think her voice suits Vinyl. I had hoped by now maybe in the fandom other girls would have stepped up to add a more feminine sound to the dubstep/electronica queen of MLP. Again, while I don't dislike her at all, I just have a sort of deaf ear now to enjoying her boyish tone being added to her. And while I'm at it, when the heck is Vinyl getting ANY voice at all? I thought she would have spoken at least one line in Rainbow Rocks but nope. ;A;
flash sentry What are your thoughts on Flash Sentry?
MrHaru replied to Saddle ~ Arabia's topic in Equestria Girls
It looks like the second movie made him even more useless than in the first movie AND THAT IS SAYING A LOT. Rainbow Rocks is a damn near perfect movie and an ultra amazing sequel; it blew my mind how great it was but Flash STILL irritates me. Continuously acting awkward and "oh em gee I hope I don't bump into Twilight again we might actually TOUCH HANDS UGUU" and just adding nothing. He does nothing. Why does Twilight find him so interesting?! I don't get it! Have her fall for someone who attracts her mentally first before simply being her human off-again-on-again crush. It's dumb. He's dumb. I want them to drop his character entirely if they're not going to do anything meaningful with him. God. I'm usually not this upset over a single character but the absolute potential wasted and turning him into a "OH MY SHE LIKES HIM TOO TEE HEE ;)" character just throws a complete monkey wrench into the gears that is the well written movie and lore of the series. Ugh! -
*claps* Bravo, Hasbro...you REALLY came through for me. This finale was FAN-TAS-TIC. <3 I had felt I knew where the episode was going, but the journey through it was all more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be. Seriously though: how about that DRAGON BALL Z stuff included eh? - energy-related super powers - a villain who sucks up the energy/lifeline of innocents in order to get stronger (Perfect Cell shoutout) - energy beam struggles - giant explosions - pushing/physically beating opponents through landscapes - craters as a result of hitting the ground like a comet I loved the fights. I loved Tirek. I loved the raw drama and absolute feeling of despair; that I didn't know what was going to solve everything and how it was going to go. That Discord was GREAT.....and that there's a nice subtle Discord x Celestia hint (in my head canon anyways) with him giving her flowers at the end. That was cute. I'm usually somewhat critical to a point to try and find one or two things that didn't sit well with me on one or two episodes but here? I just....I got nothing: I loved all of it. This finale has elevated what MLP can do in general as a show and storytelling series goes and I appreciate how we are evolving Ponyville and the mane 6 along.
The Fandom's (Second) Worst Trait: Crippling Over-Speculation
MrHaru replied to MissDashie's topic in Sugarcube Corner
STOP. I saw this on the Hasbro posting of the episode too: people dismissive of people genuinely upset or didn't like the episode amounting to 'Bah you're just a bunch of Spike haters!' and no, screw off. There aren't "haters" that are amassing together suddenly to post that they don't like Spike. They simply don't like how Spike was written in this episode. He's better than this. How many times do we have to see Spike completely misunderstand something or get a big head out of taking something out of context? How many times do we have to sit through episodes where he's funny, smart, or heck, the VOICE OF REASON (see the episode where he had to snap Rarity out of her spell, Equestria Girls, Lesson Zero, or hey, even the episode when he was babysitting the pets) only to see him turn into another awkward idiot the immediate next? I argue we don't hate Spike, but we're tired of seeing him get the brunt end of the 'stupidity' swing in the writing. It also doesn't help that they've built this whole event up OVER A SEASON AGO and what did we end up with? "Spike having Spike problems, oh and some fireworks I guess." You can't sit there and tell me with a straight face that the writing of the episode itself (not the Spike parts) wasn't sloppy, because I caught it...and I usually don't point them out. (Trust me I don't go onto the internet each week to read the summary of each episode before they air to pre-hype myself: I just stay blind until it airs.) But here it was just so thick and rife with error I couldn't help but feel it was.....amateurish. Which is odd considering I feel that even poor episodes are saved by at least something going on and I never once looked away in disgust from them: not even the Breezies episode.
It's interesting seeing how the voting of this came out...because for once I'm in the minority. I'm going to be blunt, this is literally the first UNWATCHABLE episode for me. I sat through Season 1, 2, 3, heck I own Equestria Girls. I'll even excuse the fast pacing of Season 3's finale because of how little episodes they had and time to get it out. But this? The Equestria Games? Hyped (hinted rather) since Season 3 and leading to "Spike has Spike problems"? Really? - Why did it have to revolve around SPIKE of all people? No sooner the 8 minute mark hit I just blinked and said ".....we're gonna focus on this ONE THING here for the entire episode, aren't we?" and when he had that thing happen with Twilight talking to him, I just went all Big Macintosh and said "eeeyup. We sure are. :I" - How did Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy come out with the 1 medal difference to win the EG if the VERY LAST EVENT with the ice arrows was the dividing point, pointed out by the 4 of the main cast that was sitting and watching? - If ice arrows can so much as turn an entire cloud into ice by colliding with it, WHY wouldn't the alicorns (or even the event planners) keep that part of the skies clear, or close up the part of the dome with a tarp? - This is what, the 4th episode revolving around stage fright as a story element? - Was irritated we got to see ONE event and it was all "ok show's done. Now let's have fireworks". - Literally could not watch the whole scene with Spike botching up the anthem. I have sat through 3 seasons and every episode on Season 4 no problem (including Equestria Girls) but this I couldn't stomach having eye contact with the screen. As a big event hyped up for awhile I'm actually quite disappointed with the episode as a whole. For myself it's the bottom of the barrel as far as the entire show goes. 3/10 for me.
Anyone x Snips or Snails. Seriously, at least even the antagonists such as Sunset Shimmer or TGAP Trixie have their own things to like about but.. ...I question the sanity of anyone wanting those idiots with someone. I'd have to ask if that person legitimately likes terrible characters, or is a sadist.
I thought the lesson learned was nice for what it accomplished in the end but honestly did Sweetie Belle really need another reminder how much her sister, the Element of Generosity, actually cares for her? Hello? Rarity ran through an obstacle course drenched in MUD to prove how much she cares for her. Then again, she's basically a kid and kids do forget stuff like that from time to time I suppose so her initial reaction to everything was realistic but...meh. Yknow.
I simply do one of two things. 1) talk to them. Figure out where the heck all of the anger is coming from. Most of the time I get people to back down or completely reverse their thoughts in enlightening them what the deal about us as a fandom is....but on the times when it's a teen that's, for example, just repeating shit he reads on 4chan and hating simply to put up a front and is absolutely not in any way open to the convo or what I have to say as a person? 2)...then I simply ignore them. It's a hard thing to do, I admit but it works. Pretend their words on their internet post are as feeble to you as the rambling a of some incoherent drunkard. There are some people that simply won't change their minds no matter what, but for most cases ACTUALLY TALKING TO THE HATER on a private conversation away from public eyes helps a lot because you get to see what makes them tick and if they are legitimate about it or are just repeating the "popular" opinions they heard. This includes telling the haters that bad eggs exist everywhere. Singling them out in the MLP fandom just means it's an easy target for a "see? Bronies are bad people" comment to surface but once you ask them "Have you done bad things before being in a fan of ____? Does that make you a bad person, or do you think you're more three dimensional than that?" I'm sure they will have a hard time coming up with a response. We are a fandom constantly trying to better itself, and honestly with how open it is with itself and how generous it is to the community I'm gonna stand by it. Yknow, 4chan is the reason this fanbase exists.
The problem lies with making it a "title". We are nothing more than simply the classification of big fans of MLP, like Sonic fans, Trekkies, Whovians, etc. the thing is, we are part of a fandom that does absolutely nothing different compared to any of them (shipping, debates on episodes, rule 34, fan fiction, fan art, etc) but we have the unfortunate fact all of this is tied to a cartoon/franchise meant for little girls. THAT'S IT. That is the part alone that is the target of vitriol from haters, the beginning of falling outs from friends or haters seeing you mention the show, or anything else. You know that image that goes "Oh look, a pony! Now your day is ruined!"? That may be funny to joke at but it's honestly how some people will react to the mere mention of it, and because of that it causes a lot of unnecessary drama to people that really like the show. Outside of this, it's people who can't handle that not everybody is going to like it the same way. We are a fandom that preaches tolerance......but oh man if someone is ACTUALLY GAY/LESBIAN/TRAN or is a "clopper" we don't think twice about shunning them. That is, at least that's a possible experience that can (and does) happen to those into the fandom. ...and it causes so much disarray it's disappointing, really. I wish more fans were in my shoes personally. For some reason ever since I've become a fan, I am far FAR more receptive and accepting of LBGT people or those with certain unexplainable/uncommon fetishes simply because I see a lot of passionate artwork in the community. I see things people put enormous amounts of energy into and say Oh hey, a cute: - Lyra x BonBon pic - Rarijack fanfic - Vinyl Scratch x Octavia comic ...isn't that adorable? Look at the expressions and emotives the person went through to making that. These^ are things I told myself and well! considering how many people were ok with posting and talking about female characters like this I began seeing things more openly just as a result. If more fans took the time to reflect back on stuff we have learned/liked from this show then we would improve our image...but for what it's worth I still think it's a nice family to be a member in. I've never felt more accepted than in this extended family.
My Little Pony - Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks (Trailer)
MrHaru replied to MadDoggyca's topic in Equestria Girls
The only things I took from that were that I'm going to love it......and that this one has a lot more human Vinyl Scratch. [sweating intensifies] If you took Flash out of the movie you literally would not have lost anything. He doesn't do anything other than be the instant "hey there's a problem? Problem solved" mcguffin and shoehorned "maybe maybe not" love interest. In it that nothing happens, Twilight just gets all flustered after a few encounters with him and...that's about it. He's so openly accepting of her with barely any conversations between them (not to mention that he sees her as her winged self) despite knowing even less than the EG versions of the other girls...he just screamed "I was put here to exist in this setting". I don't think anyone outright HATED him though. I'm glad nothing ever came of him and Twilight because honestly he's a super flat character. -
Meh, I wasn't really entranced by this episode in the least. I didn't hate it, but I know I didn't like it. Wasn't G3 or G2 filled with these mutant non-horse-but-actually-horse creatures? I feel like this episode took a hint from previous incarnations of MLP for a bit. That being said it had nothing to do with the writing: it wasn't at fault here. I just......felt there was NOTHING to be excited about. There was no conflict anywhere at all...and that's odd for me to feel that way since I usually find something in each episode to like (in every single one right up until now, including Equestria Girls)...but this? Nah. Wasn't feeling it.
Ask Gaming Princess Luna replaces Ask Molestia
MrHaru replied to TorqueEffect's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Well...that's a shame. My Luna-loving friend will love this but me I'm not happy about the sudden axing of a character. This still bothers me on a basis of the world being so fixated to censoring anything remotely sexy (be it for humor or not) but letting it go for other things. Perhaps I will never be completely happy about this but whatever. -
Fluffle Puff is a great addition for show
MrHaru replied to zev_zev The outcast's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Since this is already a repeat thread I will repeat what I said in the other one because my thoughts haven't changed: *paste mode!* ~~~ I thought the creativity of the whole thing died when we had what, six passive aggressive jokes aimed at not liking Twilicorn and the entirety of bashing on Equestria Girls. I know I know, parody and all that jazz but it opening up with the Toy Story 2 bit for why the show was cancelled only left a sour taste in my mouth because I thought "Great so now I have to watch another creation from more fans for why they didn't like this too?". I'm not above knocking on things I like either, but come. on. - All of the game jokes were a nice pace away but....wow, like the heavy emphasis on THANKS M.A. LARSON (Grew tired of that real quick too) I didn't think there was a need for the heavy emphasis on Half Life 2 beyond the Valve logo. - What the hell was with that Windows Rarity thing? - Too many jokes are increasingly getting more on the obscure side for the point of said joke to not come through to me. - Length of it being shorter than 2 was also a bummer, and I was hoping for something else grandiose than the final "THANKS M.A. LARSON" joke even though it was he himself in the video. This was literally the 70 minute version of Half Life with ponies and "We hated Equestria Girls and Twilicorn" rather than a nice parody filled video collaberation that didn't try to shove one, much less two opinions down my throat. I feel that 3 was merely...'empty' and there. The first two were the better ones but I hope that if they bother with a 4th one it will have better organizers or more of a simplified feeling of multiple jokes instead of two being pushed around repeatedly. Also, how far back can we really rely on internet culture to make something funny? Does anyone really know about "All your base are belong to us" or care much for "FULL LIFE CONSEQUENCES" to see some half hearted parody of it? Sorry I know I know I should look at this differently because it was actually made and had time put towards it but...meh. I don't have to like it, just like how I hated Double Rainboom...but that's another topic entirely. A solid 5/10.
Never read the fanfic. At all. But I knew of its reputation and it features my favorite of the mane 6 so I watched it. I cried for at least 10 minutes. Holy Celestia I didn't expect feels for that. But given the context (parenting, having a daughter of sorts), and my age (28) things like this, and the movie Wolf Children have struck huge chords with me. Sorry, I guess I'm a sucker for this. A shame I don't have kids and probably won't considering my luck. ;_;
- 44 replies
- fan fiction
- movie
- (and 4 more)
How often have you threatened to quit the show?
MrHaru replied to FNGRpony's topic in Sugarcube Corner
Never. Because I'm not an over-reactive idiot that saw things like "omg Twilight is becoming an alicorn/they're making a movie where the cast turns humans, better lose my shit and rant for three weeks on why I'm doing social justice in telling everyone to write to Hasbro and complain!". But it keeps happening and all I do is roll my eyes.