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Bass Flare

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Posts posted by Bass Flare

  1. You can also be very cheeky about it. For example if a girl calls you gay or fag for being a Brony, just look at her and say, "I'm not gay, want me to prove it to you?" And wink at them. wink.png

    Im not going to lie to if that were to ever happen Which for me it hasnt at least Im so going to do that. It sounds hilarious. I doubt any afghan ladies know about MLP though.... xD

    • Brohoof 1
  2. This looks so cool!!! Im downloading it myself but its taking forever. I want to destroy my enemy, wonderbolts style! 


    I hope this isnt a one day thing though. Ive heard from a couple people its a one day thing.

  3. My best/favorite movie(s)


    1. Tremors 2 Aftershocks


    2. Tremors 3 Back To Perfection


    3. Tremors 1 


    4. Tremors 4 The legend begins


    5. Saving private ryan. 


    And BAM! there you go. I hope at least someone here likes tremors as much as I do.

  4. Because of a certain wonderful show that we all know and love, I now view a few things differently than before.

    1. Rainbow colors. Before, my mind associated them with nature, and the homosexual community (no offence, you all are awesome). Now I see rainbow colors as being totally badass, thanks to rainbow dash.

    2. The word 'yay.' Before, when said as fluttershy did, it would have seemed sarcastic and uninterested. Now I associate it with one of the cutest things ever.

    3. Dragons. These used to be the symbol of utter power, now I view them as a cleaning maids who barf up letters from an overpowered princess. Not quite to this extreme, but they have been sissified in my mind tongue.png

    4. Judging things! Now I can see that judging a book by it's cover, so to speak, is quite foolish, thanks to the discovery of this show.


    So what about you? What do you view differently as a result of FiM?

    Yes, it has definitly made me see things differently.

    1. Same as your i used to think rainbows were for children and maybe homosexuals but thats ENTIRELY FALSE!


    2. I have learned to be more kind to your friends and not judge a "book by its cover"


    3. I have had a better disposition on life ever since watching it and watching it just makes me feel good in general.


    Im sure I got a few more but this is fine i guess. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Well true there is alot of hate everywhere really, and vs all kinds of things, its always going to exist really, but that said theres also plenty of happiness you can find in life! biggrin.png. You just gotta look for the bit of Sunshine hiding behind the clouds on the rainy days biggrin.png.



    I agree with all of what Airbourne said to btw biggrin.png.

    Yeah, I guess your right about that. I usually have a very good sunny disposition  I don't know today just got to me I guess. Im finding the sunshine already. Thanks zygen and gone airborne, I appreciate it a lot. wink.png

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I don't know if this is the correct place to post this, but honestly I could use a good laugh or something... The hate is strong in todays world and I feel like its stuck on me like tree sap in a mane. It seems to have been a bit much more than usually today and I guess you could say i am disgruntled. Does any else have an opinion on the hate in? Ide love to hear it. Im open for anything.  ( I know im not being very specific, but if you think about it for a quick second im sure you'll get it)sad.png



    *this is basically how I feel today...

    • Brohoof 3
  7. I respect your values to keep going, Im not hating on any of them. But what keeps me going is mostly my job which is a cannon crewmember 13b in the army and my friends and family. I aint got much left other than that. Im a really mellow person and really thats all i ever need. Oh and ponies help. :wub:

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Not a problem. If I can get them all for you I will! I know what its like to miss out on things like this..bronycon >_> I saved up 1,800$ to go but at the last minute my idiot co-worker bucked up and I had to miss it covering the holes in the schedule

    Awww that sucks. Ide love to go to bronycon and experience it! It be cool if a bunch of members from the site got together and went.

  9. The Vancouver convention centre don't worry though i'll con extra hard just for you Vinyl. -Hugs- If any of the voice actresses appear then i'll be sure to get an autograph for you too!

    ...You do that for me, con X2 is intense im sure??! Please I would love to hear all about it when you come back from it. Ide love to see your autographs if you get any, One could only wish.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. well, i tried to do the Vinyl Scratch one tonight.


    i lied in bed, and listened to it. i felt a kind of "sinking" feeling when i was in the bed, but i had trouble closing my eyes, and i felt a bit of shuddering doing it. i also slightly moved my limbs around and paused the audio log in order to put on Repeat Track.


    i came to the part when the VS transformation had begun. it was a bit struggling, but eventually i kind of sunk into it deeper. however, half-way past the audio log i got extremely tense and frightened over what happened, so i woke myself up. right now, i am sitting here typing this, and feeling quite ridden. i'm unsure what hypnosis could do to my mind, being diagnosed and all that, and it felt like i was violently fighting back against the sensation inside of my head instead of embracing it.



    When I did it i felt the exact same thing. The vinyl scratch was the first one i did and have not gotten the same results as i try the others like pinkie pie or fluttershy. 

  11. I have several questions, but I'll only ask a few.

    Do I have to keep my eyes closed or open?

    My familiy always says that to be hypnotised, you must think of nothing. But When I tried thinking of nothing, I thought of space. That was thinking of something. What do I do?

    I was told to relax, but I got SO excited that I was thinking things like "OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH I CANT WAIT TO BE A PONY!!!!!", and I realized that I wasn't relaxing. What do I do?

    I released all my muscles, and it hurt but I felt it starting to work. Then, I felt my head dropping down, like I wasn't paying attention to my neck. My neck started hurting, and I realized my head was cocked to the left. WHAT DO I DO?! PLus, do I keep my hands in a fist to make it feel like a hoof when it says? PLEASE ANSWER THESE QUESTIONZ!!!!

    I share if you like what i did.  Eyes closed, relax(i was sitting in a chair and managed this) and just chill like you dont care. My neck was up the whole time it did sag a bit but i guess i held it up with the minimum ammount of force. I havnt tried the other ones but the one i did she told me to picture the stuff and i did and its weird i was doing stuff like smiling then she said "a smile appears on my face" and the whole time i was believeing this was real but it was and no i didnt have my hands as a fist just out laying about. hope it helps you. :blink:

  12. Oh, I actually tried the Rarity one last night.


    I am susceptible to hypnosis and I enjoy it so this worked very well. When I say the trigger on it, I can still feel everything and it's pretty nice :)


    I will probably download and try them all within the next few days.



    I was skeptical at first but as everything started happening slowly and i got real numb it Work its weird! I say the phrase and it happens when i lay down its intense ive never felt anything like this. I did Viynl scratches in the additional recording and everything happened although i didnt feel the tail, maybe cause i was sitting down. and when i say the revert to normal it just exits my body slowly i just cant believe this work im sort of freaking out but in a good way. I have to try the others soon.


    Sooo, there's never a day where I don't see any posts relating to "well I wish I lived in Equestria" or "well I wish I was a pony" so here you guys go, you equestrian race dreamers, here's the next best thing!



    I cant thank you enough, Ive never had an experience like this before its crazy, i just never would have guessed. I did the vinyl scratch one in the additional notes section and worked perfectly except for the tail i felt something wierd but dont know if it was a tail. Again i cant thank you enough im going to try the other ones soon to see if i can get the same effect. :blink:  :(

    • Brohoof 2
  13. Welcome to the forums! Hope your research goes well! I could contribute if you want.



    Why i joined MLP forums: I recently beacme a brony and was looking at all the sites for talk on mlp and to have a fun time. :lol:


    What made me join this fandom?: I watched videos mostly on youtube about spoofs and PMV s and thought it was pretty cool, I dabbled in and out of this for a little while then i got into the music and Absolutely loved it! Now im currently halfway done with season 1 (started watching yesterday) I just love everything about MLP. The community is just awesome, and hope to be apart of it from now to the end.

  14. @Vinyl Beat: even though i know that my everyday mundane life is still very much the same.. its nice to be able to 'feel' something again. Know that there is at least some hope, ya know?


    I Know what you mean, I dont understand but being apart of the MLP Community feels right to me. Im very happy to be apart of it.

  15. Hi there, and welcome to mlp forums. Fun times await you, my friend.

    Thanks Betez, I cant wait for them! /) Im having fun just exploring the site.


    Hey there! That's great that's how you entered the fandom like that! I was the other way around when I first came in!  I'm sure you'll find a warm welcome to the forums! 

    Hi! anndd yeahh. Not sure really why i started out that way. everything just kept gettting better the more and more I looked. Ive got warm welcome from the 2 of you already. :lol:

    • Brohoof 2
  16. Well my names bloodpain, im 19, part of the military, a very advanced gamer with some hacking/modding and hex codding skills and am now a huge fan of MLP! But TBH i've kindof like the community of MLP before I even checked out episodes of the show. The community, art, fanfics, music just blew me away! So now just recently i've started watching MLP and just loved it! So I decide to find a forum to be a part of and to have some good times. ^_^  Hello in advance to everyone!

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