My parents found out indirectly. I bought a shirt at Hot Topic and the clerk and I were talking about the show in front of my dad, who gave me The Stare the whole time. He's chill about it now, even willing to give the show a look at.
Ah yes, the satisfying feeling of converting a person. But be wary: it starts with one, then it becomes two and etc.; soon you find that your whole community is in the herd. And the cycle repeats itself until the inevitable friendpoccalypse arrives. (I really need to lay off of the Code Red)
I used to be concerned about what people would think if they knew I watch MLP.
Nowadays I go to school wearing this
Needless to say I got admiration from my school's closeted bronies. And not a single buck was given by anyone else.
At first I didn't particularly care for the design, but as I was looking for a shirt with my favorite pony, I realized I had no one favorite. Now I'm getting this design because it has my favorite pony, all of them
I'm planning on getting two shirts from wlf. One of them I'm getting for sure is the Slayer parody w/Celestia and the elements on it. I'm not sure what to get for the other one. Any suggestions?
I had the sort of "Tell Tale Heart" deal going on where I couldn't bear hiding my broniness and so I eventually started to wear my shirts at school. It was a great decision as I found more people who accepted my interest than those who ass around. (Note: I never hid anypony's heart under my floorboards )