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Everything posted by Wandering-Flare

  1. I would actually be all for an episode like this. I've always found Pinkie's state of mind to be the most interesting of the mane 6; after all, those who smile the brightest are often the saddest people. It'd be nice to see what kind of "alter" personality/"ego" exists under that happy smile.
  2. "Change what you cannot accept and accept what you cannot change."
  3. I've actually had that same feeling today. I finished the series but a mere ten minutes ago, and season four was excellent. The ending to the fourth season also concluded a lot, and I feel very accomplished despite not doing anything myself. It was just brilliantly executed and there was an understanding I have never witnessed in a "children's" show before. I understand the feeling, it feels as if there's something genuinely correct about the way things turn out. It's satisfying, and it makes you feel a little warmer to know everything turned out okay. I also think that it helps that the characters - or, most, of them - are very likable and interesting. One of the most intense dynamics I've seen between characters for sure.
  4. I'd like to join if possible, please! I'll be using my character Flare Blitz (my computer is laggy right now, but I can attach a picture of her here so you can see what she looks like when it sorts itself out! - you can see her head, at least, in my icon). She's a pyromaniac, ahah. Anyhow, I hope it's possible to join! Also, would it be possible to get some information as to what the Highschool is called and the general location?
  5. I definitely have to say Rainbow Dash. She's just... brilliant for me. Plus, I'm enjoying her character development, both throughout season three and continuing on to season four (don't bite me though - I'm not quite up to date, but only by a couple of episodes and I don't think they're Dash episodes anyway). I enjoy her connections with all the Mane Six too; makes me think that if she hadn't performed that Sonic Rainboom, the Mane Six wouldn't even be the Mane Six. At least, that's how I see it. Plus, she's just so colourful, it's beautiful!
  6. Holy crap, I REALLY want to RP with Flare Blitz.

  7. Heya, so I figured I may as well share my Skype, since I'm looking for new people to talk to. It's: robyn.jaeger And you should see this image as my profile picture: http://agent-pumpkin.deviantart.com/art/Don-t-Starve-The-Name-That-People-Remember-410228028 Hope to see ya there! Also, I have a mic, but no cam... hope that won't be an issue to anyone. :x
  8. Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'm really just figuring out how to use my tablet properly, haha. Anyhow, I'm glad that, even though it's not really your style, you liked my stuff.
  9. Thanks a bunch for the feedback! I like that one too - and it was sort of intentional, since my friend was in a tough time when it was her birthday, so it was a little humour device, hehe. Thanks again - I'm glad you like my art!
  10. I definitely DON'T think there's such a thing as being too open-minded, since being open-minded is just being accepting. Knowing when to draw the line at accepting things is rather obvious - if something goes against your principles, hurts you, damages people you love, or just generally offends you, then that's where to draw the line - but that's common sense, and has nothing to do with being open. I apologise for your terrible background - it must have been REALLY hard on you! I can honestly say no. I'm a female, yet I enjoy playing all the rough sports, loved to get muddy, adored planes and cars as opposed to dollies and houses. I've never been a fan of pretty clothing, and the idea of dressing up makes me sick. I enjoy typical things that guys would also enjoy - so I can safely say that, as far as this "issue" goes, we're in the same place (but the opposite way around, haha) I've asked myself this so many times. And then reached the point when I sat back and went: "Who actually cares? People like it, boys like it, girls like it, adults like, babies like, everybody likes it, so whatever - if they like it, and it doesn't hurt anybody else, then that's damn well fine." - perhaps that mentality wouldhelp you a little, haha. Think about the big picture; so many people are made happy by this show. Your father may not agree with you liking the show (or any male for that matter), but surely he must value your happiness. If he doesn't then it's his loss, and he must be a rather sad person himself (no offence to him or anything, eheh...) So yeah - I really, strongly believe that there is no "too open-minded" - there can be too much of a good thing, too much understanding, and too much agreement, but being open-minded is what really gets you involved in things. I mean, nobody would have a selection of hobbies if people weren't open to new things; there'd only ever be one thing that people were good at - that's definitely not the way! Open-mindedness is great, pal. ^^
  11. Would it benefit you to look up people drawing them, and explaining how to do it AS they draw it? I know it sounds dumb, but it benefits sometimes! ^^
  12. Okie, so here's the place for me to post my art. I recently got a tablet, so of course I've been playing around with it, and just wanted to see what people think. I'm hoping to one day get good enough to take requests from people. And also, I WILL post WIPs here as well. Also, there will be some pony stuff here from time to time, but those compared to everything else I will post will be an extremely tiny minority. So yeah. I hope you enjoy though! I only have a few so far. My FIRST drawing on the tablet, so please excuse any rubbish quality. My second attempt. A little better; less sketchy and all. And then, after these, I started adding colour (however, my very first attempt at colouring has been accidentally removed from my computer, so I'm starting from my second attempt, haha): And then, as fun little side projects, I did these: So yeah, I hope you like them. Also, the red-haired character, Robyn (the girl with the ears) is currently undoing some MAJOR character development, and actually looks like this, based on attire (the picture's not actually done yet, but her attire is properly sorted at least): I'll post some pencil drawings as well, but those are for a little later! So, tell me what'cha think! ^^
  13. Perhaps you could get somebody to draw it for you then - if you were to give somebody a picture of you OC, and have them turn it into a pony, then you would have your OC. Plus, you could copy from their original piece, and eventually get better. If I may ask, what is it that you find so difficult about drawing ponies??
  14. Okay, so, this thread will be my place to post my pictures. I know the topic title is "Don't Starve Art" - it IS, but it's not in the style. They're
  15. Hm, have you tried doing some rough guidelines as to what they would look like? From my point of view, doing piece by piece helps; if you just do the head and facial features first, and toggle it until you're perfectly happy with it, and then the torso, legs, possible accessories following the same process, it may help you out. Also, from a personal experience, it may be best to design the mane and tail separately, if they are an issue. I know you said you're wanting to turn one of your OC's into a pony, meaning you have an idea as to what they look like anyway, but it may just help you. The only other thing I can say, is not to rush; if you have absolutely no idea right now, then don't force yourself to draw it. Wait a while - something will come to you, if it isn't there now.
  16. I agree with most things you're saying in terms of Angel's somewhat nonsensical behaviour. The only thing I'll ask is: Why can you make excuses for Opal, and not for Angel? I mean, you said "maybe", so it's just a speculation. But that's my only question, honestly, I think y'did a good job at justifying yourself above.
  17. Thank you - I have tried to say this so many times. Bless your face. Anyhow, I think it's safe to say that that is the case. Personally I think that Angel is a good chaarcter to stop Fluttershy from becoming too much of a pansy. Yeah, yeah, I know her name is "FlutterSHY" but the shyness has to be resolved eventually. That doesn't mean getting rid of it, since it's a big chunk of her personality, but it means ridding her of her apparent feeble mind-set. The way she accepts things needs to be made a little more tolerable, eventually.
  18. I'm not really trying to lower her, "lol". I'm simply pointing out necessary things, in order to, you know, move your discussion thread along a little bit. You opened it up, so you should then expect differing opinions. That's rather pathetic, wouldn't you agree? "I don't like it, so I won't do it, even though it's totally necessary!" - that's her mindset? I mean, Rarity hasn't liked mud since square one, but she still got dirty for her sister - she didn't LIKE IT or particularly want to (for the fact of getting muddy, but rather to prove a point to Sweetie Bell). And as you mentioned beforehand, Pinkie didn't WANT to watch paint dry, but she did so for her friends. She didn't like it, but it was to prove something. Yeah, but it doesn't mean they do. I know she has been a couple of times, but it's not as if it's a major recurring theme, and they often don't do it to get her to do something FOR them, more so WITH them (like Dragonshy for example, to deal with the dragon - they didn't make her go INSTEAD of them, they needed her there WITH them to HELP them - not to do their bidding). PYHO had unnecessary amounts of her being shoved aside, but that's because of the theme of the episode, and not particularly what happens on a regular basis as shown by the majority of the show. Yes, people know they can push her around, but it doesn't tend to happen very often. Are you really? Last time I read your response, it seemed you were closed-minded and kind of ignorant. But hey, at least that's been cleared up now.
  19. I find myself with the same issue. Normally, it's down to people who adore Fluttershy being all "That is not acceptable *Favourite pony and how innocent she is rant*" and while that's absolutely fine for people to feel that way, the lengths they'll go to to defend Fluttershy is absolutely ridiculous. I actually rather like Angel; I think he's a good character. Spoiled and somewhat annoying on occasion, but I believe that's what helps to keep his character so fresh, even though he is a minor one.
  20. Hmm... personally, I think maybe Scootaloo flying would cause some kind of weird up-roar for a little while. I for one, would find it great, but I think a lot of people would think it was a repeat of the whole "fixing Derpy" thing - I mean, some - or a lot, I'm not exactly sure - of people, from what I've seen, have theories that Scootaloo has some kind of disability/weakness and that's why she can't fly. The reason that I don't completely rule that out either, is because she has been shown to fly - or hover - for tiny amounts of time before being unable to maintain her own weight any more, due to her wings being tiny. That being said, I'm perfectly aware that it is probably just because she is young. But I think a small portion of people would become incredibly uptight over it, claiming that the show is just ridding of "irregular/queer/strange" aspects in order to maintain "normalcy". Which is a damn shame.
  21. Brutality often makes a good plot device. OFTEN, it means a story is written well, and edited fully to truly explore the theme of 'dark' and 'triggering'. I know what you mean though, it's very negative that Pinkie, of all of them, was the one to receive Diabetes. Even so, I think you're taking it a little seriously, as others in this thread have previously said. People generally enjoy exploring characters (even if the character explored here wasn't Pinkie herself), and it's an interesting thing to do, considering something this deep and possibly triggering wouldn't be on the show itself. Sometimes people have to interpret things on their own due to a lack of material on the show (not saying that the show is bad, but it lacks general issue like death and incredibly bad illness, from what I know - this makes it lovely though), and this goes for anything. People often explore the darker shades of what could happen, because it's perfectly known that most of it, if not ALL of the dark material, wouldn't appear in the show.
  22. I guess it's just the sad reality of society today (if you can even call it "society") - it seems to me that more and more things are becoming "acceptable" due to people just not caring. Just as mocking somebody for their weight or age is apparently "acceptable" as well. :c
  23. Maybe, but that just damages her credibility a little further to me; I mean, if she can purposefully choose which situations to be assertive in, and which to avoid, it makes her pretty... hmm, what's the word... manipulative. That being said, I know that her shy personality is probably a firm reason as to why she chooses not to act on said assertion a lot of the time - I just dislike it when people disbelieve that Fluttershy can be mean, and sometimes even hurtful, since it's been evident that she had negative thoughts, just as any of the other ponies do. Doesn't make her worse, just equal, and that's what I'd like some people to acknowledge occasionally, just as I acknowledge that Flutter's shyness is most definitely a strong portion of her character and that would make it likely that she doesn't "speak out of turn". Apparently more than we have as that necessary assertion never sticks around. No, I don't want her to be constantly mean and hurtful, but the necessary 'say no if you mean no' attitude has got to stick at some point. And, in most occasions, it's a major inconsistency. I sincerely hope this isn't all because you can't take some negative opinions on your favourite pony (or Mane 6 character, since I don't know you, and you may have another favourite pony, background or whatever). I mean, my favourite pony is Rainbow Dash, but I've participated in quite a few threads in which discuss her weaknesses and faults. Perhaps, if that is your problem - you don't like hearing negative things about Flutters, all because she's your favourite - you ought to be a little more open to discussion before actually participating in one. Again, it seems like you're not being very open to discussing her weaknesses, but that's just my interpretation... I mean, insisting that what you're saying in defense of Fluttershy is FACT ("absolute defense" and "truth", when the topic is clearly open) is kinda closed-minded to me. Anyhow, I'm not fighting with anybody. Just wanted to put my opinion out there a little bit. ^^
  24. I actually think there was an element of truth in them. I believe that Fluttershy is the most manipulative of the Mane 6, all because of her shy persona, and wanting to avoid confrontation and conflict. Yes, she can assert herself (evidently) - however, this assertion never seems to stick around, making it a weak element of her character, which implies to me that she sort of 'picks and chooses' which situations to be assertive in, and which ones to be passive in. Which, in my opinion, makes her character a little less trustworthy as a whole. So yeah, I think she simply decided to act upon assertion in that particular instance; however, the insult was strengthened because of bad advice. Still, for me, it doesn't hide that element of truth. I mean, her insults weren't particularly far-fetched, and related to their characters/personalities, in a very extreme way of course.
  25. I find it a rather... interesting topic, reading your descriptions up there; I should probably read one some time, just to see, because it sounds rather cool. I appreciate good plots in a story, because I am a writer myself - this one sounds quite different, at least in my scope of knowledge (but perhaps tha's because I'm not REALLY into the fandom, I just enjoy it mildly, and don't hunt for fanart/fiction).
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