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Everything posted by Dashiiizzz

  1. I wish i could make music like this but either way, this remix is amazing! its really chill and its definitely something that i could sit back and relax to. Great job on the remix!
  2. Well, my non-brony music is made depending on my mood, or something. I love music and, even though im still pretty new to making music, i love creating my own tracks and being able to express myself through what i create. For my brony music though, I'll be like watching an episode and ill see something or hear a song a go "you know, that might sound nice in a song." and go from there. I would love to be able to contribute more to this fandom (which is another reason why i create) but sadly im still too amateurish
  3. cockroaches. Once when i was like in 3rd grade i went to put on my shoe, but i felt something inside. Thinking it was just a rock, i reached inside to grab, and as i was pulling out i tried to squeeze it a little to see if it was actually a rock. It didnt feel like a rock, so when i pulled it out wouldn't you know, it was a freakin' squirming cockroach in my little 3rd grader hand. I'm terrified of them since that day.
  4. i usually try to slip in quotes whenever i can. I once mentioned princess luna (indirectly) in one of my poems for english class. Another time, they were selling muffins in a bakesale at my school and i said "Muffins" like derpy, but that's not much of a reference. I also got some of my female friends that im close to to do a Pinkie Pie Promise whenever they promise something, so that's pretty cool. Other than that i just say simple stuff, like the "20% cooler" and simple stuff like that.
  5. Oh these are PERFECT! You did such an amazing job, it's even better than what i had in mind! thank you so much! :D Thanks jreidsma! I still really like this one, its awesome! Thank both of you so much! You are both very talented individuals and I wanna thank you both for responding to my post
  6. Umm, honestly I'm not really familiar with resolution sizes and such, but jreidsma sized it at 1600x900, so i guess we could go with that. I'm sorry thats not really too helpful... I actually do like this one, but maybe if you could throw some effects or something on there? because it looks "plain" and i hate to use that word because it is actually really good (better than anything i could ever do haha)
  7. Well I, for one, will definitely be a brony for a very long time. Even after the show ends, It'll still be great to see what fans keep doing, like the brony music, brony art, fanfics, so i think that even when the show ends there will still be a lot of fan content to keep me, as well as everypony else i think, happy.
  8. I can definitely see how people can be turned away from some of the disturbing art and fanfics (because some of them are just...way too disturbing...) but the remixes that people create and the original songs they create inspired by the show or a song in the show make the whole series and fandom 100 times better! Even some of the better art and fanfics make this fandom the best one out there. However, we do have those people that create some of the more..."messed up" type of art and stuff that make people not want to be a part of the fandom. But that doesn't mean you have to hate every brony because you saw some disturbing art or read a nasty fanfic, because not all of us are like that. A lot of people are ignorant though and judge us ALL based on 1 single thing. If only they could see the more beautiful side of our fandom...
  9. So since I'm not adept with photoshop or any of those things to make a cool wallpaper, i was hoping any of you could possibly make a wallpaper for me? Something with a dark theme and has this picture of princess luna in it : Or a pic similar to that, as long as it has her with those white glowing eyes. Now under that, I wanted it to say "Lunar Mafia" That's pretty much it, I just want those things on it and have it look cool but have fun with it
  10. Well, A long time ago, maybe when i was about 11 or 12? anyways i made an account on icanhascheezburger.com (you know with all the lolcats and stuff?) anyways, i made an account so i could post some lolcat pics and way back when i was 11 or 12 i thought i was just the coolest person that ever lived, i dont know why but i did, so i made an account called Dashiiizzz (cause, you know, i thought i was The Shit so i became Dashiiizz and 12 year olds can't curse) so...That name just kind of stuck for me. My usernames for most of my things is Dashiiizzz or Dashiizz. Im happy with my name though
  11. I think being a brony is being a fan of the show, but there are some people that enjoy the show that aren't bronies. I guess it just depends on how big a fan you are of the show. All the music and art people create is just people using their talents to show appreciation for the show and such. So not creating brony music or art wont make you any less of a brony IMO.
  12. Ughhh...I hate when I have muscicians block...:(

  13. I only buys shirts and wristbands and whatnot. I'm not too into the toys or the comics and stuff. Currently i own 2 brony shirts (A DJ Pon-3 one, and the one thats the Ford Mustang symbol but its rainbow dash instead and it says brony under it. its pretty cool) but i think i'd only buy clothes and accessories for now. Although, there's this super awesome Vinyl Scratch backpack and its like her holding on to you from the back. I REALLY want that lol.
  14. I'd pick fluttershy because she's so nice and caring and i could definitely imagine saying romantic stuff and doing romantic things for her (I don't know if yall know what i mean but idk its hard to explain) but either way it would cool to go walk around a park and admire nature and stuff. Plus who couldn't love those light blue eyes and big soft pale pink hair (which i assume would be incredibly soft)? She's just a loveable creature!
  15. Oh i definitely wish they were real. First off, I'd LOVE to DJ and produce music with Vinyl Scratch. That would be like the opportunity of a lifetime. Plus we could share music tastes and whatnot. I also would love to have Fluttershy to cuddle with at night when i go to sleep. She'd also be really chill to hang out with at home, oh that would be so cool just sitting down watching T.V snuggling with Fluttershy and just relaxing. Yeeeeaaahhh....I so wish they were real!
  16. Well I have a song I recently finished. Here you can check it out and listen to it for yourself https://pony.fm/t291 I hope i posted that right...I didn't know how to lol
  17. I really like it! I really like the eyes and her hair looks really good I can imagine how her hair is difficult lol but it's better than anything i could ever draw haha
  18. I do like this idea, but I feel like if the series just ended like that, there would be a lot of people asking questions and wanting another season and stuff. Honestly, I feel like Magical Mystery Cure should have been the very last episode of the series because honestly I can't really imagine what they can do from here...but i mean i guess they did go somewhere with it because I think there will be a season 4 if i am correct? Correct me if I'm wrong though
  19. It usually depends on what I do. Like if i did something i actually regret doing then I feel ashamed and just kind of look down. However, when i do something completely awesome or funny and get in trouble for it, that's when I'll start to smile or laugh when someones getting mad at me.
  20. I feel like you're going to be one of the coolest people on this site just by that introduction...
  21. Yeah even i thought the beginning was a little too much i probably should've added something in the beginning or made it shorter. but thanks for your input!
  22. You have no idea how much that means to me thank you so much! I honestly was thinking it wasn't that good of a track but thank you!
  23. Guys, check out my new song here:

    It's a remix of pinkie's smile song :)
  24. So i made this house-y remix to pinkie's smile smile smile and i wanted to see what you guys think This is my second brony song that actually sounded somewhat good in my opinion so i hope you guys like it
  25. See i wanted to become a pegasus because flying and all that would be awesome, but seeing some other posts made me want to stay human... I feel like if you stayed human everypony would want to see you or get to know you so you'd be pretty popular being the only human in equestria. Plus being able feel Fluttershy's soft pink mane with my own hands would definitely be awesome!
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