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Posts posted by SeraphLena

  1. What ever happened to love and tolerate?


    The G3 ponies are more visually appealing when it comes to toy design, but the G1 and 2 ponies are what a lot of us remember from our childhood, so they hold a special place in our hearts. Friendship is Magic may be the best cartoon version of My Little Pony, but that doesn't mean you should mock and ridicule the older ponies of my childhood. There is something good about all of them.


    I wish I had some idea of who that pony is, but I just have no clue.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I mentioned in my welcome post that I do custom ponies, so I thought maybe this would be the right place to mention that I'm currently having a contest..


    You can win a First Generation MLP, customized any way you like so long as it doesn't require any sculpted bits.. No purchase necessary or anything.. You do need a tumblr account, but your don't have to actively use it. It's just how I'm keeping track of people who enter, and how I contact them if they win. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator..


    You can get all the details over here if you are interested. http://custompony.tumblr.com/post/15930827334/contest-you-can-win-one-of-the-above-ponies


    I'm happy to answer any questions you might have, also.

  3. I am open about my Pony Love and I bribe all the guys in my RPG groups to watch the shows. I bake them cupcakes or other treats to get them to try the show out. I even made that offer to a guy at work. "Watch 2 episodes and tell me about them and I will bake you cupcakes or brownies. Your choice."


    Hehe. For a friend's birthday, who is also a Brony (Or Pegasis if you prefer), I made her Gluten Free rainbow cupcakes. I was going to take my Pinkie PIe and custom her up as Pinkamina Diane Pie, and have her serve the cupcakes, but I got so sleepy and ran out of time.


    When people tease me or make comments, I just laugh and tell them they can't make fun of it till they watch it. And inform that that all of my customers for customized ponies so far, have been men. And I tell them all about the Brony community and how great it is. They tend to shut up after a bit :D

  4. I do hope I am sharing this in the correct place.. The subforum seemed to be for drawings..


    But I thought I would share my latest custom that I was rather proud of.. She is based off of Mab from the Dresden Files books. She's sold so I no longer have her, but I do have the pictures.




    I have some better shots of her on my tumblr too that reall show off her curls a lot better. And since I cannot seem to make the link work.. I guess I just have to post the annoyingly long URL to share that >.<


  5. Just wanted to stop in and say hello.. I'm new here and a tad on the shy side at first. I found this place doing a google search for My Little Pony Blogs.


    A little bit about me:

    I am a customizer who just got back into the hobby after some time off.

    Fluttershy is my favorite pony.

    Dresden Files is my favorite book series, by Jim Butcher.

    The Dresden Files Role PLaying Game is my favorite tabletop RPG.

    I work at a grocery store overnight, and one of the fun things about my job is making cakes.


    Is there anything else anyone would like to know about me? If you're interested in seeing some of my customs, I have a deviant art and a tumblr both listed in my profile, I think.

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