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Posts posted by Azteca

  1. Parents, you don't want your kids growing up to be hookers, then start getting involved in their lives and teaching them morals instead of expecting them to learn it from the tv.  You don't think those skirts are appropriate, then teach them that and stop wearing clothes like that yourselves.  Girls are going to be exposed to slutty behavior and clothes at some point whether you want them to or not, whether it be tv, school, the mall, their friends, their friends parents etc. but if you as a parent teach them what is appropriate and teach them morals then they won't grow up to be sluts.  I grew up watching Sailor Moon fighting justice in mini skirts and playing with Barbie and her big boobs and inhuman long legs but my parents taught me to have respect for myself and also to understand the difference between my favourite cartoon prancing about in skimpy clothes and the consequences of me prancing around in skimpy clothes.  Stuff like this is just an excuse for people to hear themselves talk.  Obviously none of these parents let their kids watch Nickelodeon or they'd be thrilled to see a MLP movie compared to the trash that that network is putting on these days. 

    • Brohoof 4
  2. Okay so I made this thread way beofre *Spoiler* I saw the Picture Of Shimmer as a demon. *Spoiler* I actually think that she might be a really great villain, Perhabs a Ponified CM Punk.

    *spoiler* Yea but that's only after she puts on Twilight's crown isn't it? (according to mlp wiki)  So her 'demonic' powers may just come from that and it may be similar to Trixie when she used the Alicorn Amulet. 

  3. I'll prolly end up getting these, but I may wait and see if they will have a 2nd wave release seeing as these look pretty basic.  I'm a little disappointed that Apple Jack doesn't even have a real shirt, it's molded on; I hate it when they do that. I like Sunset Shimmer but her outfit doesn't even look like it fits her properly; it may look better in person but I'm thinking I might have to do a little modding when I get these.  I wonder if they'll have anything set up at sdcc...

  4. Don't really care about the whole *who's the cutest girl-brony/pegasister* contest; never really thought of myself as pretty and have some self-esteem issues but I'll post a fun pic, because everyone likes fun pics smile.png


    Ok so this is me a few weeks ago at Toomer's Corner Auburn.  To those unfamiliar with Toomers it is in Auburn Alabama and is home to the Auburn Tigers football team.  For many years there has been a tradition to roll the corner where 2 large oak trees stand after every win, football expecially but every sport counts.  About 2 or so yrs ago a rival football fan decided he was going to be a good sport and poison the trees; after a year or so it was decided that the trees could not be saved and a last day to roll them was scheduled.  83,000 people showed up and the entire street was FULL of toilet paper. So yes, that is toilet paper that it looks like I am eating; it was floating by just as I snaapped the pic and it was EVERYWHERE.  But it was an exteremly fun weekend smile.png

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I've merged your topic, 'Dreaming in Equestria: MLP Dream Experiences You've Had' with 'MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion', which covers all MLP dreams that someone has, and where they're free to share them, no matter what they're about :3

    Thank you.  I thought there might be another dream topic already made (seems like a pretty popular thing) but I didn't find this one.  :)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. So this morning (working nightshift this week)  I had a very vivid quite strange MLP dream. 

    It started out as I was with the mane six in Canterlot Castle with Princess Celestia and Luna and they were giving us grave information about a dark new power that had arrisen in Equestria.  The whole land was being taken over by a dark shadow and everything it touched it consumed.  All of a sudden while speaking to us Celestia's eyes started to shimmer and glow and a cruel smirk spread across her face.  She then began to laugh hysterically, frightening all the ponies about especially Luna.  Then in a silky deep voice she began to warn us that the Shadow Queen had come to Equestria and even our precious Celestia wasn't safe from her power and was now under her complete control.  As Celestia began to laugh hysterically again we all ran to the windows to see shadows slinking across the land from tree to tree, pony to pony and up from the depths of one of the shadows a tall dark unicorn arose and headed straight towards the castle.  All of the shadows eminated from her.  Just as I and the mane six began to ready ourselves for battle my cat jumped on my chest and woke me up dry.png  

    This is the first MLP dream I've had and I was a bit surprised at how detailed and vivid it was.  I don't remember dreaming that I was a pony but I don't think I was in human form either.  Which finally leads me to the point of this post wink.png  

    Has anyone ever had a dream about their ponysona or pony oc and how detailed are the dreams that you have had?  What did you do? Who did you meet? 

    I've had quite a few dreams about not being human (dragon, wolf, Cthulhu-esque alien etc) so I imagine it is only a matter of time till I dream of Equestria again and honestly it may seem silly but I am quite excited about what ponysona I might take on in my dream yay.png

    Below is a pic that somewhat conveys the image I had in my dream of Crimson Shadow who called herself the Shadow Queen.  Though while whispy and fly away similar to Celestia's her hair was also much like Crysalis' in that it hung down over her face.  I guess she is a personification of watching the episodes with Crysalis and King Sombra too many times, next to Nightmare Moon they are my favourite villains. smile.png  And next to that is a pic of the Queen of the black puddle from Courage the Cowardly Dog.  If anyone has seen this episode the way she moves is the same way Crimson Shadow was moving, slinking around never picking up her feet and the shadows fell around her in a way that it covered her hooves giving her that floating feel and she rose and sank from the shadows much like the queen did.


    • Brohoof 2
  7. Rainbow Dash and Twilight are the two that I am most like.


    Dashy - I am very competetive and athletic and have always been a big tomboy and honestly I still have the secret dream of having wings and being able to fly yay.png  that would be sooo stellar.

    Twilight - Despite being a tomboy I am also a huge bookworm and as soon as it's time to come inside or I can't be outside I can always be found curled up with my favourite book and I love to study and had the same irrational fears about school that she does.


    Applejack - Applejack is prolly the next most like me since we are both very down to earth and while my husband and I live in town right now I am dying to find some property out in the counrty and love spending time on my grandmother's and cousin's farms.


    Pinkie Pie - We are both a bit on the crazy side and I love telling jokes and throwing parties and giving gifts. I also have a bit of a sweeet tooth laugh.png

    Fluttershy - While I do have my shy moments I am nowhere near as shy as she but we do have a strong love of animals in common.  My dream is to have a large farm house with a bunch of inside and outside animals all around.  My hubby picks on me because I talk about wanting pigs, and cows, and sheep etc but I refuse to raise them for meat.  He asked me once 'well what do you plan on doing with that milking cow you want so bad after it's utter detatches'... 'keep it as a pet I' replied, 'just because it can't give milk anymore doesn't mean it deserves to be a hamburger'.  He rolled his eyes yay.png

    Rarity - I probably have the least in common with Rarity but I do have random bouts of femininity and do enjoy watching fashion shows and sewing as well as painting with various different mediums. 


    Spike - Though I don't wear much jewelry I do have a weakness for my favourite jems: rubies, sapphires and emeralds. wub.png

  8. I am a 27 female and I find facial hair VERY attractive.  The hairier the better; I love thick beards. I guess to me it's a sign of virility.  Though it's only been in the past oh I'd say 5 years or so that I have started to really like facial hair.  I think for women there is definitely an age factor.  When I was a tween I didn't like any more than just a slight dusting no matter what age man, the older I grew the more I began to like it more and more not only on the face but other parts of the body eg. chest hair used to make me gag but now I prefer a guy with a little chest hair, no back hair though that's still pretty much a no-no :)  Strangely enough as I have aged I have done a complete turn-around I actually find clean shaven men to be unnatractive.  I think one thing that influences my taste in facial hair is my family.  I have grown up surrounded by men who look just like the Robertsons on Duck Dynasty.  I definitely don't like my husband clean shaven, makes him look like a prepuscent teen.... quite off-putting; right now he has a full beard but a shaved head, which I think is very handsome wub.png

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I live in a REALLY small town and have only recently bought a mlp shirt and dashy earrings so I haven't had the chance to make any Brony friends or acquatences outside my family.  But I am happy that after I became such an avid fan I got three of my cousins into it.  Now me and my younger cousins (14 &12) go out collecting the blind bags together and my older cousin (38) has fallen in love with the show and started collecting the blind bags as well and is totally in love with Pinkie Pie :)   I do secretly hope that at some point I will meet more Bronies that aren't family :)

    • Brohoof 3
  10. My favourite pony... humm... I would go for Rainbow Dash but I like Rarity a lot too. Shared second place :D

    Awesome, Dashy is my favourite too :) I'm a tomboy like her and I love her spunk.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Awesome thanks for the friendly welcome ya'll :)  I totally forgot to mention my favourite ponies.  Rainbow Dash is prolly my ultimate fave with Twilight coming in as a close second, I'm kind of an egghead tomboy so I just have to love both of them :P   Zecora isn't a fave but I really love her character and wish she were in more eps.  Love the songs, Pinkie Pie's insanity always makes me smile even on the worst days



    • Brohoof 1
  12. Hiya! Name's Azteca, I'm new here and I'm always crap at introducing myself or saying a bit about myself but here goes. I love MLP, grew up watching the original show in the 80's and when FIM came out just had to watch it and was hooked the first day. Been looking for a good MLP forum to join for a little while now and finally came across and decided on this one. I mostly only collect the small molded figures and a brushables, I don't have any of the larger merch. In addition to MLP I love collecting many other dolls such as MH, Bratzillaz, Disney, and Barbie to name a few as well as some action figures. Nice to meet ya'll :)


    • Brohoof 2
  13. I started out collecting the molded characters a little while back. I stuck with them for a while because they were small and looked more like the characters than the brushables and I was already collecting a number of other doll lines so I didn't really want to get bogged down with another. Then the brushables began to grow on me and I've just started modded their hair to look more like the cartoon. I have a few articles of clothing; shirts, socks jewellery that I have. I would say I collect more of the toy merch than clothing just because I find them so adorable. I don't have that many accessories but that may change with all the branching out they are doing with different items and characters; I did notice quite a few things at the toy fair that I might have to pick up later.

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